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Posts posted by Buzby

  1. Outside the Terminal building there are Vans that will take you to your hotel for $2-3.

    Do you think the vans would have room for bicycle boxes (2) or am I dreaming?

    Hmmm. Not sure really to be honest. They are Mini buses and dont leave the airport until full (or almost full depending on drivers whim).

    Maybe could put on roof but wouldnt like to guarantee it.

    Maybe a bit of negotiation will be in order for the bikes to take the space of passengers.

    Good luck and a have a great trip :o

  2. There was a car on fire on the bridge Wednesday A.M.

    The burnt out shell was still on the bridge about 2 PM when I crossed it.

    Needless to say the traffic coming into BKK was pretty bad. No change there then :o

  3. From my window...

    To the Right. Another box style apartment building with laundry hanging on balconies. No bras though. Just the usual assortment of day-glo coloured tshirts.

    To the left. A few trees and a big villa style house then a brand new (non functioning) skytrain station.

    On the street I can see a couple of sleeping soi dogs.

  4. If you are a total nerd, you can assign points to the gold, silver, bronze and determine the real "winner" by points.

    OK, To satisfy the nerds amongst us I have assigned points using the system quoted by a previous poster.

    3 for gold, 2 for silver, 1 for bronze.

    At close of play 22 August the standings are as follows.

    China: Gold 47 = 141 points, Silver 17 = 34 points, Bronze 25 = 25 points. Total points = 200

    U.S.A: Gold 31 = 93 points, Silver 36 = 72 points, Bronze 35 = 35 points. Total points = 200

  5. I am coming to Thailand from the Uk on a Uk passport next Wednesday. i have no time fto get a visa. So i will be travelling on a Tourist 30 Day Stamp.

    Have I understood correctly that:

    1. If I cross a border with a neighbouring country and return on a "visa run" , I can stay for a further 30 days with no problem?

    2. I can do this a maximum of twice, making a total of 90 days.

    If so, how long do I then have to stay out of Thailand before I can come in again?

    Many thanks.

    I did read loads of threwads but it still seems confusing.


    1. YES

    2. The rule is 90 days in a 6 month period. No limit on amount of stamps/entries.

    Just have to cross the border then you can come straight back in.

    You do not mention if you have return flight or proof of onward travel within the first 30 days. If you do not you will probably have problems boarding the flight from UK.

  6. I found what i think might be the program in question at:


    just did a search on thebox. Is it the Louis Theroux program???

    Yes. I'm presuming that's the one

    Just re-read the OP and it says that its a Drama/horror. Cant imagine the Louis Theroux show falls into that category.

    Gonna download anyway. Also a couple of other shows on thebox that look quite interesting. One about child Muay Thai fighters.

    OP, can you give us the full title of the DVD you have.

    Cheers :o

    EDIT: Just found what I think the Op is referring to.


    Must be out there on bitorrent somewhere.

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