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Posts posted by malt25

  1. If I am going too fast and pass a guy holding a speed gun, I know a checkpoint

    is ahead. So I cross over to the oncoming traffic side, then slowly drive against

    traffic with my blinkers on until I pass the checkpoint. Then cross back... This is

    pretty easy to do on a motorcycle , guess it could be done in a small car... :-)

    You are joking... right ?

    If not, you are one seriously fuked up guy.... & so is anyone liking your post.

    Immature, irresponsible & a complete cockhead are just a few names to describe the likes of you.

    Most farangs deplore how Thais drive...... & then along comes the likes of you.

  2. IMO it's better to (very slowly) get off those meds altogether. I been on ADs twice and they just don't really work. They make you a dull, sleepy, emotionless, don't give a toss robot... Get some therapy and try getting off these drugs. 10% off the dose every 2 weeks is slow enough. I have done it, never felt better and I have had some rough times lately. Proud to have dealt with that ON MY OWN, not on drugs. When people talk about getting depressed again after lowering the dose it is just withdrawal, it will pass, if it's severe just stay on that dose for a longer time.

    But always talk about this with your doctor/psychiatrist and family of course!!! Don't rush it.

    I wish you all the best and hope some day you'll be OK and free of meds AND depression.


    "I been on ADs twice and they just don't really work. They make you a dull, sleepy, emotionless, don't give a toss robot..." UTTER RUBBISH !!!

    There's many causes people are prescribed medication. Your condition is probably an isolated case that didn't require medication.

    In instances as this, one shouldn't generalize. YOU didn't need meds, good for you. I would have been pushing up daisies years ago if not for prescribed meds. I was weaned off the meds on 2 occasions only to fall back into the black hole. I have a medical condition, not a physiological condition.

    I'm bright, happy with my life, never feel drowsy & full of emotion.

    Maybe try researching a bit about different causes of depression before you don your stethoscope & offer advice on serious medical issues.

    One point in your post I do agree with.... IMO.

  3. Rancid, on 11 Mar 2015 - 18:47, said:
    Faz, on 11 Mar 2015 - 10:01, said:

    The number for the Consumer Protection Board is 1166.

    I had an issue recently with a Home Shop depot. Paid 110 baht for a 4m board that I wanted cutting into 8 pieces of 495mm. I was charged 25 baht for the cutting service. After cutting every piece was cut at an angle, not straight, the saw wasn't obviously set at a 90 degree angle.

    I immediately complained and they offered to cut me another piece, free of the cutting charge, but 110 baht for another board.

    It's not the cost, but the principal at times. I've spent over 257,000 baht at that store. I didn't bother with reporting the issue to the Consumer Protection Board, instead choosing to withdraw any more purchases from that store. I made it very clear to the manager it was their loss and Home Pro's gain.

    Sometimes it's easier to 'bite the bullet', walk away and hit them where it hurts......in their pockets.

    Looking at my house there doesn't seem to be a right angle anywhere, the walls are crooked, as are the doors, the kitchen, the roof, the curtains, the TV, the windows etc.

    Why do you feel that you can should, against all cultural norms, get anything cut straight or at a right angle?

    Because that's the service I paid for. Nothing to do with culture, just failure to check the angle of the saw before cutting and then expecting me to pay for their mistakes. Poor workmanship and lethargic attitudes are one reason Thailand is falling behind the rest.

    Just wondering if you specifically requested that they cut at 90' ??? Normal cutting, in LOS, is any which way. So, unless you specified, how were they to know you wanted something different to the norm ?

    Says me, tongue in cheek.

  4. Sakon Nakhon was very normal for a Sonkran. A bit slow down and I didn't got wet also we were out 2 out of 3 days in our car.

    Yes, I agree. Was in SK last Thursday & Friday & not a bucket or water pistol sighted at all. Did see a few cars with white flour marks, but nothing more.

    In my village, 25k from SK, not a bucket or hose or water pistol in sight, and we have plenty of young ones that would normally be about into all the fun. Some of the local lads having the mandatory drink at 7am thru to midnight but no excessive noise.

    If I hadn't known better I would have thought Songkran had been cancelled.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  5. I do wish they wouldn't do these daily updates.

    It would be much more fun if they did it after Songkran as a sort of top 7 deadliest days count down

    Tho after day 6 most farang would have worked out what the top death day is, I bet most Thais would be waiting with baited breath.

    Get Tony Blackburn to do the voice over... Straight in this week at number 7 we have Tuesday with 24 death's

    Followed closely by Friday with 35.... Dun dun dun dun... Falling 4 places from last years number 2 to this weeks number 5 we have Saturday

    etc, etc ,etc.

    "It would be much more fun" A little attitude adjustment required here I think.

  6. Look at the pic again, left hand drive bus? Wrong side of the road for Thailand? Or is it just me being picky?

    YES------ IT'S YOU BEING PICKY-------------- Ever heard of "Humour"

    PS How the hell can you see which side the driver is sitting------------------------ Some of you guys amaze me

    Actually I thought it was a pretty good observation. The direction the traffic is moving is a fair assumption the driver is seated on the left. Yes, yes, I know, one shouldn't assume. But pic certainly not Thailand.

    And yes, some of YOU guys do amaze everyone.

    Go out & throw some water.... you'll feel so much better.

    Cheers..... Mal.

    • Like 2
  7. I saw a bunch for sale at Makro a few days ago. No idea how well they work in this climate

    What a pointless reply. We've all seen them.... big deal. If you don't know how effective they are, why respond ?

    Who are you? The response police?

    Yup, sure am. Especially in instances such as this.

    The OP was looking for information, advice. "No idea how well they work in this climate" Very helpful response....not.

    What point are you trying to make, other than to admit you have nothing to offer ?

    At least my reply got a few likes, so some agreed with me.

    Mind the splinters while scratching your head trying to think of a reply.

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