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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    The price of gold in New York is not the price of gold on a desert island. Too many unknowns on the mythical island scenario. Again, price and worth are beyond you. For others, a brief study of the difference between exchange value and use value not a bad place to start. And a historical (not a mythical) reference point would be an examination of the economics of the Klondyke during the gold rush. Basic living things were at a premium. That is the only lesson to study.

    You've just said the same the basic thing as I, but padded it out with waffle to sound posh and clever.

  2. 40 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    I'm sorry, but anyone who uses the term "fiat currency" is just a bit over the deep end.  How do you pay your bills if not with "fiat currency?"  Money in itself is worthless except what you can purchase with it.  I don't invest in dollars or pounds, but I do use money to invest in things like real estate, stocks, etc.  If you think that investing in gold is better than investing in land or Apple stock, just say so.  But this harping on fiat currency is pointless. 

    You're quite right mate..I was trying to explain that gold has a value that doesn't

    change.  I don't have gold.. I have a farm in the UK and renovate old houses with my son who is architect.. So I am always skint..and no-one understands me!

  3. 7 hours ago, Naam said:

    anybody who claims that Gold has kept its value has still a lot to learn and that starting from the scratch including simple basic arithmetics. let's start today... repeat after me ''two plus two equals four''.

    A simple question for you: Can you guarantee the same worth of you dollar or pound for next year.

    Only fools trust fiat currency.     You seem to be a victim of the grand illusion.

    That which is limited and desirable will always be valuable.

    Your scrap of paper with a dollar or pound written on it is another story.

    I hope this is simple enough for you to grasp.



  4. 19 minutes ago, bannork said:

    Goodbye Stephen Hawking.

    A couple of his quotes: 

    On fame : "The downside of my celebrity is that I cannot go anywhere in the world without being recognised. It is not enough for me to wear dark sunglasses and a wig. The wheelchair gives me away" - Interview on Israeli TV, December 2006.

    On black holes : "Einstein was wrong when he said, 'God does not play dice'. Consideration of black holes suggests, not only that God does play dice, but that he sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can't be seen" - The Nature Of Space And Time, published 1996.


    Well said, Ive often seen him scooting along the pavement in Cambo..awe inspiring sight.

    But he was totally wrong about Black holes..my wifes got one in her handbag.

    • Haha 1
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