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Posts posted by malt25

  1. do not hire the car in the airport NOT!!!!, the owner is looking to rip u off, owner is sitting in the airport at a desk for car rental and taxi and when tourist get their bags and come out of baggage area u will see him sitting behind desk making arm movement like u calling a dog to lure customers. i hired an old toyota with 300 000 km from this guy cause his newer cars were already booked, paid 1000 bath a day, first he wanted to give the car from his wifes friend and i asked him if the car had class 1 insurance he said yes which is mandatory by thai law,if u don't have class 1 and u get involved in an accident then all the cost are for you!!!!, but 5 min latter the friend of his wife came and i asked her bout insurance she told me she had class 3 insurance, then that guy doing a cinema discussion with her to save his face, just an old lying bastard! after that i told him dont want her car so he gave his personal car with 300 000 km on it already an old toyota, didn't had a choice cause needed a car asap. he told me if had accident then had to contact him and uncle, thats how he called himself, uncle will take care of it , ok with that in mind, days latter a cop backed up his truck infront of the 7-11 store and hit the front bumper, so the cop tried to blame me cause i was standing still in red and white zone, surprised by the fact that i can speak fluently thai cause my mom is thai i told him ur parked in red white zone too!!! so after discussion i told him " gia kap jawgoong lot" wich means solve it with the owner of the car, after getting the cop details i called the old lying basterd owner and said a cop backed up into his car, didn't even had the chance to explain that there was a scratch on his front bumper just about 4 cm lenght! had to search for it cause his front bumper already had scratches and bumps into it cause was an old car! so didn't had chance to explain there was a skratch in it because the old bastard went nuts and was shouting i did the accident so i had to pay for it all, he said this 5 times and was going nuts on the phone, gave my phone to my gf cause i couldn't say any word cause he was just doing nuts , my gf couldn't say anything too so she just hang up.

    Now 2 days latter i went to airport drop gf off cause she need back bangkok and i went to the old bastard sitting behing his rental car desk , and i showed the scratch, he said " uncle only take 1500 bath to fix " i told him the cop that made the scratch is willing to pay for it already wich i arranged, wich is not my job to do, but he still wanted the 1500 bath , i said ok i fix it for u and all the other scratches in front bumper wich is not even mine too, his answer no no " uncle have a shop too where uncle fix it himself, uncle have paint and everything uncle do self, wich is bullcrap.

    then another farang customer called him on the parking cause he had other new customer, and he just turned his back and left without saying anything, so after my gf took her plane i went back to him and said how we going to solve this, he just said he will keep 1500 bath off my 5000 deposit, again i argued and say the cop will pay for the damages, after this he start threaten me by saying "i kno big police chief" after i said so what, he called the big police chief to ask bout the cop and trying to intimidate me. after that he start saying "pai pai and doing arm movements like u chase away a dog" and smiling while doing that, i answered him thats nice customer service u giving, then his last effort to get rid off me was threating me by saying that his taxi drivers will "chakan" me, wich mean will teach me a lesson. i say ok uncle, tomoro is my last day i have the car anyway so after tomoro we will solve this.

    2 days latter i bring the car back and i brought my thai cousin wich was released 6 months before from sakon nakhon prison after 12 years inside, reason is if something happen i can not do anything cause i didn't want to compromise my application for thai nationality, and i knew the old bastard is going to try to rip me off, so i told my cousin that the amount he try to rip me off i rather give to him than to that lying bastard! offcourse he tried to rip me for 1500 bath, we wouldn't give in so he called the cop that backed up into the car and got 2000 bath from the cop, took 45 min for the cop to show up with 2000 bath!, after that everything solved right but noooooo! we thought wrong....now the bastard wanted 1000 bath cause he said the car was 1 day late wich was not true, i was thinking in myself this guy reallyy wants to get kicked in the teeth and looking at the facial expression of my cousin i could see something is going to happen, after hearing the discussion is escalating his wife came outside and suddenly ...she remembers my cousin , turned out she was befriended with his mom! so u think the bastard would stop ripping us of but he wouldn't back down, after showing my copy of the agreement and showing date as proof i got back my full 5000 bath depossit .

    i hope someone will take my advice and do not get involved with that old scammer cause took me a lot of typing to explain this! in sakon city u have other places where u can rent a car, car is newer and no problem with them at all! you have a car hire on ROP MUANG RD. exactly 100 meters from raksakol private hospital, he's sittuated on the corner of the road , another place where can hire car is 200 meters from BIG C superstore, so take my advice seriously and don't get involved with the car hire at sakon nakhon airport.

    Tony, mate. You have way too much time on your hands. Get a hobby, beside writing novels on TVF.

  2. @ johninbkk and teacherpaul

    Changing the lock(s) TEMPORARY is not an alteration, as the MOD/poster mentioned change them back when you leave.

    Just do it and inform them.

    They/he/she (most likely Thai landlord) has no respect for you as a tenant.


    No I have no ambition to be a mod here. I just like to say the way it is, in my honest opinion, IMHO.

    The answer from the MOD/Poster was the correct answer how to deal with this problem.

    So, I know this topic will not be closed, but now will just become an off-reply topic, same as so many.

    The OP's question was answered, the only way to deal with this in Thailand.

    @johninbkk and malt25

    You 2 guys/ladies are Thai apologists, Thais can never do any wrong, because we live here in their country as guest.

    I agree we are guests and where I come from we treat guests with respect.

    Strange that only YOU consider the question answered to YOUR satisfaction. Many differing replies posted after your suggestion to close the post.

    "You 2 guys/ladies are Thai apologists." FYI, I'm a guy, take the time to have a look at a members profile. I'm open about who I am & where I'm from, unlike yourself who hides behind a blank profile page.

    Wrong again, no Thai apologist. So many of them are hopeless & clueless, BUT, understanding of a different culture, a little compromise and tolerating our differences provides me with a very happy & satisfying life.

    So, getting back on topic. Luckily the post wasn't closed as per your ignorant suggestion. Not the only or correct answer. Possibly even illegal.

    "where I come from we treat guests with respect." This isn't where you come from, almost a different planet.

    Why do I feel I'm wasting my time with the likes of you ? Ah well, must be bored.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  3. Not sure we're you come from back in my country we have good and bad people and it is the same here good and bad you come to thailand to have fun and not work out how the country is run and if you don't like not saying you , but a lot on this forum TV need to look at there selves and stop thai bashing I am sick of it here on TV you get some real good reading but you get to much thai bashing and it should stop if you don't like it here get out and go back home to your country.

    So early in the thread and already a poster who doesn't read the OP thoroughly.

    You are so far off the mark in your response that I thought it prudent not to answer but now and again I feel the need to say something to inane comments like yours.

    Your inability to read what I writ doesn't surprise me at all but to actually respond in the manner that you did beggars belief.

    For Gods sake read the post properly then read it again and then a third time and then define where, in what phrase or paragraph I was Thai bashing.

    In the meantime telling someone to bog off back to their own country because you may not agree with their sentiment is like taking your bat and ball home, in other words very childish!

    Now please think about what I am saying and if there is even the slightest accuracy in what I have said then and come back with a sensible and interesting reply.

    Like for instance you could have made a comment like; the Thai people are so brainwashed that they do not have that sense of "empowerment" that we from the West or those in other SEA have in regard to these matters.

    In other words am looking at why and I take the evolutionary process in consideration why after such a long time of "fraternisation" with the West and all of its contribution to Thai society they still havnt evolved like say Singapore , Japan or Korea.

    I look forward to your answer to the points that I have raised

    OP, don't take any notice of George. George has a somewhat warped sense of humor & often posts nonsense replies to valid posts. He can be, when the mood takes him, write sense & in extreme cases even be literate.

    He baited you with the desired result.... you took the bait hook, line & sinker.

    Not sure what really motivates him. He probably pulled the wings of flies when he was a kid to get his jollies.

    Cheers..... Mal.

    • Like 1
  4. I got my 5 year (full) car license last week in Sakon Nakhon. As crazy as it is, I still had to do the full test again the following day for the bike license. Multi choice questions are very ambiguous.

    "In an effort to improve the safety on its roads, Thailand has introduced tougher tests for obtaining a license. Effective since June 1st, 2014, the new tests will have 50 questions, instead of 30 questions for the old tests. In order to pass, drivers will need to answer at least 45 questions out the 50 correctly, which means a passing grade of 90%, instead of 75% for the old tests."

    Have a look here...... http://driving-in-thailand.com/tougher-tests-for-the-thai-driving-license/ Three sets of test questions.

    Study, study, study. Good luck.


  5. I went to Foodland's "Took la dee" restaurant yesterday with my girlfriend and when we had finished eating she told me to get the bill. I put my hand in the air and tried to attract their attention.

    The waiter and waitress were playing around with each other and had no time for customers.

    My girlfriend started to get impatient and told me to do something. At the same time the waiter actually saw me and turned his back to me and walked off.

    Usually I can control myself, but yesterday I lost it and shouted in Thai "what are you doing? Why don't you want to give me the bill?"

    The manager came over and apologised and told me that the young people didn't speak English and didn't know that I sppke Thai.

    I don't think it is always racism, but more a fear of speaking English.

    "The waiter and waitress were playing around with each other and had no time for customers."

    Oh, I'd love to respond to this... but will refrain for fear of a yellow, or most likely, a RED card.

  6. I dont know. Maybe..... There are an awful lot of people here that should never really have left there home country and for sure they need help to be able to get through the week.

    There's a lot of people here that shouldn't be allowed out the front door without adult supervision.

    Many TV members must need supervision to dress & feed themselves from some of the posts & replies.

    Just my humble opinion..... Cheers..... Mal.

    • Like 2
  7. OP, do you really want to ask if you could live on that money, or you just want to show off?

    With your qualifications and intelligence you should very well know if these money is enough or not.

    You have been to Thailand before so you must have investigated the cost of living.

    After all TV is full of threads about that.

    Me thinks if OP is really a lawyer or solicitor, and needs to ask this question, I won't be looking to him for any legal advice.

  8. My recommendation is 99% will not deliver what they promise, pot luck if they do............dont get me started on mobile phones, so many software glitches ts unbelievable.

    Guess what Im trying to say is "expect little" and you wont be dissapointed

    Utter rubbish.

    We have True satellite TV, 12call phone & 3BB internet. Don't live in city area. Have only ever "thought" we had a problem with the internet on one occasion & the technician arrived within a couple of hours from our call. Excellent service & reception from all 3 providers.

    Couldn't be more satisfied with any of the services. Stating that 99% won't deliver what they promise isn't a recommendation, it's an opinion.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  9. Travelled to LOS more than 30 times over a 10 year period. Now living here for just over 12 months. Should have moved here permanently 10 years ago.

    Extremely happy & more relaxed than I can ever remember.

    Driving in Bangkok can be a bit of a nightmare if you're not prepared and or confident. I've driven over 17,000k in the past 12 months... no problems except a couple of speeding fines.... but

    that's another story.

    I guess it really depends on what you are looking for & your expectations. Be prepared to compromise at times. I'm happy to answer your questions, PM me if you like.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  10. Mal, where did you get it, I've looked all over, Tips, Macro, Big C, Tesco Lotus, couldn't find it anywhere.

    George. PM me if you'd like me to get you some.

    Cheers. .... Mal.

  11. Hi. I'm in Sakon Nakhon, about 150k east of Udon. Have True satellite. Excellent reception. Plenty of English movie & documentary & sport channels. Every second sport channel appears to be that bloody round ball game :-) Can't fault True at all.

    Just sayin..... Mal.

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