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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    Firms that rely on cheap labour won't survive long, especially in the era of AI. In America there are many who can only survive if they have two or three jobs, they would be burger flippers for example but now they have a burger flipping robot in the making, in the not too distant future there will be no bus drivers,no truck drivers,no train drivers,no road sweepers, there are even robot surgeons for prostate cancer OP's. Education has to be the answer.The workforce mustn't fear competition they have to be better, not fight for the protection of the lowest denominator.

    The georgia stones 10 commandments is approaching.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    The appalling divisions we are now experiencing are a direct result of an inadequate majority. That is why super majorities are usually required for constitutional issues. With such a close position, people will continue to fight their corner until the bitter end. Some of the most foolish Brexiters invoke disloyalty. IMO, Brexiters are disloyal for damaging the country with such a crap decision. 

    To quote the infamous Grouse, 'Utter nonsense'.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    There are only logical ways to deal with circumstances which are forced on a country and they are usually dealt with by a very efficient civil service,the backbone of every country and in effect the true rulers outside the establishment but even the establishment can be manipulated by a civil service that 'has seen it all before', 'Sir Humphrey' is truer than we think. Nobody is sovereign.

    Correct again, the present cabinet secretary Sir Jeremy Hayward

    is the most powerful individual in the UK.

    Nobody is sovereign is correct, but the state could be..

    If it were free of EU shackles.




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  4. 7 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    You have a small influence as a mass when voting (although what actually happens after an election is another matter) but not as an individual, as an individual you are a tax number. No I didn't vote on brexit, I am not allowed to, in fact I have never voted for anything in my life, which means of course I shouldn't moan about which government I had but then I never did, whoever was in power only had minimal affect on my life just as I and you have only a minimal effect on the powers that be. I still went to work,I still paid my taxes, I still watched the news and saw who was bombing who. As long as you don't want to be a hero it doesn't matter under what system you live, who is better off, the Chinese or the Indians ?

    That makes sense. 

    The news: 'who was bombing who'..every night.

    I haven't voted since the early 70s. It is as George Galloway said..

    Voting, is choosing from two cheeks of the same ass.


    • Like 2
  5. 30 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    OK, I feel much better:)


    This is a slicing issue, GDP comprises 68% exported goods and services whilst 32% are for home consumption (rounded and approximate).


    Sliced differently however, GDP comprises 8% Agriculture, 56% Services and 36% Industry.


    So whilst we might say that exports represents 68% of GDP, we might say in the same breath that GDP also includes 56% services which implies a total greater than 100%, which of course is not the case.


    So where do Tourism receipts fit in. Direct tourism at 18% is a function of Services, Agro. and Industry since their outputs are utilised in arriving at the 18%, like the earlier example that 18% is consistent with saying that exports = 68% and services = 56%, all in the same breath but is misleading and doesn't present a clean and complete model.


    Can you agree with some or all of that?

    I agree with one word in your post...'misleading'..

    it is the the word that controls everything. 

      Good morning, your an early bird simoh.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, nauseus said:

    Arch remainers just will not accept that economics was not the prime reason for the leave vote. They have no other argument. Ever.


    If we take your examples, assuming that the numbers and other prophecies of doom, or even worse, were to become reality, then, inevitably, a similar economic plight would also beset the EU members, maybe bar Germany (for a while).  

    Hard work being right is it not?  I believe you are correct, a simple

    example would be-  If you were running a business, would you like the

    business next door to interfere in your affairs?

    The UK is simply a business and we don't like interference either.

    Its called sovereignty.


    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    I'm not buying your answer of reversing the question, either answer it and be constructive, or don't and prove that you don't know how.

    Hold on simoh, that's not a bad question, particularly at this

    moment when EU military are making way to the Russian

    borders, and Russian jet airplanes are flying over north

    Atlantic.  Getting involved with Russia will not bode well.

    UK sovereignty could be the way out.


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