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Everything posted by Slip

  1. You've got MTG saying the citizens of Montana could and should shoot it out of the sky with their pew-pews, and you think it's Biden who should worry? Hilarious. I imagine, as you suggest, they will wait until it's no risk and then collect it. The whole thing seems like a trolling action.
  2. Either you have not read 1984 or you did not understand it. As a child was your access to books restricted by a right wing politician with an agenda perhaps?
  3. Concede? He is busily and repeatedly setting out to misrepresent Biden's message, which was 'any protests should be peaceful'. I've just watched Biden comments on tv.
  4. There is no bbc article in the op. I have already debunked your nonsense about him calling for demonstrations.
  5. Is the reason you haven't provided a source for your claim because you know you are misrepresenting him? He said any protests should be peaceful, not that people should protest. President Biden released a statement on Thursday appealing for calm as authorities prepare to release the footage on Friday evening, local time. "I join Tyre's family in calling for peaceful protest," he said. "Outrage is understandable, but violence is never acceptable." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64421704
  6. Did you read your own linked article?
  7. Amazing isn't it? Apparently all we need to do is ban tattoos, energy drinks, junk food, cigarettes, alcohol and play-stations (for the poor and lazy only of course) and those sunny uplands will be firmly just without our grasp at last.
  8. Tax evasion is always illegal. What the accountants should be doing is tax avoidance- legal. I don't think it's a witch hunt. The guy is as much a crook as the rest of the government imo.
  9. "First gas stoves, then your coffee, now they're gunning for your Xbox," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) tweeted on Monday From that link.
  10. Ha! Great answer, though now I'm not sure if you are referring to MM or PM.
  11. Good to see your ongoing obsession with Markle is alive and well. You're not Piers Morgan in disguise are you?
  12. And yet you think the inverse is the case? I don't know why you felt it necessary to respond. You asked me a question, which is why I replied to you and pointed out that your claims are not fooling your audience (me). If you don't care about that it's on you. And I will carry on. I don't need your permission.
  13. So you don't know the difference between climate and weather?
  14. What about you? Anyway, having seen your various comments over the years, I don't find the claim to be very credible.
  15. "most of the people she upsets are white, male and on the right of the political spectrum"- As capably demonstrated by the threads on this forum. The same people who hate Markel, Harry et al. The right wing gutter press have a lot to answer for.
  16. I think what he is actually saying is that as long as he supports your political stance illegalities are no problem. Twitter files is thoroughly off-topic so I won't bother to mention it has been shown to be a load of old rubbish.
  17. That's some name the restaurant has- Dr. Spooner might be offended though.
  18. *Deleted post edited out* From the link in the op and without comment: "Spare," which went on sale Tuesday, has become the publisher's highest-selling non-fiction title on day one, with more than 400,000 copies sold in Britain alone. The figures include hardcover, as well as the e-book edition and audiobooks.
  19. What's all this about then?
  20. Payments can also be accepted at 55 Tufton St.
  21. Your grammatical snobbery, whilst something I would usually robustly debate with you, is not appropriate in this case. You were wrong in every point you tried to make. Just own it.
  22. It is indeed a public forum- the end of factual representation from your post: It's against the rules to break the context of a post by selectively editing it, as you did there to Bluespunk's, and as you well know. You don't get to decide the rules of a poll. As Bluespunk said you are free to start your own if you don't like this one. Wrong. We are all entitled to an opinion if brexit has been a success or failure notwithstanding your nonsense argument. If you don't like what bluespunk says no need to reply with crass nonsense comments, just scroll by.
  23. I refer you to stevenl's most salient and excellent point from a little earlier:
  24. Trafficking reminds you of prostitution? I put it to you that such an attitude is part of the problem. Stop carrying water for this sleazy dirtbag.
  25. Who are 'they'? Not your co-worker I presume?
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