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Posts posted by malt25

  1. Mornin all.

    For the past few days I'm experiencing 2 issues.

    1. When I try to read a post, I get "Sorry, we couldn't find that"

    2. "You do not have permission to view this topic."

    The tab at the heading says "Error-Thailand forum"

    Any ideas how I can fix or what the problem might be ?

    Cheers..... Mal.

  2. Where would you get a air bed in central Bangkok? And I guess I'd need a bicycle pump? I'm asking because things like that seem hard to come by around here

    Please don't take this as a flame.... BUT, you don't appear to be very imaginative. Outdoor & camping outlets. Online stores. I'd almost venture to say there's nothing you can't buy in BKK if you're serious about it.

    I'll give you a hint..... Let Google be your friend.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  3. "Is it fesible to travel from bkk to kanchanaburi province to see the sights?"

    I think it will be somewhat difficult to see the Kanchanaburi sights from BKK, so yes, definitely better to travel there.

    On a slightly more serious note, I'd suggest at least 2 or 3 days if you want to do your visit justice. Hell fire Pass, War museum, the bridge, war cemetery. Go a little further & stay in one of the floating hotels overnight.

    I've done a 2 night / 3 day package tour from Pattaya a few times & have driven a hire car there from BKK. You won't be disappointed.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  4. I'm not too much into IT stuff, but my solution for radio is.

    Have internet on my phone. Use Tunein radio through a small Blue tooth speaker. Great in the workshop, out in the garden & excellent "Blue toothed" to my car audio.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  5. Only in the mind of a Farang?

    You obviously have no experience or knowledge of how business is done in Thailand...Of course Citi along with many businesses offer promotions and discounts for using their products and services...You seem to have missed the point ......MONOPOLY.....Citibank is the ONLY card allowed to be used for payment...otherwise you better have enough cash on you,or you will be leaving all the purchases at the checkout and leaving the store empty handed.

    "otherwise you better have enough cash on you,or you will be leaving all the purchases at the checkout and leaving the store empty handed".

    I wonder why there's always 3 or 4 ATM's outside the front door of every Makro ?

  6. With regard to cards..I tried to pay my bill with a Bangkok Bank debit card for my goods at Makro on Sukhumvit Rd Pattaya....No chance...it is obscene that Makro do not accept ANY payment by card.........UNLESS. ...It is a Citibank card....that's what I call working with your customers for ease of payment......NOT!!!!

    Obviously someone at the top in Citibank has slipped a few Vanilla Envelopes side ways to get this monopoly for payment at the check outs! Or do Citibank own Makro?

    Golly Gee ! I wonder why it's called Makro Cash & Carry ?

  7. Anyone know where about the concrete fasteners are in Home Pro?

    It was hell trying to get the employees to show me the Allen wrenches last time, even with a drawing.

    No problem. They're right beside the timber fasteners, two shelves below the alan keys.

    Maybe the problem was your drawing skills ? If sign language doesn't work I always Google what I want on my phone & show them.... never fails.

  8. Bats, great big pooing bats in caves. Scary. And they would come flapping and screeching down at you as you slept and bite you with their little bat teeth. And leave their guana on your head. Which you could probably collect to make a fire.


    Being nekkid might be fun though. traipsing through the horrible tropical forest. tripping over tree roots and snakes landing on your head too. Leeches, mosquitoes, etc.

    Will you take a tent?

    You could take your i pod and listen to Meatloaf.

    Speaking of BATS..... Me thinks the following just about sums this post up... totally.

    "Bats in the belfry" Meaning

    Crazy; eccentric.


    "Bats are, of course, the erratically flying mammals and 'belfries' are bell towers, sometimes found at the top of churches. 'Bats in the belfry' refers to someone who acts as though he has bats careering around his topmost part, that is, his head."

  9. Siam Motor World

    Siam Motor World Servicing the motoring needs of Expats in Thailand. We are a Bangkok based company run by a British and a Thai manager who have nearly ...

    Thoroughly recommend there guys. They're still helping me out over 12 months after purchase.

    No association with this company other than a very happy customer.

    PM me if you need any further info re them.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  10. First thing you need to do is stop the pretense.

    I have been with my wife for 5 years, married for 3. Her 10 yr old daughter recently moved in with us having been raised on a farm in Isaan by the grandparents.

    Once you accept the reality of the situation, instead of I have a mate syndrome, you might start to bond with the child. Time, love, empathy & patience are just a few of the qualities you will need.

    A long road ahead with many tears I suspect. Are YOU up to it ?

  11. Here's an idea. Go to an Isaan market & stock up on scorpions & other bugs. Go & buy all the CD's you can find of Tarzan movies. Get naked. When it all becomes too much, after a day or 2, you won't be too far from a pharmacy to go & buy your meds.

    On a more serious note. The loners & adventurers in this world usually tend to have sufficient nous, idea, common sense, about living an alternate lifestyle. Remember, it's more about the journey that the actual destination.

  12. 4 psi will have absolutely NO detrimental effect on tire wear or performance. Will enhance wear & fuel consumption. Slightly harsher ride, maybe.

    As stared in above replies, decal recommendation is car manufacturers, not tire manufacturers recommendation.

  13. " I am a normal guy, I don't like girly bars, Ive never had a dirty massage, I don't visit the Nana plazas and its likes."

    Me thinks somewhat of a contradiction here. Normal guy not liking girly bars & never had a naughty massage. ??????????

    I'm an old fossil, happily settled with a great girl & family up country. But I do recall in a past life being somewhat NORMAL & enjoying girly bars & the odd naughty massage. But then, maybe I wasn't NORMAL.

    Me thinks the post is a load of rubbish. If situation is as you describe maybe best ask your mum for advice.... while she's dressing you & preparing your breakfast.

  14. A wedge. When I'm in a shout, drinking with mates, & I, or someone else feels the need for a beer before the next round of drinks is bought, go & buys oneself a beer. That's a wedge. As in, the extra drink is wedged in between shouts.

    Probably just an Aussie thing. Not impolite or bad manners. Just tell your mates you are having a wedge & not bailing out of the shout.


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