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Everything posted by Slip

  1. Something you just made up that has zero actual value in the world outside your ego.
  2. No, just 3 normal people laughing at your supercilious posturing. Meanwhile, as amusing as your off topic bloviating has been it is all off topic and serves merely to bolster your own ideas of self-importance. Further than that your swipes are not worthy of retort. Jog on.
  3. and thus would prove him or herself a racist. Someone said before that you don't seem to understand what words mean, and I'm starting to see their point. Hilarious as always, so thank you.
  4. Why on earth would they do that at this stage? They have ground to make up. Sacking one racsist old biddy may not be enough now.
  5. Racist business owners will be concerned about... Fixed it for you.
  6. To be fair it isn't devoid of meaning, but I am wondering who let Jacob Rees Mogg in and what that esteemed member would hope to gain by such an obvious display of verbose pomposity.
  7. I've seen some Russian (presumed propaganda, but still) commenters saying there will be a big Russian push after the New Year. I have to agree that the message (also presumed to be borne of propaganda) that Russia is on the ropes is dangerous and counter-productive. Plus the other concerns you raise are real and ongoing. This agreeing with you seems to be happening more often- are you softening or should I be worried? lol.
  8. The ridiculous knots you tie yourself in trying to justify your positions is always good for a laugh at least. There is of course absolutely no connection between this woman's comments, her resignation and the palace's "sweeping statement" on racism. Hilarious.
  9. You could perhaps forgive this old duffer more easily if it wasn't for this bit: This implication is strong- you have black skin so you MUST be from Africa not the UK. No wonder she chose to resign- embarrassing enough to say something like that privately, but in an official capacity- time to put her out to pasture. "...argued my position too effectively"- On past performance you have zero to worry about there.
  10. Thanks for a thoughtful response, and perhaps I should apologise for the 'newbie' comment- but they put it right there in your blurb at first, so I always think of it as being a bit of a rite of passage. All the same sorry if it made you feel remarked upon. I agree with your view on not getting uptight about the small stuff, and as a middle aged white male I haven't had much to worry about, but for sure many others have, and to them racism or such is more immediate. This is the thing I feel we are all duty bound as decent people to be mindful of. I also left before 'woke' was even thought of, and I don't know how to go about it or deal with it now. Happily hiding out here has been effective so far 55.
  11. Heya newbie! When people object to other people mistreating them or a 3rd set of people because of the colour of their skin, that isn't "woke nonsense", that is decent behaviour. If you welcome racism, perhaps you are lucky enough not to have suffered from it.
  12. Sorry to say OP, your interpretation was/ is wrong, unless it is based on before I got here a couple of decades ago.
  13. I think member 'simon43' has some knowledge of this from his past postings, but I hesitate to tag him in. You could send him a pm I guess?
  14. I have posted the answer on your other topic, which was seriously confusing me for a while lol.
  15. =IF(B12+B13>2000,0,"X")
  16. In the UK in the 80s it was a thing that a right earing was gay, but it was a long long time ago, and silly even then.
  17. I'm disappointed but certainly not surprised to find that a post I originally thought useful and informative to be disingenuous. Thanks for spelling it out.
  18. "Assault rifles", specifically the AR-15 if that's what it's called, have become weapons of domestic terror (or more specifically, weapons wielded by domestic terrorists, who it seems these days tend to be right wing at least if not full Maga). That is why any right-thinking society would have banned them in America's position. Arguments about the relatively low statistical prevalence of deaths by percentage sit well with 'don't wear seat-belts as people sometimes die when they are wearing them, most people die of cancer so we shouldn't bother with other diseases', and 'it's not as bad as it used to be' style arguments.
  19. Are they provided by the NHS?
  20. Here's a poll run by pro-brexit Caroline Coram and GB News which seems to fit those criteria, so I suggest the answer to the question you posed is 'yes we could'. Notably they are running the poll for a 2nd time because they also lost the first one. Of course it's only a twitter poll not a properly administered government one like the yougov mentioned earlier, but apparently that's all we need these days
  21. Colloquially a "Jacob" round my neck of the woods.
  22. I won't link it here as not sure if it's allowable but Seth Abramson on twitter has an interesting take on this. He seems to think Trump has the GOP over a barrel and will win any primaries comfortably or destroy the party if they oppose him.
  23. Once the punters get hooked on all the reefer pills in the food, they will be chucking up flowers willy-nilly. Replacement theory suggests they will be back for the devil's pad kapow lettuce (kai dao) again in short order.
  24. You had time to post but not to respond to the excellent points made by JohhnyBangkok that ripped your broad brush generalisations to shreds. Do you have no reply to him?
  25. Irony is dead in this topic. A leaver starts a thread moaning about remainers and telling them to move on. The bad news for the gammonati is it's far from over. It's not a matter of if the UK will rejoin but when, though it may take a while before even the most pig-headed farage fan boi finally gets it.
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