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About malt25

  • Birthday 10/25/1948

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  • Location
    Sakon Nakhon

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    Sakon Nakhon city.

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  1. Several purchases. Happy with all.
  2. No !
  3. Bought same. More than happy with it.
  4. Whoever did the calculations, 100 Billion, has Tourettes
  5. They were easy to sopt. Had Trumpty Dumpty mug shot instead of uncle Ulysses
  6. Let Mr Google be your friend !
  7. Does the Orange Moron have sufficient vocab to hold such a conversation or does one of his minders conduct the communication ?
  8. Safety is certainly an issue. Another issue, does he pick up the crap after the pooches have done their business ?
  9. "It's not pleasant for females. " What, Hi 5ing ?
  10. The GPS coordinates for Sangkhlaburi are approximately 15.15556°N, 98.45333°E. This town is located in the Kanchanaburi province of western Thailand, near the Myanmar border.
  11. I'm guessing it could start from either end. Start probably the other end from the finish ! "The starting point for the trek from Sangkhlaburi to Umphang is typically Sangkhlaburi town itself. Many trekkers begin their journey here and head towards Umphang, passing through scenic Karen villages and beautiful landscapes along the way"
  12. Maybe open your eyes. Who carries their passport while out walking the pooch in the dark ?
  13. "They couldn't wait to get back to their sandwiches! " Thais having sandwiches for lunch ! What planet do you live on ?
  14. Nope ! Being retired has nothing to do with your income. 99% of we expats will have to file a tax return. If & how much we might have to pay is another issue.
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