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Posts posted by Buzby

  1. Feb 14th!!!!!! You old smoothie.

    Good luck to you both, have a great day.

    Cheers :D

    I wish I could take the credit for being that romantic. She suggested/decided/demanded the date!!!

    I will have no excuse to forget our anniversaries :o

    Only one to remember is good try two.

    One for the registration and the other for the big ceremony/party with the family.

    Good Luck


    Thanks Joe...

    We are having the Ceremony and Party the next day. Usually terrible for remembering anniversaries and birthdays etc so Even I WONT be able (or allowed) to forget.

    Cheers :D

  2. A lot of the department stores will stock them. I remember last year seeing them, along with other decorations etc, in Robinsons and Central Department stores.

    Probably a bit early at the moment for them to have in stock.

    Congratulations and Yuletide greetings in advance :o

  3. By the way going back to your original post. The Amphur will be closed on Saturday.

    We have checked with the Amphur at Bang Rak and they will be registering marriages on 14th Feb (valentines day). They will be setting up in a nearby hotel to deal with the masses of people wanting to register at that Amphur on that day.

  4. Growing any amount of food, however small, is very rewarding. Aside from the fact it saves money, the food tastes just that bit better.

    If money saving is the prime objective and time or space is limited, try to grow fruit/vegetables that are expensive to buy from the shops (decent tomatoes spring to mind).

    Can't beat walking in your own garden and harvest fresh bowls of vegetables for salad and stir fry every single day.

    That's true, although it might be limited for many city dwellers. Regardless, there can still be options, such as raising a few herbs and veggies in containers. While it might not be a bountiful harvest, it's still rewarding to be able to sit down and eat something you grew yourself.

    If its possible to rig up a window box approximately 1 meter long this can provide loads of salad and herbs (or whatever tickles your tastebuds). Use a 'cut and come again' variety of mixed salad leaves and hey presto, a regular supply of fresh delicious salad with very little effort.

  5. Thanks very much guys.

    Will do it when I return. I was kinda thinking of doing it now to save the time etc when friends and family are here.

    Not going to run the risk of getting refused at the Amphur because of out-of-date paperwork. The missus would NOT be happy :o

    Will probably get the translation agents to do the Ministry bit.

    Thanks again. Much appreciated.

  6. You must 'Enter before' the 19th Dec to begin the 60 days. You can then extend by 30 days at immigration within Thailand.

    So, if you entered, say on the 18th Dec you could stay in Thailand until about mid March.

    If you have only used some of the days on the visa I believe you can get a re-entry permit to come back on same visa. NOT 100% sure how this works. Hopefully another member can explain the rules/regulations regarding this.

  7. Hello Guys & Gals

    I am getting married in February 2009 and was wondering if it is too early to get the affirmation to marry and the relevant translations/documents.

    I have to go back to the UK to work for the next 3 months so was thinking of getting the paperwork done before I leave. I am arriving back in Thailand on a Tuesday and plan to go to the Amphur the following Saturday (14th Feb :o ). It seems from the relevant websites and information gathered here that I have enough time to get the paperwork in order but would prefer to get it done before to save the hassle and time.

    So, basically, my question is: Is there a period of validity for the documents? and would the Amphur refuse to register the marriage if the documents were dated 3 months prior to marriage?

    Thanks in advance :D

  8. Where do i take bus 15 from?

    I may go out till late at nite and will i be able to get a bus at 2am?

    You can get on the bus about 50 meters from Khao San. Go to the main road that runs kinda parallel with KSR to the southwest (The road is hard to miss as it has about 4 lanes in each direction). You will see a load of people hanging around waiting or look for the many buses that will be stopping.

    The bus stops are blue with 'Bus Stop' written on them. :D

    Easy. Just remember to get on the thing quickly and hold on as the drivers dont hang around :o

    BKK buses rock

  9. Yes you can, I'm guessing you get your tourist visa from the embassy in Brussels, then try to go for a double entry, this way, you can stay in Thailand for 2x60 days, and each entry can be extened with another 30 days at the nearest immigration office for 1900 baht.

    From then on, you could do what many people do, get a double TV from Vientiane, and repeat the process.

    Until of course you do qualify for a long term visa (non immigrant O). A marriage might do the trick :o

    Hi there,

    I really thought I had provided all the necessary details (age, nationality, ...) but I did forget to mention I am living in China, Beijing, at the moment and will be traveling from Thailand from here.

    What is TV from Vientiane? Tourist Visa. The consulate in Vientiene, the Capital of Laos.

    When will I qualify for a long term visa (non immigrant O)?

    Do I understand this correctly: I get a double entry tourist visa, allowing me to stay 60 days, I get an extension after the first 60 days, which will cost me 1900Bt (I do not have to leave the country, correct?) Correct. Apply for extension at nearest immigration office.

    Do I have to leave the country after the extension of 30 days, i.e. when I've been in Thailand for 90 days, and come back on my double entry, allowing me another 60 days, with the possibility of extending again for an additional 30 days? Yes, you must leave Thailand. Just go to the border, exit and then come straight back in for the second entry of 60 days + extension.

    Sorry for all these questions... and thank you very much for all the replies.


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