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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. I just asked, and unfortunately they don't have a branch in Chiang Mai. Sorry.
  2. She should have stopped after getting the 3,000 baht for her initial 2,000 baht investment.
  3. Has it ever occurred to you that the reason you don't see any links to credible evidence that masks don't work is because such evidence is censored in most other places as well? It's no wonder you and others have such trouble finding the truth. In the world that we live in now, you really have to search for it. It's not going to be delivered to you by Google - or the mainstream media.
  4. I don't know, but I will ask them when I pass by their shop later today and let you know.
  5. I stopped reading the article you posted at this paragraph: "Recently, I was part of the largest randomized controlled trial to date testing the effectiveness of mask-wearing. The study has yet to be peer reviewed but has been well received by the medical community." You should be suspended for posting un-peer-reviewed misinformation. Or is peer review only necessary for studies that go against the official narrative?
  6. I buy my gold bars at a branch of Hua Seng Heng at a shopping mall near my home. I think they are very trustworthy. They have a small spread of 50 THB per baht weight of gold (about .17% at current prices) between the buying and selling prices, which widens to 100 THB on the weekends. You can check their prices online at https://www.huasengheng.com. They also have a smartphone app with their latest prices.
  7. Yes, but without the vaccines, those people might have died twice. So even if you die from COVID after being vaccinated, it would have been worse without being vaccinated.
  8. Did you read the article? Or do you let the New York Times tell you what you should think?
  9. "They are expecting to sell 20,000 bottles a day, far exceeding expectations." How can the expected number of bottles to be sold exceed expectations?
  10. Fan, with window open, day and night. I can't sleep with the aircon on.
  11. This is going to leave a lot of Thai monkeys unemployed. How does that help?
  12. She doesn't secretly eat junk. She does it openly. And why? Because eating low-fat food doesn't satisfy her, so she has to eat sugar-filled food. So technically, you're right: Eating low-fat food will not make you fat. But eating the things that eating low-fat food make you want to eat will make you fat.
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