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Posts posted by Slip

  1. I am just tired of endless speculations , lets wait for the autopsy. Maybe it was a murder , just maybe , ok ?

    What would the odds have been that another Miller would drowned under suspicious circumstance on that tiny Island within sixteen months of David Miller. After the fiasco of David and Hannah's case, only a complete fool would believe anything the RTP have to say, how could any reasonable sound minded person not have serious doubts?

    Because accidents happen, even on " Murder island.." ( yes, that really is a bit irresponsible headline but gets the hits.) Especially when young men are hi jinking around and drunk and/or using drugs. And to write it is " impossible" for the lad to have simply climbed up on a small building to amuse himself is just pure BS- no one knows what he was up to.

    So when will the UK autopsy be released? It was to be out yesterday, maybe the coroner concurred with police in this case.

    I'm completely confused. I keep rereading the posts you have quoted, but I can't find the words 'impossible' or the headline 'Murder Island' that you refer to. Did someone edit a post?

  2. 3 satang per kilometer. !!WOW !! I am rushing to buy a ticket now it is so cheap to travel by bus.

    From Klong Lan where I live to BKK about 350 km away on the first class bus was 279 baht one way last year. You get a free bottle of water, a small snack, a terrible cup of coffee and a free Thai lunch half way down. It really is good value.

    And on this trip how much will a traveller save? Is it 10.5 baht?

  3. I found myself recalling someone who, in the early days of the investigation, kept going on about a "jandal"... Did a quick search on Google for jandal koh tao and found this:


    Hats off to berybert - you called it correctly almost a year ago to the day...

    This is very unfair. It was not even one month ago that Greenchair posted on here that he had only just changed his mind about the guilt of the B2 only AFTER the trial and sentencing.

    Fancy that, people changing their opinion when more and clearer information emerges. The nerve of it!

    Very good. Except the point was that Greenchair claims to have changed his mind only recently, whilst the image rather suggests that to be untrue. I'm surprised you didn't make that connection. Or perhaps I am doing you a disservice.

  4. It't the same as one family was lauded for their comments, and some people threw out all sorts of commentary here bout disrespecting that family for weeks on end, but when a member of the other family came out and said she was unhappy with the process, she was suddenly attacked by those very same posters. Again, funny that.

    Don't worry too much about the capitalised name in the previous posts. It really just is straw clutching.

    i have said already that this unfortunate incident has not been mentioned on the island as far as i am aware, not 1 hint of gossip to say anything of foul play, now surely someone would have spilled the beans to CSI LA by now, inside information...pictures, rumours??...but nothing.....humm...maybe it was just an unfortunate accident??
    May be and I would also think the same thing as you if it wasn't for the family's suspicions and saying that it wasn't an accident, he was dumped in the pool by someone else and they have proof of it.

    So let's not be so hasty to write it off as an accident just yet until we get some info about the situation.
    they have proof? where is this, on a FB page, or they have taken it to the police?, i doubt it at all, i can understand they are upset at this time and maybe after being bombarded by poisonous opinions from the likes of ADAM MICHEAL MURPHY & CO.. but, actual proof or facts, i doubt that at all.

    On the justice for Luke page they wrote (among other things) "He didn't jump off of anything he was put into that pool. By people. The truth will out! And apparently there are two cctv that work near the pool according to a source I am in communication with. We will get there people don't worry xx"

    And who is ADAM MICHEAL MURPHY & CO. you keep referring to?

    The guy "adam" made about 2 comments of a Koh Tao fb business page about 4 days ago. I think the business in question was a bar on KT, but I'm not sure. In this case it is being used to obfuscate and deflect in this situation as far as I can see.

    Oh OK. So the excuse is that if the family of the deceased say anything bad about Koh Tao then it's because some guy called Adam must be involved somehow and told them that? Is that honestly how pathetic these guys arguments are??
  5. i have said already that this unfortunate incident has not been mentioned on the island as far as i am aware, not 1 hint of gossip to say anything of foul play, now surely someone would have spilled the beans to CSI LA by now, inside information...pictures, rumours??...but nothing.....humm...maybe it was just an unfortunate accident??

    May be and I would also think the same thing as you if it wasn't for the family's suspicions and saying that it wasn't an accident, he was dumped in the pool by someone else and they have proof of it.

    So let's not be so hasty to write it off as an accident just yet until we get some info about the situation.

    they have proof? where is this, on a FB page, or they have taken it to the police?, i doubt it at all, i can understand they are upset at this time and maybe after being bombarded by poisonous opinions from the likes of ADAM MICHEAL MURPHY & CO.. but, actual proof or facts, i doubt that at all.

    On the justice for Luke page they wrote (among other things) "He didn't jump off of anything he was put into that pool. By people. The truth will out! And apparently there are two cctv that work near the pool according to a source I am in communication with. We will get there people don't worry xx"

    And who is ADAM MICHEAL MURPHY & CO. you keep referring to?

    The guy "adam" made about 2 comments of a Koh Tao fb business page about 4 days ago. I think the business in question was a bar on KT, but I'm not sure. In this case it is being used to obfuscate and deflect in this situation as far as I can see.

  6. If you want to seem like a conspiracy theory nutjob, using the word 'shill' is a surefire way to do so.

    Some people will have different opinions to you. Maybe think about recognising and respecting that.I us

    I use the word correctly Mr Biker, even if as Franck says, it comes from the 20's. I use a number of other words that come from way before that as I have a reasonable understanding of my language. I don't have a problem with it, do you?

    There are a number of posters on here that I don't agree with, but I don't use that word to describe them because it would be inaccurate. There are some that I do use it for- it's a 'cap fits' thing. (Or for that matter the lables you yourself used). If you believe that my use of a particular word in the language makes me a 'conspiracy theorist' or 'nutjob' then fair play to you, but perhaps you should check your own understanding of what words are for. Or are you suggesting that everyone who posts here does so without an agenda?

    But still- I posted some information. I made comment on the fact that some people here have been inconsistent with their public treatment of those family members who mistrust the 'powers that be' and those who don't. Do you have anything to say about that?

  7. I found myself recalling someone who, in the early days of the investigation, kept going on about a "jandal"... Did a quick search on Google for jandal koh tao and found this:


    Hats off to berybert - you called it correctly almost a year ago to the day...

    This is very unfair. It was not even one month ago that Greenchair posted on here that he had only just changed his mind about the guilt of the B2 only AFTER the trial and sentencing.

  8. The Luke's Legacy page, which is of course (as has been discussed) run by friends and family of the deceased, reported a day or two ago that the evidence that they have claimed exists has been passed to the UK police.

    This family doesn't seem to be getting much empathy from the shills, a bit like the treatment that was meted out to another family from a recent case who suggested that all was not above board, and directly contrary to the handling the family who toed the party line received.

    Funny that.

  9. I had to laugh at this. I'm not sure if you are straight or on a wind up. The glue being discussed comes from the rat trap they got caught with. clap2.gif

    WD40 works to loosen the grip of the glue on the tokay's feet. I, no joke, submitted the proven idea to the makers of WD40 in hopes they'd include it in the 1000's of things you can do with WD40. I never heard back from them....they probably thought I was crazy.

    Tokay's are an okay thing to have on the outside of a home....they'll eat small rodents, cockroaches, etc. But inside? NOPE!

    Tokays don't have glue on their feet...they have microscopic modified scales that create a surface tension between the bottom of their feet and the substrate on which they are standing, which allows them to "adhere" to just about any surface in any position.

  10. I've never heard or read anything by Hannah's family saying they were "happy" with the investigation.

    Far from it, they said quite opposite and now some facts are coming out it is easy to see why.

    How horrific for the police to trick them into attending the a the police HQ for an update only to sell them out..

    ..... "Royal Thai police headquarters for an ‘official update’… but that, on arrival, we were taken into a large room, left for 5 minutes before the door opened and around 200 journalists were allowed into the room and we were ambushed by this mob of hungry journalists shoving cameras in our faces… The thai police chief had no intentions of giving us an update… after all, the bungled investigation meant he had nothing to tell us. The invitation was so that he could make money out of our misery. The press had paid him generously for 5 minutes to capture photographs of our family."

    How utterly disgusting and sick.

    Coconuts BKK still has the photos on their website. - you can see Hannah's mother cowering away from the camera.

    This makes me so sad - Shameful abuse of a grieving mother!

    You must be mistaken- there were certain people who posted here again, and again, and again, that the feelings of the families were sacrosanct and they were being abused by those who felt the investigation was lacking. They all seem to have popped out for now, but no doubt they will be back. They have no reason to be ashamed of themselves after all. What say you shills? If you can't swallow giving a well deserved public apology then maybe it is best to be as absent as you are?

    Apologies? That would be the people that sway like a feather on the wind, vilifying the Witheridges when they supported the strength of the case then praising them when Hannah's sister says otherwise; and this after spending a couple weeks going after the Millers.

    Greenchair is right, the Witheridge family was the target of abusive commentary and hatred, even on this forum, the moment they endorsed the investigation a year ago; I have no doubt the death threats happened in that context, I don't recall the same group that now claim them as their own stepping up to their defense back then.

    Laura Witheridge is entitled to her own opinions, on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.

    Well many of us have kept our own counsel. I don't think that you have seen me post often on these threads. I am posting now because of the disgusting treatment that Laura Witheridge suffered that she has brought to public attention. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  11. I've never heard or read anything by Hannah's family saying they were "happy" with the investigation.

    Far from it, they said quite opposite and now some facts are coming out it is easy to see why.

    How horrific for the police to trick them into attending the a the police HQ for an update only to sell them out..

    ..... "Royal Thai police headquarters for an official update but that, on arrival, we were taken into a large room, left for 5 minutes before the door opened and around 200 journalists were allowed into the room and we were ambushed by this mob of hungry journalists shoving cameras in our faces The thai police chief had no intentions of giving us an update after all, the bungled investigation meant he had nothing to tell us. The invitation was so that he could make money out of our misery. The press had paid him generously for 5 minutes to capture photographs of our family."

    How utterly disgusting and sick.

    Coconuts BKK still has the photos on their website. - you can see Hannah's mother cowering away from the camera.

    This makes me so sad - Shameful abuse of a grieving mother!

    You must be mistaken- there were certain people who posted here again, and again, and again, that the feelings of the families were sacrosanct and they were being abused by those who felt the investigation was lacking. They all seem to have popped out for now, but no doubt they will be back. They have no reason to be ashamed of themselves after all. What say you shills? If you can't swallow giving a well deserved public apology then maybe it is best to be as absent as you are?

    Apologies? That would be the people that sway like a feather on the wind, vilifying the Witheridges when they supported the strength of the case then praising them when Hannah's sister says otherwise; and this after spending a couple weeks going after the Millers.

    Greenchair is right, the Witheridge family was the target of abusive commentary and hatred, even on this forum, the moment they endorsed the investigation a year ago; I have no doubt the death threats happened in that context, I don't recall the same group that now claim them as their own stepping up to their defense back then.

    Laura Witheridge is entitled to her own opinions, on the other hand I know her family has been heavily lobbied by activists to change their view of the case, which they considered extremely damaging to their cause.

    Funny how you are forever endorsing the millers view and telling everyone to respect what they say but now say the witheridges have been lobbied and therefore should not be respectd as they are wrong.

    Best you arrange a team meeting soon.

    He used to respect the views of both of the families- he ranted on about that for hours. I wonder what has changed? Some posters had zero credibility before, so where does that leave them now? Disgusting.

  12. You must be mistaken- there were certain people who posted here again, and again, and again, that the feelings of the families were sacrosanct and they were being abused by those who felt the investigation was lacking. They all seem to have popped out for now, but no doubt they will be back. They have no reason to be ashamed of themselves after all. What say you shills? If you can't swallow giving a well deserved public apology then maybe it is best to be as absent as you are?

    They'll be back tomorrow, once they've worked out a damage limitation strategy, which will be ever-so-subtle digs at Laura, and attempts to spam and derail the discussions with 'facebook hacked'-type nonse

    I can imagine, but I hope not. Skulking in shame seems more appropriate.

  13. This is despicable..
    As if the victim's families havn't been enough - why should they be exposed to this abuse..

    I am wondering if the threats came from b2 supporters .since all along the Witheridge family have said they were happy with the investigation. I can't see why b2 opposers would threaten them since they were of the same opinion.

    B2 supporters... If this were a funny thread I'd laugh. Maybe you should take a look at what Laura has to say before making your tired comments.

    My opinion is I'm not sure of the B2 were in some way involved, I do not think all of the things that have happened after the murders are on behalf of the B2. Somebody important is being covered for here... And the stench keeps getting stronger on KT.

    I've never heard or read anything by Hannah's family saying they were "happy" with the investigation.
    Far from it, they said quite opposite and now some facts are coming out it is easy to see why.
    How horrific for the police to trick them into attending the a the police HQ for an update only to sell them out..

    ..... "Royal Thai police headquarters for an ‘official update’… but that, on arrival, we were taken into a large room, left for 5 minutes before the door opened and around 200 journalists were allowed into the room and we were ambushed by this mob of hungry journalists shoving cameras in our faces… The thai police chief had no intentions of giving us an update… after all, the bungled investigation meant he had nothing to tell us. The invitation was so that he could make money out of our misery. The press had paid him generously for 5 minutes to capture photographs of our family."

    How utterly disgusting and sick.
    Coconuts BKK still has the photos on their website. - you can see Hannah's mother cowering away from the camera.

    This makes me so sad - Shameful abuse of a grieving mother!

    You must be mistaken- there were certain people who posted here again, and again, and again, that the feelings of the families were sacrosanct and they were being abused by those who felt the investigation was lacking. They all seem to have popped out for now, but no doubt they will be back. They have no reason to be ashamed of themselves after all. What say you shills? If you can't swallow giving a well deserved public apology then maybe it is best to be as absent as you are?

  14. Well...That Facebook status from Laura Witheridge goes along way in explaining the statement that came out form the Millar family after the trial...Its sad that the other topics have been closed but this Facebook post has basically confirmed what many have been fighting to bring to the public and to show that all was far from right in the sentencing of the B2. Will be interesting to see what the defenders of the establishment on Koh Tao have to say about Laura's post . This will I'm positive be picked up my international media and will be interesting to see how far this goes now...The British goverment if the Facebook comments on Laura's page are to be believed..and I for sure believe them 100% have a lot to answer too along with of course the Thai RTP and authorities...Sadly I knew along with many more on here it would only be a matter of time before another incident happened in Koh Tao that didn't ring true ! And it will,happen again in the future till the Major governments around the world address this matter. , And they can very easily ! How many young Brits and other nationalities have to die before they do something..Shame on you British Government and as for the RTP and Thai Authorities I hope you are found out for what you are before we are commenting on another sad death !

    Does anyone know, apart from your local MP (something of a misnomer after living in Thailand for a decade), what is the best way to register dissatisfaction with the role the FCO/ UK have played in this debacle? Sorry if this is strictly off-topic, but the cases seem to be absolutely linked in the view of comments I have seen, even from the shills.

  15. Have we seen the statements from Laura Witheridge the sister of Hannah? They are on Andrew Drummond's website. Suffice to say her and her family are NOT happy with the outcome of the trial and how they were treated.

    So spin that one Koh Tao and RTP fan club.

    Well, I went there and it was blocked. So I'll just take your word for it lol

    Try a little harder, maybe just search her Facebook.

    I posted the link on page 7 of this thread. I believe it is still there.

  16. This thread seems to have been forgotten by most but it is being widely reported that Hannah's sister has posted publicly about the case for the first time.

    I know facebook links are not usually allowed, but I think there may be an argument for special circumstances being applied in this case- if not mods please delete, and my apologies.


  17. A pretty damning criticism of the RTP (and indeed Thailand) has just been posted by Laura Witheridge on her facebook page. It refers to this incident.

    That statement by Laura Witheridge would appear to sum up why the family have not spoken about the verdict. It has come as a great relief to hear her speak and I truly hope these frightening revelations from her will come into the media big time and that the investigation will be reopened. It is now time for the British government and Scotland Yard to intervene in my opinion.

    I think it leaves those two organisations with not a little egg on their faces. Perhaps the embarrassment will motivate them.

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