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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. Leave everything to the 'Home for stray cats'
  2. A Greek tragedy, Thai style, most upsetting.
  3. Certain Oligarchs running the world with Agenda 2030 from US administration lies and deception.
  4. What would you do if AI made a decision for you that you don't like? Sorry to say that I would tell it to get stuffed.
  5. Scammers are using AI telephone calling, if you receive a random call please ask 'are you AI' if it answers 'yes' you know what to do.
  6. Married men suffer the same problem.
  7. My good friend had a relationship with a lady boy for 12 years which is understandable considering that he had an English wife.
  8. Your friendship would be very brief.
  9. No meeting, I crashed into her on my bicycle and she was stuck under the front wheel.
  10. They are all crazy, my one is nitro crazy.
  11. I drive a battered old Citroen 2cv and I have Dracular teeth, I need a rich woman, can you hook me up with one of yours?
  12. Altruistic? Did you mean hypergamous perhaps? Dear friend, wimmins are all of the same mindset.
  13. What was more important is, what I was looking for in a woman. Now married for 26 years.
  14. Why is the US constantly shooting at ts feet? Lets have a war with China, Russia, Iran, North Korea. Never mind the Petrodollar's demise. Lets have some fun with our Nukes. The Stan and Olly administration..
  15. Remove NATO from Ukraine and Russia will remove missiles from Cuba, simples. Don't be surprised at what the lunatic us administration is up to. boom.
  16. When taxi drivers and waitress's have to pay tax on tips. thats it, I'm off.
  17. I travel Yorkshire Airlines.
  18. The Thai economic problem is that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Tax the rich to support the poor. Thailand is self sufficient and will always be solvent.
  19. We are to be worried about our cars exhaust emissions, but why dont they make electric aircraft carriers and biodegradable bombs, green, less harmfull wars would be nice. I think we've been conned.
  20. Now replaced with Whatsapp etc.
  21. Its like herding cats
  22. Putin was correct, and it is possible that they could do it again..they will no doubt loose again because Nato cant make tanks or guns any more..got no power supply and the kitty is empty. I'm not afraid of Russia, they dont care what the West up to, Russians just love Russia.
  23. I cant watch TV because I havent paid the license fee. I dont buy the daily rags because I'm too mean. I just get news from all over the world free on internet. Its a good thing as 80% of you lot are spouting MSM rubbish like farm chickens.
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