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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. "Everyone knew" that more Democrats than Republicans would vote using absentee ballots, because the media had been brainwashing people into believing that for weeks before the election. The media had been preparing the simple-minded people for that because they KNEW that the Democrats were planning to steal the election. Can you give me any plausible reason why people from one party would be more likely than the people from another to vote using absentee ballots? If they had said that, for example, older people are more likely to vote via absentee ballots because they have trouble getting to the polling stations, that would have been plausible. But to suggest that voters for one entire party are more likely to vote by the way that just happens to be easier to cheat with is patently ridiculous. So please, don't try your "everyone knew" with me. You just make yourself look silly.
  2. My claim is based on my observations during the vote counting. On election night, when I went to bed, Trump had an insurmountable lead in most, if not all, of the swing states. As I slept, the vote counting was paused in those swing states - to allow the Democrats to figure out how many votes they needed to steal to win the election. Then, during the next few hours, almost all of the remaining votes that came in were for Biden. By the time I woke up the next morning, a mathematics-defying miracle had happened - and Biden had "won" the election. The reason why even Republicans accepted this sham election was because they didn't like Trump either. He interrupted "business as usual" in Washington, under which there is an agreement between the two parties that they will take turns fleecing the American people every four to eight years - while not doing anything for the country or its people. Trump got in the way of that - by trying to do at least some good for the country. It's not that I think that Trump is a good person or an ideal candidate by any means. But in elections, people can only choose from among the available candidates. And in that election, Trump was infinitely better for the country that Biden was, which most observers would agree with based on Biden's "performance" over the past couple of years.
  3. Voting no longer has any meaning - now that the Democrats have realized that they can get away with stealing elections. You approve of the theft because the party you favor "won" the election this time. But what happens next time, if the other part steals the election? Will you still be in favor of rigged elections then? When trust in the election system is gone, the whole concept of democracy breaks down. And I'd say we're already at that point.
  4. Absolutely. It is precisely for this situation that our founding fathers affirmed our right to keep and bear arms.
  5. What will that achieve - now that the Democrats have figured out that they can just steal the elections?
  6. Since I have lots of experience leaving Thailand, I know that there are always plenty of immigration officers at the airport to stamp me out of the country. But since I have never gotten a re-entry permit at the airport, I am (or rather was) concerned about that. However, after reading all of the comments on the topic here, I now feel confident enough to get my re-entry permit directly at the airport. I'll just go to the airport a bit earlier than I otherwise would have. Maybe even a full hour earlier, just to be safe. (What can I say? I'm a cautious person!) Thanks to all who commented - and helped to save me a long and unnecessary trip out to Chaeng Wattana.
  7. It might seem like a no-brainer. But for me it comes down to risk vs cost. I would rather spend all day going to the Immigration Bureau in Chaeng Wattana than go to the airport and find that just as I am about to leave the country, the person who was supposed to do my re-entry permit went to the toilet. Then I either have to abandon my already-paid-for trip, or leave the country and lose my visa and not be able to come back to Thailand without a great deal of trouble and expense. You may say that getting the re-entry permit is certain, and maybe it is. But it's a risk I'm not willing to take. Why couldn't they put the re-entry permit office in a place at the airport where people could access it without having to go through the process of leaving the country? That being said, the next time I fly out of the country (with the re-entry permit that I get at Chaeng Wattana), I'll check out the re-entry permit issuing facility to judge for myself whether it looks reliable enough for me to be able to count on it.
  8. This would be great for me, as it is MUCH closer to my home. But why did this advice "confuse" DrJack54? Is it not possible for me to get a re-entry permit there?
  9. Since I live near Suvarnabhumi Airport (and quite far from the Immigration Bureau), is it possible to do a re-entry permit at the airport even if you don't plan to leave the country at that time? (I wouldn't want to leave it to the time of my departure and have something go wrong.) Thanks.
  10. Brilliant! I likewise await their answers.
  11. So, if I understand you correctly, what you're saying is that the "vaccines" are totally useless. Although I've known that all along, I'm surprised to hear you finally admit that.
  12. So, if I understand you correctly, you approve of the censorship of anything that you don't agree with? What are you afraid of?
  13. I posted some evidence, but since you couldn't argue with it, you reported it - and got it removed. Does that make you feel like you won the argument?
  14. Then you haven't been paying attention. The World Economic Forum globalists even tell us of their plans - in detail - and you STILL think it's a conspiracy theory? You deserve what's coming.
  15. Arctic ice at 30-year high: https://www.wnd.com/2022/05/inconvenient-truth-globalists-arctic-ice-30-year-high/
  16. Just like global warming is a conjecture now.
  17. Global warming is a global problem - whose only solution is a global government - run by, and for the benefit of, the same people who brought us COVID. When I was young, the issue was global cooling: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_cooling Somehow, no matter what the problem, the solution always remains the same: A global government.
  18. Or worse yet, he could have been "vaccinated" for COVID.
  19. Ha. Exactly. What's the world coming to when a man of my age is considered elderly!
  20. I lived in Vietnam for six years - until recently - and among my Vietnamese colleagues, their nickname for VietJet was Delay Airline. And what you described is EXACTLY what they do: They schedule three flights to the same destination a few hours apart - to trick people into thinking that they're going to get a flight at exactly the time that is most convenient for them - then they cancel two of those flights at the last minute. That being said, they do tend to be cheap - but at the cost of your time and frustration.
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