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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. British culture-Calypso fusion https://fb.watch/jUUNErJHSM/
  2. I see your point, but China is Taiwans biggest trade partner, and Chinese philosphy is to trade internationally and put all differences aside, they have become the worlds most respected peace negotiators. However, China is preparing for whatever the US is going to throw at them.
  3. From the original post quoting CNN news, totally misleading and absurd, Taiwan is recognised internationally as Chinese, even by Washinton.
  4. Taiwan is Chinese. The US planned war with China using Taiwan as a weak excuse. The US admin is run by insane globalists.
  5. Does anyone know what they do with the millions of copies? I'm baffled.
  6. A brief explanation of why I believe this case could be political: Trump faces: prosecution by a politician who campaigned for his imprisonment; a judge with familial ties to Biden/Harris; a jury pool comprised of ~86% Biden voters; and a potential trial that will coincide with the GOP primary. This is an abuse of prosecutorial authority one would expect in third world juntas or tropical revolutionaries.
  7. Trump arrived for arraignment with thousands of supporters and demonstrators watching from the streets and millions watching from home or from work. It was the most most important courthouse appearance in recent memory to answer for one of the weakest indictments in New York history. The Democrats will have heaps of egg on their faces after this desperate debacle.
  8. I can't be bothered, I think I'll go to Russia and see what the regs are there, maybe bring your own tin hat, certainly plenty of fireworks going on. What a rush.
  9. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjS8eXf0Ij-AhVSEsAKHeTyBs8QFnoECAkQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnews.un.org%2Fen%2Fstory%2F2022%2F03%2F1115142&usg=AOvVaw2-d_fgH9Tq8h9g3gXs4geu Two thirds of world population took the vaccine. One third of world population have no regrets.
  10. The case has been thown out of the Federal Court, and will go to a minor court. This pathetic democrat attempt to foil Trump will provide an election landslide for Trump.
  11. I bought my missus a Tuk Tuk and I got a right pasting for that. People in the street would stop and watch her trying to turn it round with loud gear crunching, while my son and I sat in the back giggling, However, not recommended for sane people.
  12. Britons face the worst decline in living standards since records began in the 1950s, and the highest tax burden since WWII, a report shows. Stay in thailand as long as you can.
  13. My crystal ball tells me that Thailand will never be the same while the US is interferring with Thai government policy, as it has done world wide, including Ukraine.
  14. Tell him to ask himself three questions.. 1. Why do I love this person? 2. Why do I need marry this person? 3. What could possibly go wrong?
  15. Which countries fear China, they have improved infrastructure building roads and railroads, lent money at the lowest rate ever. What does US do, over 100 wars since WW2 over 30 regime changes, and plundered assets. The Pentagon has estimated there is a window of opportunity untill 2025 of instigating a war with China before it becomes too powerful, Taiwan to be the flashpoint. That will be the reason for getting boots in Thailand. US is the Mafia Terrorist Empire of lies. I would expect China to outsmart the US at every move, as the Russians have done in Ukraine.
  16. The English are getting thicker. Americans are getting fatter. Germans have been stuffed by Biden. The West is not looking good is it?
  17. How do I get out of my 15 minute city in the UK of Stupidity?
  18. It will now be sung much louder.
  19. Bend with the wind, be nice, give him a bottle of beer or some food on special Thai days. There are Thais that don't like foreigners, You can show him how charitable we can be. Our neighbours use our internet, bikes, parking space, and I sweep the road early in the morning as an act of humility. Its not unusual to find a bag of market produce or a bottle of beer hanging on the gate.
  20. Cast your bread upon the waters.
  21. When choosing a wife specify that she comes with her own mop and bucket, washboard, iron and ironing board.
  22. If you look like you haven't two baht to rub together they probably won't bother you.
  23. UK faces elevated risk of persistently high inflation, says BoE ..
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