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Posts posted by malt25

  1. Are you serious that you cannot find ground cayenne chili in Thailand..... in Thailand, really?

    Yes.... really !

    You think we are on here talking about & requesting advice just for something meaningless to do ?

    I have no doubt Cayenne pepper is available in Bangkok & some larger cities but not all supermarkets in provincial cities stock it.

    Cheers..... Mal.

    I also live in Issan and virtually every market has a seller of plastic bags of peppers; both whole and ground.

    This topic is about CAYENNE pepper.... NOT Thai chilies. The bagged or loose chilies we find in all Thai provincial markets have absolutely NO resemblance to CAYENNE pepper.

    I guess you were trying to offer assistance of some sort, thanks, ... BUT, if you don't know the subject matter, maybe best not to offer comments.

    I'm not trying to flame you, but so many posts get derailed or side tracked by comments & info that are not relevant to the topic.

    I've now got my CAYENNE pepper at last.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  2. Fresh chiles dried in sun and run thru a blender..........yikes

    Why "yikes" ?

    Besides my self & Thai girl, most of the locals grind dried chilies in a blender or food processor.

    We live in a very rural part of Isaan, however being 2015, most of the locals do have some modern appliances.

    Would be interested in knowing why you feel this practice is "yikes"

    Just as a matter of interest, we use the blender to make rice flower from grain. Quick rinse after the chilies or rice or whatever else & ready for fresh coffee beans. Kinda thought that's what one did with a grinder / blender.

    Chilies, garlic, ginger, coriander, onion & some Soi sauce + whatever else takes your fancy, & you have a great marinade for chicken or pork.

    Happy grinding.

    Cheers..... Mal.

    Yikes only meant very spicy.

    Ah, now I understand. I thought you were questioning grinding the chilies in the blender.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  3. Fresh chiles dried in sun and run thru a blender..........yikes

    Why "yikes" ?

    Besides my self & Thai girl, most of the locals grind dried chilies in a blender or food processor.

    We live in a very rural part of Isaan, however being 2015, most of the locals do have some modern appliances.

    Would be interested in knowing why you feel this practice is "yikes"

    Just as a matter of interest, we use the blender to make rice flower from grain. Quick rinse after the chilies or rice or whatever else & ready for fresh coffee beans. Kinda thought that's what one did with a grinder / blender.

    Chilies, garlic, ginger, coriander, onion & some Soi sauce + whatever else takes your fancy, & you have a great marinade for chicken or pork.

    Happy grinding.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  4. Are you serious that you cannot find ground cayenne chili in Thailand..... in Thailand, really?

    Yes.... really !

    You think we are on here talking about & requesting advice just for something meaningless to do ?

    I have no doubt Cayenne pepper is available in Bangkok & some larger cities but not all supermarkets in provincial cities stock it.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  5. Really? Please leave the fruits in the tree for the birds and the squirrels to eat.

    You can buy them any day and anywhere you want. They cannot.

    Much more fun seeing them enjoying it.smile.png

    Really ? One goes to the trouble of planting & taking care of for ages. So when ripe, you sit with a cold beer in the evening & watch your efforts eaten by birds & squirrels...... yeah, right.

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  6. Easiest thing would be to use a coffee grinder or something similar with regular dried chiles you can easily find here. It's what I used to do in the US and what I'll do once our kitchen is finished. No more wasted time or gas

    I think you'll find fresh ground local chilies & cayenne pepper have a completely different taste. I've been using both for many years & have tried to substitute one for the other. Very unsuccessful. The taste is so different it can easily spoil the overall dish.

    Yes, grinding your own chilies is the go. So much better than bottled store bought chili powder or flakes.Jus

    Just sayin...... Mal.

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