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Everything posted by Slip

  1. I'm very surprised to see the Independent tossing out this nonsense. The British public does NOT like this plan. Less than 50% like it in fact.
  2. 7. Establish your credentials beyond doubt by saying that you are no 'fan of trump', really a socialist/ ex-socialist, a swing voter, an independent, or a foreigner with no dog in the fight, then go on to spout the most ridiculous nonsense and push farcical conspiracy theories with zero evidence or logic.
  3. I think Chomper and Heybruce just did so most successfully, at least the local variety. A hat tip to you both gents. [Edit- Is anyone else starting to feel a bit bad about our resident magats getting schooled so thoroughly and relentlessly on a daily basis?]
  4. Why should they care about how the tory government in the UK can't police its borders post-brexit?
  5. Thank you for posting that Chomper. The claim was laughably deluded.
  6. Where are they boarding? Broadstairs was quite the rage back in the good old days when we were young I recall. Once the tories are booted out, presumably for some time to come, everything will go back to normal. You should try not to get overly excited, though admittedly Starmer will probably make a hash of it. Perhaps the SNP will take over the Westminster parliament?
  7. I disagree, though I can see your comment drew approval from members in the same way as my original one drew emoji condemnation. Thai society is developing and I don't disagree that some elements of feudalism still exist. I think you can see feudal elements in some of the societies we would hold up to be 'non-primitive'. There are also quite primitive individuals in Thailand, but there are plenty who are not, again like any 'non-primitive' culture. Is Thailand lower on the curve than some other places? For sure, but isn't that why we love it? It seems to me that the concrete veneer you mention is essential for any country these days to be even considered as non-primitive, but it is there in Thailand- decent roads, water, electricity, some form of social security and health care and so on.
  8. Well done. You won/broke the topic. It was already all wrong because Mac made a hilarious comment.
  9. suck it Ron Meatball. 6 weeks seems challenging for many in this position, but is not crazy.
  10. He needed to use it to shoe-horn in that weirdly random and irrelevant shtick about a guy with a maga hat.
  11. I am from Iceland. Care to pick me out in a crowd?
  12. The failure of the present UK government to provide a satisfactory response to the problem at hand is absolutely the issue. Their other failures simply compound the problem of an incompetent spiteful government lashing out to try and fend off its forthcoming demise. As for your repeated attempts to put words in my mouth- I have told you to stop already, why would you keep on?
  13. No, I haven't agreed anything. Stop trying to manipulate what I said. You were using rhetorical devices to present a strawman argument. Unsurprisingly lots of people see when you do that. The tories (and you apparently) are trying to leverage immigration to deflect from their dreadful performance and disgusting policies. An election is coming...
  14. Did I say I did? Otherwise leave off your strawman. Prove it, but meanwhile stop trotting out the daily fail's dogma. No, it's dog whistling. I hope some of these people will spend time in jail.
  15. It's interesting how trolling has evolved into "hate and death threats" and yet it is still just treated like trolling.
  16. Alright piers morgan. If I want to hear that sort of nonsense I can watch top gear or james whale. It's this government which is using refugees and immigrants to attempt to manage their own dismal performance. They will be gone at the next election. The only question is how long for.
  17. Such arrogance and ignorance. Thailand is not a primitive society. Your views certainly are on this matter as others. I don't disagree with the small facts you manage to state, just your analysis. At least you are not talking about females for once.
  18. Thanks to all sensibly thinking people for the abject smack down that the magas and crazy right have received on this thread. Long may it continue, these people are loonies here and in the wild.
  19. How on earth did you know they were African? Were they having a hearty old laugh at the good old days of apartheid?
  20. That Johnny was just doing what he does, namely spreading toxicity and poison. Most people are relatively centrist, but not to the extremists.
  21. Got a link to prove your contention there was an attempted coup or is are you just trolling as usual?
  22. Britmantoo has (perhaps unwittingly) kind of proved your point for you. That definition which of course is less than complimentary seems to be taken from the web page of the Order of the Knights Templar. I find it hard to think of too many organisations that would be more anti-"woke", the kkk perhaps? https://www.knightstemplarorder.com/what_is_wokism
  23. You would have to ask the tory government. It seems that now they are following Putin's methodology- empty the prisons and put the ex-cons to work for the state.
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