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Posts posted by malt25

  1. What image, Pattaya has always had a dubious image, why are they going for easy targets rather than fixing the important things like corruption, and chasing the real criminals.

    Dubious is being polite. The police should change all criminals not just the ones that are high profile.

    What would you have the police change them into ?

  2. A two inch long gash in his left wrist, but there was no sign of violence?

    Tell me, was there a chair or bench, or something, nearby that he would have had to stand on to commit suicide?

    Dead falang? Oh, it's suicide. Never mind that his head is bashed in, or there's a machete sticking out of his back. It was suicide.

    So you were with the police when they went to retrieve the body ???

  3. A real basic house in a village is plumbed to the mains, but sometimes there are multi-day outages and even when on the pressure can be insufficient to turn on a shower heater or run a clothes washing machine.

    I was wondering if there is something real simple to provide good pressure and a reliable water supply. My (uneducated and possibly bad) idea is a check valve at the entry to the house and then connect a demand pump to draw from the big vat of water in the bathroom and outlet it to the plumbing. Is this a good solution? If so what kind of pump would be recommended? Are there submersibles? Otherwise I suppose it would be necessary to connect the pump to the vat drain so the pump and incoming plumbing are below the water level of the vat. Any tips / advice appreciated.

    Your idea is most of the way there. You've talked about a pump, a storage tank and connecting these to the municipal supply and also your house.

    If practical, you might want to consider putting the tank and the pump outside. Done correctly it would probably look nicer and you would hear the pump less.

    And when there are several days of water outage as the OP suggests you run the tank out in a day or so and are still left with no water.

    Mmmmmmm.... maybe an additional tank ?

  4. Young wife! She was 48, certainly the next door Thai neighbour would't have been having an affair with her. The only person who would be interested her would have been another desperate farang.

    How do you know the victim was desperate?, and furthermore are the Japanese referred to as farangs?. Have some respect.

    Try reading my post again. I never said the victim was desperate, I was saying that only some desperate Farangs would be interested in a women of 48yrs.

    Japanese did not come into it.

    You think ! What age do you consider "desperate material" ???

    My lady is 45, that make me desperate ? Before settling down with my lady I had relationships with girls in their 30's. Some of the qualities with my lady are maturity, life skills, understanding, empathy, sincerity. Oh, & for what it's worth I don't consider myself in anyway desperate.

  5. Ubon Joe is the best source of info for Visas and a huge asset to TV. After all its is Thai "visa" .com

    You gota be kidding me.

    Care to enlarge on that comment ?

    You know very well I can't do that, but lets just say I have received my fair share of conflicting and confusing visa information.

    So, what's it feel like to be odd man out ?

    I'd almost go so far as to say in a lot of instances Joe is more knowledgeable than most of the boffins in immigration offices.

  6. Very negative responses from most posters. Facts are pretty good to help work out what happened. We don't have them. It's pretty cruel to ASSUME the wife was involved.

    Settle down Minikev. This is an open public forum. I'd guess about 5% of content is factual & reliable info. The other 95% is entertainment.

    I very much doubt said wife will get to read any posts on here so cruelty really isn't an issue.

    Have a fantastic day.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  7. According to his Thai wife, Ms Poranee Napadol, she was not at home last night but went to visit her mother who was suffering from kidney sickness.coffee1.gif

    and ...........

    and.... isn't it strange that Thai wives are never home, and have solid alibis, whenever their foreign husbands die in suspicious circumstances.

    Of course, in this case it may be purely a coincidence that she was away. Someone with a more suspicious mind than me however, might suggest that the someone may have paid the neighbour to get rid of the husband for life insurance purposes. Perhaps the money could then be used to take care of someone's unwell relative. Perhaps the neighbour got a case of the nerves, hit the bottle, and that's why he left such a messy trail. Pure speculation of course. Perhaps one of the side effects of having lived here too long.

    Whatever the real reason for poor man's death, I do hope he is somewhere better, resting in peace. sad.png

    and isn't it strange that so many tv members instantly make so many negative comments.

    Not strange at all... that's what we do.

  8. Why choose to live in a Buddhist country and start planning 10 weeks ahead 1 meal that celebrates a pagan/christian festival?

    I've never got my head around this sort of thinking.

    Because everyone is on vacation and the children also enjoy the festivities.

    Luckily not everyone thinks the same

    Thais aren't on vacation. I'm not on vacation. Most Thai schools are not Christian and they are not on vacation. Government offices don't close for Christmas so they are not on vacation as well.

    A few thousand farangs are on vacation in Chiang Mai during Christmas. A few hundred of these will spend a relative fortune on a tasteless chicken substitute and a few vegetables meal. I just don't get it.

    But to all those 'expats' who can't live without a Christmas dinner, enjoy yourselves and have a great day because luckily not everyone thinks the same.

    Just for the record... I live in a rural village & nothing Christmasy here... except the lights I put up... & the local kids & adults love them. Few know what they are about, but they think they are cool. Also make up a BIG basket of lollies & treats & all the kids come around on Xmas eve & have a kids party.

    And just to piss you right off.... we put on a Christmas day BBQ lunch for all the local friends & neighbors. Nothing religious, I'm an Atheist. But world wide it's a time to celebrate anything you like... happiness.... friendship... freedom..... a lust for life..... Life should be a celebration.

    So miserable "Loaded", just celebrate on the 25th.... it can be pagan, christian, political, multi or non denominational, anything you can think of. Just try looking above your navel.

    As always.... just my 2 bobs worth........ Cheers..... Mal.

  9. "It's known that Thailand follows the US (particularly California) on many consumer health trends (smoking bans, handicapped parking, banning plastic bags, etc)".

    What ?

    Never seen a handicapped car park here and the plastic bag usage is off the charts.


    Well → you can scratch one off your list.....This is a local Makro + the Big C's also have clearly marked dissabled parking along with a few banks.....

    Never seen one of them so can only assume they are isolated in their usage so no point in scratching it from my list just yet.

    "Never seen one of them so can only assume they are isolated in their usage so no point in scratching it from my list just yet."

    Start scratching ol mate. You obviously don't get out much. Sakon Nakhon, relatively small city, have lots of handicapped parking signs. I recently drove to BKK & return & encountered several car parks with designated handicap parking.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  10. When you come to Pattaya,you need to wear a bulletproof best at all times ,also make sure you are armed and never ever walk alone after lunchtime,especially down beach rd ,there are lots of Indians who will acost you ,and blue pickups with seats in the back ,they will honk their horns and ask you to get in then try and get as much ofyour money as they can,beware it is an evil place ,and don't get me started on the Russians up in Jomtien

    If you're old enough to know better.... why write such crap ?

  11. I safely run red lights all the time. I was advised to when I first moved to Thailand. The reasoning is, so you don't get rear-ended by some shmuck.

    Kinda brings to mind an old saying.... You don't need a long neck to be a goose !

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