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Posts posted by malt25

  1. Alfredo, this is a forum. You have started a topic here for us to read and comment on. Many people took the time to give their view on what happened to you. You should appreciate that. IMO, nobody went too far in expressing their opinion. And if they did, the mods would have jumped in... I guess. If you don't like somebody's opinion, just move on and ignore it. Don't need to get over excited. Conclusion: The majority clearly doesn't agree with the way you see it. You can do whatever you want with that information. But a comment like "Shame on you all" is really unnecessary.

    Yes it is sh.t that you lost a sum of money but sometimes sh.it just happens. But I am sure that this won't happen to you again. In other words, you learned from it. So move on and don't waste too much time arguing with people you have had nice conversations with in other threads. It's just not worth it. Just continue being the positive, bike loving guy you are.

    Great post.

    Alfredo, most on here ask & receive a bit of information & advice, correct or not. A lot of what is said is tongue in cheek & for entertainment, being justified or not.

    If you keep responding you are asking for "smart arse comments"... kinda like making yourself a target. Don't take it all so seriously.

    Enjoy your biking...... & take care where you park. :-)

    Cheers..... Mal.

  2. Thanks for all the comments, most of which misunderstood my question smile.png

    I am not going grey or concerned about the colour of my hair.

    My hair is not falling out - I still have the same length of hair and in the same areas of my head as I had 40 years ago. I have not noticed any change in the amount of hair and do not see hair strands in the shower etc.

    But it is the 'quality' of the hair strands on my head itself which concern me - and I appreciate the comments and advice in this thread as to how to improve the health of those strands.

    Simon. You can't improve the health of your hair... it's dead !

    You think maybe a reputable hair clinic just might offer better advice than on an open forum ?

    At 56 don't you have more important issues to be concerned about ? just wondering.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  3. Let us know the outcome when you sue AOT.

    Suing will not happen, sorry. tongue.png

    Comprehension not one of your stronger points ?

    "sarcasm" [sahr-kaz-uh m] noun 1.harsh or bitter derision or irony.
    2.a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark:
    Alfredo, mate... in common speak it's called thking the piss out of someone.
    Cheers..... Mal.
    Yes, I know, yellow card coming.
  4. 2nd

    I blame "everybody"? no, only one, the AOT who ordered me, to use that unsuited parking space with signs and verbal orders.


    No error in judgement, it was not foreseeable, sure not from a driver of a some hours before rented motorbike, that to use that ramp could have that mishap.

    "Ordered" may not be the term you are looking for. In your original post you said, "I asked security, they advised"...

    In your own judgement it was an 'unsuited parking space" which you chose to use despite its unsuitability and your own inexperience on that motorcycle because otherwise you "would have been the only one parking not upstairs".

    You could have easily chosen to listen to your own misgivings regarding the suitability of the parking and just parked where you felt was suitable. As you know from being here for so long, airport staff would assume an expensive, brand new, big-bike belonged to a V.I.P. and you could have parked anywhere with impunity.

    Mike, Alfredo will be along soon to reply to your comments & tell you that you are wrong. You'd think by now he'd give up.... BUT, he like having the last word.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  5. Alfredo, mate ! Do you think just maybe, by your continuing to blame everyone but yourself, continuing not to accept responsibility for your error in judgement, continuing to prattle on in general, most readers are getting a little bored with you & your attitude ?

    Go have a lay down. Go have a beer. Go have a nookie. Get over it. Like thaibeachlovers inferred... after 25 or so years here you should know how things work.

    They win, you lose... next please......


    I am not your mate.

    Who writes such comments in my thread, cannot be a mate.

    Who has mates like you, does not need enemies. bah.gif


    I blame "everybody"? no, only one, the AOT who ordered me, to use that unsuited parking space with signs and verbal orders.


    No error in judgement, it was not foreseeable, sure not from a driver of a some hours before rented motorbike, that to use that ramp could have that mishap.


    Nobody is forced to read that thread and when some are already annoyed from my opinion

    and attitude they are free not to klick that thread and answer and try to advice me with their "right' opinion.


    Go for a beer with -thaibeachlovers- who likes your opinion.

    I do not drink beer and your proposals give to your mates, not me. I am not one of them. coffee1.gif

    Let us know the outcome when you sue AOT.

    Best of luck mate.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  6. just saying that you are responsible for anything that happens because of your free choice.

    so the (temporary) motorbike parking lot should have been thought of, to fit for BIG bikes too)

    You have by your words been in Thailand for at least 25 years, yet you make a statement like that cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif . Have you not learned by now that Thais don't think, nor care about things like that?

    I know at least now why you have in similar long membership the double amount of contributions.

    Because you like to lecture and tease people needlessly with your statements

    and seem to feel satisfaction out of that. blink.png

    Pathetic pastime.

    Alfredo, mate ! Do you think just maybe, by your continuing to blame everyone but yourself, continuing not to accept responsibility for your error in judgement, continuing to prattle on in general, most readers are getting a little bored with you & your attitude ?

    Go have a lay down. Go have a beer. Go have a nookie. Get over it. Like thaibeachlovers inferred... after 25 or so years here you should know how things work.

    They win, you lose... next please......

  7. I find eggs difficult to peel if left in the cooking, warm water. As soon as boiled as required, remove from hot / warm water & put in cold water for a few minutes. No problem peeling with this method. And as stated above, a little vinegar works wonders.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  8. Me thinks rocket boy has either been sniffing the rocket fuel or is trying for the "smart arse" award of the year.


    "If the driver is not a tourist or visitor but is a resident with a non-immigrant visa, then it is necessary to have a Thai driver's license. However, those with a foreign license as described above or an International Drivers License are excused from doing the practical driving test when applying for a Thai driving license.

    Note: Although International Driving Licenses are valid for up to one year after arrival in Thailand, after three months many comprehensive insurance policies are made void if still driving on a foreign license."

    Smart Arse Post Award... Vote 1... Rocket Boy.

  9. 300 items of underwear collected over a 10 year period kept in his house and his wife did not notice, she obviously does not spend much time cleaning does she?

    Finally under interrogation he additmitted he liked to sniff then, would like to know if the penalty for stealing and sniffing is greater than just stealing. Purely out of interest of course, no personal motive here.

    This happened in Issan. No such thing as house cleaning up there. Everyone's property looks like a litter dump. They use something and then just throw the empty packets on the floor.

    Ok leytonorient, you care to make post 13 an apology for a being out of line with your original offering, or just going to fade into the distance ? We all make the odd mistake now & again. Show us what you're made of.

    Just an idea.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  10. 300 items of underwear collected over a 10 year period kept in his house and his wife did not notice, she obviously does not spend much time cleaning does she?

    Finally under interrogation he additmitted he liked to sniff then, would like to know if the penalty for stealing and sniffing is greater than just stealing. Purely out of interest of course, no personal motive here.

    This happened in Issan. No such thing as house cleaning up there. Everyone's property looks like a litter dump. They use something and then just throw the empty packets on the floor.

    You think maybe you are overstepping the mark just a tad ? "No such thing as house cleaning up there" "They use something and then just throw the empty packets on the floor." Care to elaborate on that comment ? Maybe you could pop around to our house & I can throw you on the floor. You appear somewhat empty.

  11. "Boosters (toddler) seats are less than 1k. Bucket (baby) seats to EU standard are 3-5k."

    I'd like to know where. You have any idea where I can purchase in NE Isaan ? BRITAX, just as an example, start at 18,000 baht, up to 37,000 baht.

    I think quality at 3,000 might be a bit suspect ??

    Thanks..... Mal.

  12. You do know Thailand is number 2 worldwide in road deaths, the U.N. is putting pressure on them to cut their death rate in half by 2020. I have driven it always a shocked how many roadside deaths you see. the Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai road drunk female mowed down 5 cyclist just happen in May. How long have you driven in Thailand? if you do never during holidays drinking and driving is a national sport, never at night,and thai's will never stop after an accident.do not want to have to pay out for there mistake.

    Bob, mate ! OP lives in Thailand... works in Thailand.... rides a bike in Thailand... has done some travel in Thailand. You think he might have just a bit of an idea of road & traffic situation ?

    If you can't offer something positive, constructive to his question..... why bother.

  13. State of Origin starts at 3pm on Setanta (669 True vision).

    Is Mal still on the wing?....biggrin.png

    I think the 3pm game is a replay of the first game. According to my TV guide, game 2 live starts at 17:00 Bangers time. The game is also on channel 125.

    Looking forward to this game, Cronk out and Cherry-Evans in for the toads. DCE is a great player but he's still working out playing with Thurston, they haven't really clicked yet. Just as well with the pair they're up against. Can't believe Hodkinson and Pierce are still there, what's Daley thinking? Gunna end in tears I reckon.

    Gallen and Morris back for the cockies is huge too, this game is going to be nuclear. Especially after a relatively quiet first game this year. Get the grog in and put your seatbelts on!


    Go the blues all right

    26 to 18 win for the Blues. Now 1 all. Third game in Brisbane

    Yep. Grand to be a blue just now

    Don't worry... you'll be soooo blue after the decider. tongue.png

  14. VISA agents don't seem to need separate tickets.

    I guess different rules for paying customers.

    The agents always seem to be carrying a pile of passports and I have not noticed more than one ticket. You are right. It does not seem to apply to them.

    The main reason I do 90 day reports by mail.

    Your queue number Is a lottery.Witnessed on my last visit some 6 or so mths ago an agent fronted the desk with no number and a bag full of passports so while your number might be getting closer you are relegated to a frustrating longer wait.Judging by the chit chat between them it wasn't the first time.

    Would it be so hard for Imm to put a trainee or volunteer near the 90 day counter with a flyer that outlines alternatives to going there ie explaining that you can do it on line or mail.

    Might even get a volunteer through Thai Visa as some folk seem to like to spend some time there "people watching". At the very least PUT UP A SIGN spelling alternatives out.

    My experience last week.

    Was at Sakon Nakhon Immigration office doing my annual extension application. Very senior looking female officer, lots of braid & starts & stuff, came over & politely informed me " you do 90 day reports online now, save coming here to office" "Hope this is of service for you"

    So, would appear some offices are trying.

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