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Posts posted by malt25

  1. Hi all. I trust this is the right place for this inquiry.

    Can someone advise me of a suitable UPS to purchase ? I know absolutely nothing about them. Home use during power outages. Don't want to spend a fortune. What sort of money am I looking at ?

    Also, is it likely the local telephone exchange might go down when there is a power outage ? Losing modem signal ?

    Yes, as you can tell I know very little about such stuff.

    Thanks in advance..... Mal.

  2. Well, the report has certainly proved the utter stupidity of Submarines for Thailand. Again they have shot themselves in the foot by off the cuff comments from someone who knows very little of the subject. What the hell is the use of 3 subs which contrary to Admiral Kraisorns are easily identifiable in 50m of water and deeper. The most maritime western country in the SEA region, Australia, has 6 collins class subs of which more than one or two are rarely operational. They are about to upgrade to 12. Maintenance is astronomical, more so than any other form of maritime vehicle. Austrlia has the longest and deepest shoreline of any other country in the world so you can say there is some justification for submarines, but Thailand??????

    Just one small correction. Australia's coast line isn't number 1, I think Oz comes in at about number 6 or 7. Canada has the longest coastline by far.

  3. Sorry i do not know what sort of familly that the OP married into ,but i have been accepted as my wifes husband (not as a foreign one either) from the beginning , i am asked for advice , and spent time with all of them ,only my mother in law does not speak english and one sister ,but she gives me a hug when she sees me and "talks" to me through my wife , they stay with us here in Pattaya sometimes and 3 off them have in England ,just as we stay with them and even go away for weekends , they are just like any familly nice and kind.as for the children ,they are all grownup except one who is now 4 and when i see him he always runs up to me shouting uncle ,uncle , mind you he does pick his nose sometimes.smile.png

    Sounds very fake.

    Not to me.

  4. It's a personal thing. Body art & decoration has been practiced since the beginning of time. Different strokes for different folks.

    Especially by criminals, rich sports stars and low life trailer trash.

    So jacky, which category do you put me in ? I have 4 small tatts, only one visible when I'm dressed. First one when I was 55 & last one at 65, I'm now 66. Don't for one minute regret any of them.

    I have no criminal record... I'm certainly not rich or a sports star... & I don't live in a trailer.

    Reading your comment, an old saying comes to mind....... You don't need a long neck to be a goose.

  5. Funny, we had an unexpected visit from some of my wife's family tonight.

    MIL, SIL, BIL, 1 Niece 20 years old, and children of a niece and nephew not present, ages 2, 6 and 7 years.

    Everyone came upstairs to greet me.

    MIL gave me a big hug...not easy for an older Thai woman to do.

    Discussed school with my niece ( university student ) for almost an hour.( in English)

    Spent almost another hour playing with the young children.

    When it was time for them to leave...

    Another big hug from MIL.

    Handshakes and thank yous from the SIL and BIL.

    A hug and thank you from the niece.

    Kisses goodbye from the young children.

    The problem may be you or the family you married into?

    You think??

    I couldn't agree more. I'm in the same situation. I get lots of respect & acknowledgement from my family & neighbors.

    All the kids wave or wai when passing on their way to & from school. Love the life here in the village.

    OP, just maybe it's YOU.

  6. Morning all.

    A little assistance please. I'm trying to print a TM8, re-entry application form from Thai Immigration site. I can download the page, fill in all necessary details, but can't find any way to print the completed form. You can see from this request I'm NO computer guru.

    All info, advice, is very much appreciated.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  7. Thais lie as soon as they come in to this world it is a part of thailand , back home we are brought up not to lie but we lie sometimes in our life but Thais are just out right lies I see it all the time but that dose not mean I not like Thais and thailand I love the place to come and go but could not live there full time

    Me thinks there's lots of people very happy that you don't live here full time.

  8. Hi all. Some advice... info please.

    I married a Thai national in 2009 in an Ampur in Bangkok. Divorced in Australia in 2012, we were both residing in Australia at that time. I'm now on retirement extension here in LOS & the ex is still resident in Australia. My current plan is to remain residing in Thailand until I drop off the perch.

    I have had the Aussie divorce documents translated & certified.

    The issue. In the unlikely event that I wish to marry again, or, for other official Thai matters, should I register the Australian divorce here in Thailand ? If so, where would I go to register the divorce ? The local Ampur ? A government department in Bangkok ?

    In the event of me being seriously or fatally injured, kidnapped, arrested & charged with some offense, I assume that Thai officialdom would / might, try to contact my ex, as they would probably consider that we are still married.

    All serious advice, info, suggestions much appreciated.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  9. As Jessi advised.... http://www.ozforex.com.au/

    I've been using them every month for ages. Great service at minimal cost.

    Don't use an Aussie bank..... way, way too expensive.

    Cheers..... Mal.

    I do an internet transfer with my ANZ account, A$15 to transfer up to $10,000, which is my daily limit.

    Next time, check the ANZ exchange rate against Ozforex. Often quite a difference. But the plus is ANZ transfer is much quicker.

    Just sayin..... Cheers..... Mal.

  10. It rained here late yesterday arvo. The wife and her brother were working in the mango orchard. I saw the rain coming and rode out to see if they were packing up...they weren't! We all got drenched! But it was badly needed water for the trees. By the time we got back to the village we were shivering and in need of warm showers!

    "It rained here late yesterday arvo."

    Where? rolleyes.gif

    Here ........tongue.png

    Not here... must have been there.

  11. 77 to 32 is my idea...


    Why do you care ?

    I just want the best for the birth country of my girlfriend.

    I think its easier for most non-1st world nations to manage and improve their country if they had less divisions (states, provinces, districts etc.).

    Can't wait for post #18. Lets have a few guesses.... Suggestions on how to start a new political party.... Suggestions on how to make English the national language.... Why some farangs should have to take an IQ test before residing in the Kingdom.

    Magic, increase your meds dosage.

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