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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. He is going to be Thai....He has seen the UK winter!.... What would you choose? Many thanks.

    I've kept both my Australian and Thai passports for all of my adult life thus far. My age is somewhere aroud the '40' mark. No problems to keep both. No need to chose.

    Thanks for that info....now I'm wondering if it could be different for the UK....I'm sure my wife said my son would have to choose at 15 or so. She also said "farang no can hab Thai passport" .....Sometimes I'm sure Thais don't understand everything Thai themselves! As a Farang myself, I am always Thaid up in knots and confusion....but it's all good fun. I'm off to the UK Embassy in a couple of weeks, will let you know what British [un]luck is like.... All the best to you.

  2. I think your child may be able to have dual passports until about 16 years old ie. Thai and UK. Please enquire at embassy

    completely inaccurate information...

    Yes you may be correct thats why I said 'I think'...I was only taking reference from my own case, where my son, now 11, has dual passports and visits UK with no problems....However Many thanks for your correction.

    In which case your child will not be compelled to relinquish either nationality. He will, however, be given the opportunity to apply relinquish his Thai nationality for one year following his 20th birthday, if he so wishes.

    He is going to be Thai....He has seen the UK winter!.... What would you choose? Many thanks.

  3. And I'm on the bus to suvanabhumi, finally got an unexpected money inflow and was able to buy a ticket home smile.png Glad to finally leave this corrupt dangerous polluted town

    He must have found a town with no corruption, danger, or pollution....perhaps he should let us all know where it is!

  4. Hi Folks, Would anyone have any advice on buying and registering aTuk Tuk from another Changwat. As you may see from my profile pic I drive a 'Mercedes Convertible' at the moment but would like to upgrade to a Tuk Tuk. Many thanks for reading this post.

  5. Quite correct, but there is a considerable amount of "Compensated Dating" taking place.

    I love the term 'Compensated dating'...Mine led to 'Compensated marriage' 14 years ago with one son..Best woman Ive ever had the pleasure to be with...Worth every baht...Call it prostitution if you like..but we all pay for our pleasure one way or another...and how much would any western woman cost!!

    • Like 1
  6. to be the recipient of a sack-full of stones to the back of the head this fella must of done something really stupid (as to cultural phopah) or possibly been in some kind of business dispute....

    my thoughts too

    stupid or not - he must've pissed off someone big time.

    STONES ! :o

    well, may be coz Thais don't play baseball much and therefore bats are not that common :D

    but stones in the bag - something explicitly premeditated and not without reason.

    somehow only this fella was attacked - not any of his friends (also farangs or Thais?).

    interesting - what did his friends do that time ?

    despite your ASSumptions, his friends who were there when it happened do not know why it happened


    After reading that it may be some sort of retaliation for something,and it says he was drunk,( it was 5am ) he may not even remember what he did to p1ss them off !,.this is where it differs to the uk or elsewhere, the chances are if he said or did something in the uk and there was a scene the chances are that if you didnt act at the time there wont be a repercussion, in thailand they will, they dont need much of an excuse to jump on a farang, after all we come here, hump their women and swagger about with loads of money ( in their eyes ) ,.id say if you arent in control of your temper or manners with drink be careful, this is yet another case of thais acting way over the top,i think he was lucky he didnt get killed,as for the thugs with a conscience ,thats a joke, pretty much the same as a bg releiving a farang of all his money, she would sleep well, i have no doubts,. be careful fellas,.

    well said, shows first class understanding of how to get on in thailand,... but england can be touchy too .. heard of road rage....etc. etc.

  7. German shot dead in Pattaya

    Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 63-year-old German man was shot dead late Sunday night police said.

    Heinrich Hermann Friedrdch waas shot dead shortly after leaving a convenient store on Soi Suksomboon in Tambon Nong Palai of Chon Buri's Bang Lamung district at 11:27 pm.

    He was shot four times by a pillion rider. The bullets hit his left temple, his back, his chest and left leg.

    His Thai wife, Nantha Sukdee, 25, said she has been living with the German man for two years without registering their marriage.

    She said the man had bought a house worth Bt5 million under the name of his former Thai wife whom she was suing for the return of the house and other assets.

    Source: The Nation - 25 June 2007

    not a good idea to mess about with too many women..in any country..

  8. OK, here is the first nomination.

    Denied the use of a Ratty Old Pencil!

    I stopped by SUTIN ART today, a copy art shop across from the Royal Garden Mall on 2nd Road.

    It just so happens a friend I will be visiting in the US has asked me to bring him some copy art so I am definitely seriously in the market. I would also like a painting or two for my condo, but the canvas for my friend is something I want to buy soon.

    I browsed the shop and asked the old man owner about sizes and prices for the two common sizes he was displaying. I also asked him how big the rolled up canvas roll would be of the larger canvas and what its size was, because I want to buy something that will fit in my suitcase.

    So far, so good. I found his prices decent and the quality looked OK but I had to check back and measure my suitcase and check with my friend about the size and design he wanted.

    I then asked the old man owner to lend me a pencil or pen for a few moments so I could write down the dimensions of the sizes. I was at his desk and I could see one ratty pencil and two ratty pens just sitting there. I intended to write the notes on some scrap paper of my own.

    He said NO NO NO NO!

    I thought there must be some misunderstanding. I have never in my entire life been denied the use of an old pencil for a few seconds from a business owner who I have expressed strong interest in buying from.

    I tried to explain. I am looking for a friend. He says, your friend come in. I say, the friend is in America, he cannot come in and I need to write down the dimensions. He then says just remember in your head.

    I ask him again, because I cannot believe this is really happening. The rattty old pencil is sitting right there. How can a business owner be so niggardly as to deny a potential customer this tiny favor. It boggles my mind.

    No! No! No! You right down prices. (I think he thought I was shopping other stores and comparing prices, when actually his price sounded fine to me, he was wrong.)

    I still can't believe this small man wouldn't let me borrow his pencil. I ask one more time.

    No! No! No!

    Well, enough is enough.


    Pattaya Dodo Bird Bad Business Behavior Award Nominee


  9. Dear oh dear, mind you Pattaya is full of scum Brits.
    I am english, BUT i have to confess this place seems to attract all the lowlifes,.must be getting quite peaceful in the uk because its packed with them here ! :o

    It used to be you sent them to Oz, now they pay their own way to Patters.

    wherever the white man goes ruin will surely follow.

  10. not too good a week for ting-tong farangs in LOS...what with the rub-outs of those two canadians and now the attack on this chap. dopey foreigners and low-class thais are definitely a combustible mix. that's where most of this conflict arises from IMHO.

    in 10 years in LOS...have never had a serious conflict with the locals...but i speak some thai, know their customs, am aware of the very limited reasoning ability of the uneducated classes (which is who most visitors to LOS interact with), and am non-confrontational in the extreme.

    works for me :lol:

    So you keep your confrontational attitude for the net! You act as judge condeming the ferang guy without any knowledge of the facts. Who deserves to be severley beat abut the head? Is this the law of the jungle - if so you obviously accept it on behalf of these violent thai cowards.

    The worst kind of residents here are wannabe thais - flip flop wearing, som tam eating haters of their own culture. Or classified in any political system as traitors

    why are these people the worst kind of residents?...........when in rome..... english culture is in rapid decline. try living in london,.....probably where you belong.

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