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Posts posted by malt25

  1. If you ever need to know any holidays for the immigration offices, google it and they have there own calender where holidays are clearly marked. There is nothing worse than going to get a new visa stamp etc and then find the offices areclosed when you get there !!

    "There is nothing worse than going to get a new visa stamp etc and then find the offices areclosed when you get there !!"

    Oh !!! I can think of a lot worse.

  2. OP, you know the answer to this without asking. I must admit, a comical question though.

    The balance plank, is just that, to show you are capable of riding " slowly" along the plank, "balancing."

    On my first attempt, I gave it full throttle at the start of the plank & shot across no problem. When I completed the circuit & returned to start point, the testing officer, with a BIG grin, said, Ha ha, now again please, but very slow this time. Again, no problem.

    I had no bike when sitting the test. My test was in Sakon Nakhon, not a big city, so I guess most or all test centers have bikes to use. No charge for the use of the bike. But I am a very hansum man, so that might have had something to do with the freebie.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  3. If it's expensive or has a warranty I keep the receipt. But I can't be bothered to keep a slip of paper every time I eat at a restaurant, shop at 7-11, or the like. Use common sense.

    My question was not so much about keeping receipts from purchases or restaurants, but rather to keep the receipts from rent/electricity/water/phone/ cable/etc..

    If it's troubling you.... keep em. Pretty easy really.


  4. Do any other countries have this Affidavit scheme or Agreement in LOS?

    There no such agreement.

    Many countries do the income document by way of an affidavit. statutory declaration, affirmation or some other form of sworn statement.

    Australia and Canada do them by way of a statutory declaration.

    Not trying to steal Jose's thunder. As always, with such issues he is correct. For those that don't know or understand a Statutory Declaration or affidavit or other such documents.

    The witnessing signatory is not in anyway confirming that the statement in the document is true or correct. All they, the witness, is confirming, is that the person making the statement and signing the document is in fact who they are purporting to be.

    So, in very basic speak... the embassy or whoever is witnessing your income document, doesn't give a rat's arse what you write. They are only confirming the credentials of the person signing the document.

    Cheers..... Mal.

    • Like 1
  5. I have never known them to ask for anything and addition to the income affidavit from the US embassy. I know of several Americans who did not have the funds in the bank and just brought their income affidavit notarized from the embassy and went to Chang Wattana and in no time at all were approved. I would not worry. It is the way it is with the treaty of Amnity. I do not believe the other guy at all, I fear he is one of the many here who go out of their way to make things negative.

    Oh so Knowledgeable One. Care to enlighten us on....... "It is the way it is with the treaty of Amnity"

    Maybe you mean 1. Amenity ? or 2. Anonymity ? or 3. You have just invented a new word for this post ?

    "I would not worry." Me thinks you have much to worry about. Least of which is commenting on something you know absolutely nothing about.

    Not the sharpest tool in the shed ???

  6. Interesting to see that someone who's come here on holiday a few times has the whole place figured out.

    You are what I maen you read some thing here witch is good about thailand and you have to have a go at me how in the hell would you know if I come here on holiday who told you that not me in my 6 years of coming to thailand I have live here for 4 of them so now tell me again I have not figured thailand out .

    Close the lid. Pull the chain. The water has flushed. Georgie has gone.


    Probably get a yellow card for that. Oh well, it's worth it.


    • Haha 2
  7. I get called an Alien by immigration and a Farang by Thais you think that's ok?

    Yes, that's fine - neither of those is an offensive term.

    Wrong. The second is very offensive.

    Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

    What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

    I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

  8. BKK to a village - quite a leap ... Why you need to live in a village where security might be on the low side and neighbors could keep you awake most hours of the night ? You could get a very nice house or condo incl. internet, Gym etc. for 20k in Chiang Mai

    20,000 baht a month!!! ???

    in the villages just outside of Chiang Mai you can rent a beautiful Thai Mansion for 10,000 baht a month!!!

    I would say that anybody paying 20,000 baht a month in rent in this " Third world Country " is being completely ripped off !!!

    F.J wub.png ( kisses to you all viewers... x )

    Unless you are talking 30+K from Chiang Mai....... rubbish.

  9. Get Carter


    Don't Look Now

    Third Man

    Life of Brian

    Ipcress File

    A Man for All Seasons


    Tom Jones

    Monty Python & Holy Grail

    Second from the bottom, the topic is about movies not "singers".

    Going by some of your recent posts, your taste in singers has been the best.

    Did you know that Tom Jones also recorded 'He Stopped Loving Her Today'?

    which was as you know, his namesake Georges song.

    Sorry ol mate. Tom Jones was a pommie movie. Bout 1963 or there a bouts, I think.

    Just sayin..... Mal.

  10. 1. Why is it always that the question is being asked "for a friend" ?

    2. If you, sorry, your friend, has no idea what to do when you, sorry, your friend arrives, then maybe best not come.

    3. Oh, this is gunna hurt. I never agree with SB... but in this post he's pretty well spot on.

    Just sayin..... Mal.

    • Like 1
  11. Moved to Isaan Forum.

    This is NOT a Mod flame. But why move to a local forum ? Maybe someone in another area has info on this subject.

    Just wondering.

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