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Posts posted by malt25

  1. I just think it is very clever of the Ozztrailerian Government.... Just wait until he is out of the country and then shut the door. Superb! Cheap (at a time of budgetary restraints) and cuts the costs of banging him up in a detention centre while he exhausts the appeal route. Maybe they should sponsor a huge great bikie meet in let's say, Bali, and then ban all of those who haven't converted to citizenship. Jetstar would probably go broke though.

    This has to be the greatest load of clap trap I've ever read. An apprentice troll are we? I don't know what country you're from, obviously not from Oz but it you want to reference my country then do so by using the correct name, Australia. If he can't abide by the rules, stiff, he played the game, new the risks, now he's enjoying the consequences. 24 years and still on a visa, now wants to complain. Had enough chances for citizenship but never took them, all I can say is thank heavens for small mercies. Yes, let him run his appeal with his own money, not that of the taxpayer, as this would be what he'd get up to if he was allowed re-entry.

    Why are you playing up to people like him, trying to make him a hero, he's far from it. Your pin up boy, of the same ilk are we? Can't even pass the character test. Just remember, this is our country and our government, who we elected, will determine who comes and goes, not someone such as yourself. And with 85% of the population behind such action being taken then no matter what clap trap you go on with, thank god, you will never have any input. And after reading your little spiel, maybe you would be another who we wouldn't want because you couldn't past the test. Ad lastly, if and when you know anything relating to our security policies and the way the country is governed, then may someone, I don't know who, will take you seriously.

    Lighten up digger. I'm as true blue as you but I don't find anything crook with referring to us as Ozztrailerian. Struth, this bloke is agreeing with you.

    Maybe he should have referred to us as Ozztralian, but stone the crows, his spellin is near enuff for an ol codger like me.

    Fair suck of the sav cobber, if you are fair dinkum you'll answer to just about anything.

    Just remember, you can call me anything you like.... just don't call me late for me tucker.

    So, it's time to hop in the tilly & off down to me local waterin hole for a coupla skooners b4 I head off to the footy.


  2. I'm not really a Thai-centric forum type guy, i have better things to do with my short life on this beautiful planet. I'm tired of arguing my corner to a bunch of people i have never met in person. Not my kind of thing. We will agree to disagree. Y'all stay safe out there.


    Possibly the most positive & sane post for many pages.

    Yes, do agree to disagree. Well done Mike.

    And safe riding to you.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  3. The fact is, this man is according to the Australian Government, guilty by association. You, nor they have presented any factual evidence of criminality by this said man. Being tattooed and a member of an MC does not make a criminal, nor an undesirable. Spewing forth racial hate speeches by a Moslem Immam in downtown London does.

    Sorry, I beg to differ. The Australian immigration department, and it would appear the majority of thinking Australians DO consider him to be UNDESIRABLE.

    When will the likes of you get your head around the fact that you don't have to have a criminal record to be denied entry to a country. I accept you don't like it or agree with it. There's heaps of rules & laws & regulations in both Thailand & Australia that I don't like or agree with. But, if I wish to live in either country I do have to accept them, like them or not.

    He has been classed as an undesirable by the appropriate Australian authority. If he wishes he can appeal, he probably will. His case will progress through the system, as it should. Until then, the immigration system is working as it's been designed to. I accept & respect your right to your opinion, but having said opinion isn't going to change a thing.

  4. Mods.... don't you think we've all suffered this rubbish long enough ? Commonsense & logic finished many, many pages back. We're now just into childish banter. No matter what each member's viewpoint might be, are we achieving anything letting this personal bickering continue ?

    How about closing this until new facts become available.

    Just a thought.

    Here's a tip. If you are bored with the topic, don't read it or contribute to it. There are many Thai Visa forums to choose from with a multitude of topics. You aren't the arbitrator of how long a post should run.

    Here's a tip for you. There's a PM option for those of you that must continue pointless banter.

  5. Something all the bleeding hearts might like to ponder. You complain that Mr Roach isn't getting a fair deal. So what. Life isn't all about being fair.

    Governments all over the world rework or manipulate rules & laws to achieve a required outcome.

    Immigration is just one area where this happens everyday. Import, export, taxation, the list is endless. You don't have to like it or agree with it, you just have to accept it. Why should the government spend tax payers dollars on a long drawn out court case if there's a quicker & far less expensive way of achieving the outcome they desire. It's politics, who said it has to be fair.

    If & when the situation becomes too much for you to handle, you have a couple of options. Become involved in a political party & try to have the incumbent government ousted. Leave the country. Waste your time & keep bitching that it just ain't fair.

    If all you bleeding hearts are so passionate about being a martyr for a worthy cause, why not direct your efforts to a worthy cause. There's numerous genuine underprivileged needing support. The homeless, victims of fire & flood. You won't have to look far to find someone right on your own front door that will be forever grateful for your help.

    But, to do that, it would take a bit of effort, a bit more than bitching on a forum. And before you ask, yes, I've done more than my fair share of voluntary work.

    Mr Roach has the backing of a worldwide, wealthy organization, albeit an outlawed organization. He doesn't need your help.

  6. Some just don't get it ...

    A person cannot demand a visa, they can apply for a visa to be considered. It will need to be renewed at some point, if granted. Having a visa really means that you are a guest in that particular country. If you display tendencies that may, just possibly appear to be antisocial or worse, you could well be asked to leave or have your visa renewal rejected. No court, no appeal, nothing. Accept it and live with it, its a fact of life and an individual has no say whatsoever in the proceedings. But please don't send this dumbarse back to the UK or let him stay in Thailand.

    Well I don´t totally agree with you. If he had tried to renew his visa in Aus, even if he was rejeced (as is probable) he would have had legal recourse to contest it and whatever the out come (and the Bandidos have the funds) he would have been able to stay in Aus while it was sorted. That is why they did this, he just played into their hands. He probably didn´t think they would do it because he was married with kids....

    And yes we get it, we (me at least) don´t agree with the way it was handled and the potential for abuse of this ¨Article 44¨ of the Australian visa dept. And yes that is how I see it.

    It´s like :

    ¨Geez we can´t get anything on this guy but he looks bad and we know some of the company he keeps is no good. He must be up to something!!¨

    ¨Äh don´t worry about it his visa is coming up soon, we´ll just revoke it if you think he is a rotten egg¨

    ¨Yeah that´s the go, and that way we don´t have to spend any more money bugging his house and phones and we can take the surveilance crew somewhere else¨

    ¨Yeah that´ll work (followed by a barage of expletives about the POMMY.....¨

    If you get my drift. The story of ¨The Hurricane¨ comes to mind and in this case there is a woman and kids involved (and I know she chose the life).

    Lets face it these guys are not idiots and keeping your Sgt at Arms clean is only good business....

    "(and the Bandidos have the funds)" Me thinks you have just hit the nail on the head with that statement. Where do you think all their wealth came from ? Legal, tax paying endeavors ? Yeah, right ! Most more advanced & several lesser "gang members" ride extremely expensive bikes. Own the latest performance cars. Live in upmarket homes in affluent communities. Funny thing is that most, if not all don't appear to have a regular job of any description. Oh yes, I know, They have a tattoo shop or panel & paint shop. Most working days their "gang / clubhouse" is full of members, drinking, playing pool & in general having a very happy relaxing time. You think all these upstanding citizens have recently won the lottery.

    Wake up !

  7. For those who don't understand, this is the relevant section of the Migration Act of Australia relating to the character test: (6) b (I) and (ii) would apply if he doesn't qualify under (6)(a).

    An Act of Parliament is law, and Federal Law would usually overrule State criminal law if there is a conflict.

    It paints with a pretty broad brush, and a Minister's decision is non-appellable.

    Character test

    (6) For the purposes of this section, a person does not pass the character test if:

    (a) the person has a substantial criminal record (as defined by subsection (7)); or

    (aa) the person has been convicted of an offence that was committed:

    (i) while the person was in immigration detention; or

    (ii) during an escape by the person from immigration detention; or

    (iii) after the person escaped from immigration detention but before the person was taken into immigration detention again; or

    (ab) the person has been convicted of an offence against section 197A; or

    b the Minister reasonably suspects:

    (i) that the person has been or is a member of a group or organisation, or has had or has an association with a group, organisation or person; and

    (ii) that the group, organisation or person has been or is involved in criminal conduct; or

    (ba) the Minister reasonably suspects that the person has been or is involved in conduct constituting one or more of the following:

    (i) an offence under one or more of sections 233A to 234A (people smuggling);

    (ii) an offence of trafficking in persons;

    (iii) the crime of genocide, a crime against humanity, a war crime, a crime involving torture or slavery or a crime that is otherwise of serious international concern;

    whether or not the person, or another person, has been convicted of an offence constituted by the conduct; or

    © having regard to either or both of the following:

    (i) the person's past and present criminal conduct;

    (ii) the person's past and present general conduct;

    the person is not of good character; or

    (d) in the event the person were allowed to enter or to remain in Australia, there is a risk that the person would:

    (i) engage in criminal conduct in Australia; or

    (ii) harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia; or

    (iii) vilify a segment of the Australian community; or

    (iv) incite discord in the Australian community or in a segment of that community; or

    (v) represent a danger to the Australian community or to a segment of that community, whether by way of being liable to become involved in activities that are disruptive to, or in violence threatening harm to, that community or segment, or in any other way; or

    (e) a court in Australia or a foreign country has:

    (i) convicted the person of one or more sexually based offences involving a child; or

    (ii) found the person guilty of such an offence, or found a charge against the person proved for such an offence, even if the person was discharged without a conviction; or

    (f) the person has, in Australia or a foreign country, been charged with or indicted for one or more of the following:

    (i) the crime of genocide;

    (ii) a crime against humanity;

    (iii) a war crime;

    (iv) a crime involving torture or slavery;

    (v) a crime that is otherwise of serious international concern; or

    (g) the person has been assessed by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation to be directly or indirectly a risk to security (within the meaning of section 4 of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 ); or

    (h) an Interpol notice in relation to the person, from which it is reasonable to infer that the person would present a risk to the Australian community or a segment of that community, is in force.

    Otherwise, the person passes the character test .

    So why don´t they use these rules to keep out and deport Muslims? Seems to me they would fit into the same catagory, guilt by association and such seems to apply here!

    Ahhh maybe they should have formed a religion instead of a ¨club¨, yeah that would work.......

    If he was of ¨dubious¨ character how did he get a visa in the first place? And what has changed since then to warrant his expulsion? There should be some ¨accountability for this decision and I don´t feel one person having that responsibility (maybe he hasn´t) is right. If he was OK to enter the country in the first place, what has changed? Justify it !!!

    "If he was OK to enter the country in the first place, what has changed?" Shit, how thick are some people. Maybe he arrived many, many moons ago. Still innocent & a sweet young thing... just maybe. Over the years he's elected to lay with dogs & now has flees. He's become Alpha dog in the pack. Sargent at arms, enforcer, king dick, the man,...... get it. He has elected to join, & rise through the ranks of an outlawed association. You don't get to his position coz you are a "nice guy"

    What part of common sense don't you & your like understand ? He alone created his current situation.

    Do you for one second think the decision to oppose his visa was a knee jerk reaction by one minister ? You think, maybe, just maybe, this situation was put before an appropriate panel, with legal input, before being put into motion ???

    Bottom line... Australia don't want him....... UNDERSTAND !

  8. So no evidence this guy has done something wrong other than be a member of an MC Club and using the excuse that refusal is based on his alleged charachter because he is in an MC club what an ignorant and bigoted approach

    If he was committing crimes where there is proof OK no problem but when there is NO EVIDENCE of that then it is just a sad reflection on Australia and as for all you saddo's that are prepared to hang a guy because of the way he looks or your bigoted views on Bikers and Biker clubs well I wont say what I really want since i am coming off a months holiday already.

    You dont even know the guy but are happy to have him removed from his family and kids on nothing more than made up crap.

    If you & dumbspunk & others are sooooo concerned...... maybe you would like to adopt him. I'm sure your family & neighbors would be happy to have him in the community.

    At last, Australia has a government with enough balls to start thinking of the overall good of the country / community in relation to unwanted & undesirables.

    There are millions of Aussies that have tatts that aren't on the radar. There's thousands of Aussies that are members of "clubs", not "gangs", that aren't on the radar. Why do you think the likes of this critter, Sergent at Arms of a notorious outlaw bike gang is on the radar ???? Oh, for what it's worth, I have several tatts & ride a bike. Wonder why I'm not on the radar.

    Yes, yes, I know... civil liberties & human rights... blah blah.

    Yeah, I'm waiting for your response...... give it your best shot.

  9. 39 Steps..........

    Other Buchan classics such as Greenmantle or The Three Hostages might make good films. Huntingtower, Castle Gay and The House of the Four Winds could be used for a TV series.

    I'd like a remake of Lee Child's Jack Reacher with an actor Reacher's size instead of a dwarf.

    Yes... you read a Jack Reacher book..... & then get a garden gnome in the movie.

  10. Howdy all.

    This should probably be 2 different threads, but here goes.

    1. Ceiling fans v wall mounted fans. I'm in the process of setting up a room for my wife to use as a hairdressing saloon. Ceiling height is 3 mt. Initially I was planning to have 3 wall mounted fans. Now wondering if ceiling fans are more efficient... in cooling, not cost. Thoughts please.

    2. Water filters. We buy the BIG bottles, home delivered, of drinking water. I'm not at all familiar with water filters. Any info & advice on under bench water filters will be most welcome. Economical. Efficiency. Servicing, cartridge changing.

    Thanks in advance.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  11. I know of a school principal in Don Mueang that also owns a 'karaoke' business and hires the girls straight out of his school.

    And exactly what have you done about it ? Anything, beside posting here on TV that you know him or her ?

    You ever think that a visit or call to the correct authorities just might help some of these helpless victims ? We don't need to know what you know, the authorities need to know.

    Just a thought.

  12. "you can bring back for customs?" I'm sure customs will accept any amount you wish to bring them. Maybe 1 carton is all they will let you keep for yourself.

    On another note. What's with all the freshness bit ? No doubt I'll be corrected on this, but here's my take on beer age. New, freshly brewed beer tastes off. In Aus it's classed as "green beer". I know numerous seasoned beer drinkers that will let "green beer" season for at least a few months before consuming. Maybe it's a localized thing ?

    Unfortunately no Beerlao in my 7-11. Have to travel to Tops in Sakon Nakhon sad.png65฿. small bottle. Expensive drinking. Oh, that's for Lao dark. A great drop.

    "Well, in Laos, it is around 40baht (8,000 kip) for a big bottle. And plus it is fresher..... and tastes better than Thai beer." How can Beerlao purchased in Laos taste better than that purchased in Thailand ? Isn't all Beerlao brewed in the same brewery ?

    Anyway..... have a great day & happy drinking.

  13. Wow, so much passion here. Kinda like steak, wine, beer, women, cars & cognac.

    What a bloody boring world it would be if we all agreed.

    Guys, girls, why not just agree what's perfection to one, might be just ok to another.

    Good espresso rules. just my opinion.

    Cheers..... Mal.

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