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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. "They are expecting to sell 20,000 bottles a day, far exceeding expectations." How can the expected number of bottles to be sold exceed expectations?
  2. Fan, with window open, day and night. I can't sleep with the aircon on.
  3. This is going to leave a lot of Thai monkeys unemployed. How does that help?
  4. She doesn't secretly eat junk. She does it openly. And why? Because eating low-fat food doesn't satisfy her, so she has to eat sugar-filled food. So technically, you're right: Eating low-fat food will not make you fat. But eating the things that eating low-fat food make you want to eat will make you fat.
  5. That's true. Americans ARE fat. And the reason? It's because they stopped eating healthy fats (like butter), and replaced them with sugar and unhealthy vegetable oils. I am from the US. I eat healthy fats by the kilo - and I am skinny. My sister, who still lives in the US, eats nothing but low-fat food, and she is one of those eye-poppingly obese people that you saw on your trip there. The last time I visited the US, I tried to find full-fat dairy products, to no avail. I asked my sister if eating low-fat food has made her slim. She said, "But if I don't eat low-fat food, I will be even fatter than I am now." She is hopelessly brainwashed. My grandmother had a big bucket of lard in her kitchen that she used for cooking - from the pigs she raised and butchered. And she lived to be 96 years old. People used to know how to eat. How did we lose that knowledge? As for whether we NEED fat: Of course we do! Certain vitamins that we need are fat-soluble, which means that without fat, we can't make use of those vitamins. So again, eat fats, but eat the healthy ones.
  6. If this happens only at night when the buses are not running (as is probably the case), then I don't see a problem with it.
  7. Butter is healthy. That's precisely why people have been consuming it for hundreds of years. Margarine is horribly unhealthy. As it's a relatively recent invention, it's one of the reasons why people develop chronic diseases a lot more now than before. So choose butter (and coconut oil) as your sources of fat.
  8. Did you wear a mask at all times before you caught COVID?
  9. There's a difference between being able to know the precise value of gold and silver, and knowing if they have value at all. People have recognized the worth of gold and silver for thousands of years. They ARE money. So let me ask you a question: Between gold and silver, and Bitcoin, which one do you think has the greater probability of going to zero?
  10. The problem with buying something that has no value is - how do you value it? How do you know when it's cheap?
  11. Right. Basic spelling mistakes are a sign of superior intelligence.
  12. It's a scientific fact that you can't catch COVID while sitting down. The virus just floats right over your head. That's why it is not necessary to wear a mask in restaurants. Here is a diagram showing how it works:
  13. Follow-up: It turns out that to get the money credited to my Lazada account for use on a future purchase, they would also need a picture of my passport. Ha. So I sent them a picture of my passport and the front page of my bank book (or book bank, as it is called in Thailand), and they have already made the refund. Now they have sent me an email asking me to show my gratitude to their agent for solving my problem. They're going to get an earful from me. I should not have to risk identity theft to get a refund for having been scammed by a seller on THEIR website!
  14. Thanks very much for your comments everyone. So, I will call Lazada first and ask them to credit my account with the refund, and if that is not possible, then I will (reluctantly) send them a picture of my passport with my bank account number.
  15. I have made many successful purchases through Lazada, but my luck came to an end when I was scammed recently. I ordered a small speaker of a certain brand that I know to be good (as I already have one that I bought off of Lazada before in another country.) My speaker arrived just a few days later, but it was a different size, color and brand (actually it didn't even have a brand name on it) from the one I ordered. I wanted to return it, but in Lazada's system, it was showing that the product hadn't even been delivered, so I couldn't return something that I allegedly hadn't received. Then finally, Lazada cancelled the order, saying that the seller had violated their policies. I contacted Lazada and explained everything to them, and after sending them pictures of the item and the shipping package, they agreed to give me a refund. But here's the problem: They want to transfer the money to my bank account, for which they need a photo of my passport - and a photo of my account number - whatever that means. I am extremely reluctant to send them a picture of my passport, and I'm not very comfortable giving them my bank account details either. Is there another way I can get my refund? Can't they just somehow credit my account with the money so that I can use it on my next purchase? Does anybody have any experience with this sort of thing? Thanks very much.
  16. Not true. I was good friends with a Thai doctor some years ago, and he told me that at the (private) hospital at which he worked, there were three prices: The lowest for Thais; the mid-range prices for farangs; and the highest prices were paid by Arabs. He thought this was reasonable. I didn't.
  17. Well, it does provide a VERY plausible explanation for what I suspected anyway - that Bitcoin is a scam. I personally cannot see any intrinsic value in cryptocurrencies (although I can see a lot of value in the technology behind cryptocurrencies - the blockchain). Sure, some people have made a lot of money off of cryptocurrencies so far. But that's how it always goes with scams: The original investors do well, luring in suckers later, and then they collapse. So I will never buy Bitcoin - or any other cryptocurrency. Worst-case scenario, I will miss out on the investment opportunity of a lifetime. But I have missed MANY great investing opportunities (Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc.), and yet I have still managed to do OK for myself. I can forgive myself for missing opportunities, because there will be another one around the corner - and I'll still have my money to invest in it. What I would not be able to forgive myself for is investing in what to me is an obvious scam.
  18. Cryptocurrency Is a Giant Ponzi Scheme https://jacobinmag.com/2022/01/cryptocurrency-scam-blockchain-bitcoin-economy-decentralization
  19. Not according to Thai logic. By their thinking, if a person is about to die, he's not going to need money anymore.
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