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  1. I think they mean transliterated. As in the way Thai language karaoke has transliterated text so we foreign devils can still embarrass ourselves. @KhunBENQ The "R" comes from the long tone of the sara aa- it's mispelled. They used "agrad" instead of "agard".
  2. Quite. I was surprised to read 2 pages of this thread and no one mentioned the secret Chinese police stations all over the world. Who could believe they don't exist here already. This scheme would make that one much easier to execute though.
  3. "on the same side"? Congratulations on the most vapid infantile post on this long thread packed with them.
  4. The only ones you manage to identify with any attempt at some sort of proper name are "the white dudes". Colour me unsurprised. A mole- like as in a spy?
  5. I see you have been suitably humiliated for this post already, but really, try to establish some balance in your view. Edit: This. Thank you. I guess sometimes you have to labour a point because it can be forgotten quickly in a thread as monstrous as this. MrMogoRisin said:
  6. This boils down to- an accusation is made by one side with no evidence to support it and is then disproved, you believe said propaganda, then you project that on to prove your thesis. It doesn't work well.
  7. Literally NOTHING you post can be trusted. I don't know why you are still posting. You have zero credibility except to those looking to confirm their own biases.
  8. You may note I said "well informed" not "expert". However you are exactly one of the people who thrashes a partisan line with dozens of posts: Just the kind of person I was discussing. Piers Morgan is an abomination and by no means good or unbiased, but I have no idea if he is antisemitic or not. But I believe we all have a horse in the race one way or another. EDIT: I meant to say that TRT world (Turkey) is still reporting it as an Israeli air attack despite all evidence otherwise.
  9. By mistake. Oh dear. For someone who posts incessantly on this thread you don't seem to be very well informed. The Arabic parties cancelled the meeting. I have avoided posting on these threads before so far. The behaviour of both Hamas and the Israeli government are abhorrent, but watching posters of either ilk misrepresenting the situation to cast blame only on the other side is equally appalling.
  10. With this current crop, I'm not sure their base level isn't narcistic sociopathy., but of course with the greed mixed in.
  11. You're aiming too low. By his flock, he will be regarded as nothing short of the new messiah! Well, he's not, he's a very naughty boy. However, who cares how he is regarded on release? Most just want to regard him in a flaming orange jumpsuit to match his skin tone.
  12. So now we see why Wet Walt or whatever his name is floated this trial balloon from the op in the first place. More manipulation and nonsense from MAGA.
  13. deleted- no need to get involved.
  14. I comprehend that all your post managed to do is demonstrate once again your obvious bias. You claim the basis would be 'reasonable doubt' but with your bias you are not qualified to make that assessment.
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