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Posts posted by Slip

  1. On 10/26/2016 at 2:16 PM, greenchair said:

    Seriously, on the grand scale of crimes against humanity, what has this guy done? ? Make a few speeches, set up up a few meetings, try to at least promote a little bit of oppositional voice. 

    Come on get real. 

    We all know why he's in prison. 

    One of the reasons was he was sarcastic to the powers that be. Half of tv should be in there, if you all agree with that. 


    Here is a direct quote from one of his co-leaders with whom he frequently shared a stage.  Your 'few speeches, few meetings, a little bit of opposition' comments are the ones that seem unreal to me.   You do better in threads about island murders.


    For example, UDD leader Arisman Pongruengrong told supporters at a rally at Army Headquarters in Bangkok on January 29 they should carry out arson attacks if the government tried to disperse them, warning they would turn the city into a “sea of fire:”

    If you know they are going to [disperse] us, you don’t need to prepare much. Just show up each with one glass bottle to fill with gasoline. Fill it up 75cc to 1 liter. If we go to Bangkok with one million people and one million liters of gasoline, rest assured that Bangkok will turn into a sea of fire. This is the simple way to fight by the Red Shirts. I am telling the soldiers, the dog servants of the Privy Council, if you spill even one drop of the Red Shirts’ blood, it means Bangkok will instantly turn into a sea of fire.


  2. 6 hours ago, Strange said:




    honestly you don't even know what your tax money goes to? 


    The only way a UK resident pays 4,398 in total tax is if they make around 10,000-12,000 pound income in a year. This is for a single person. Family? Multiple income? Yeah, still gonna be about 40% of total income given to the government. 


    Do you guys not even look at where you money is going? 


    Honestly, this stuff is easily researchable. 

    I really am intrigued with your figures here.  4398 of 10000 is a basic tax rate of 43.98%.  Can you back up this claim?  It certainly seems to have changed since I was last there.

  3. Inappropriate? Yes, at least for those of us in the profession.  I will only make friends with my students on social media after they have left my care. (and I am responsible for 16-18 year olds).

    Who should you report it to? No one.  Nothing wrong has been done in so far as it goes, as inappropriate as it may seem to the rest of us.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Scott said:

    While digging around on my computer I found this:


    Section 10 Under Section 51 paragraph one, an Employer shall be prohibited from demanding or receiving from an Employee a security deposit for work or a security deposit for damage to work regardless of money, other property or suretyship by person, unless the nature or conditions of work require the Employee be responsible for

    money or property belonging to the Employer, which may cause damage to the Employer.


    Unfortunately, I saved it as a word document and don't have a link to where I got it, but it would seem to indicate that a security deposit would be illegal.  


  5. 8 hours ago, Chicog said:


    But there are hardly any Shi'a in Qatar, and I can't recall any Indians getting citizenship.

    I think it's more likely'to be just lazy reporting.


    I know the UAE stopped dishing out citizenship to Indians a while back. They finally tumbled that if they ever did have the vote there, in a few years time, the Indians would outnumber them!




    It is essential that we find out the true nationality, religious beliefs, and ethnic background of this reprobate, so that in future we can properly discriminate against all his countrymen and those who share his religious views.

  6. 7 minutes ago, starky said:

    Yes many doors will open you can get a job at mc Donald's or your local bar with all the rest of the degree holders.

      That seems a massive shame to me.  Do you have a degree yourself?  Do you work in McDonalds or a bar?  As an undergraduate I did, but as a graduate I got a job that paid well and stretched my skills.  Then I became a manager.

  7. 1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:




    I have no issue with any number of quotes.


    I am simply saying that when any of these people listed have likely been quoted many 100's of times then how do you choose the 50 ?


    There is a great risk that the author cherry picks 50 that suit his agenda. 


    I don't claim that is what has happened because I don't give much a <deleted> but isn't that a risk?


    It could have hillary at the top and I would still question the validity of the data.

    Fair enough ClutchClark, but then you should have said that.  I have deja vu.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Mister Fixit said:


    Anyone who needs to hit children in a classroom is a rubbish teacher.


    Anyone who is so self important enough to want to boast about it is beneath contempt.

     As a teacher of over 15 years I cannot agree more.

    3 minutes ago, kleelof said:


    Those teachers should be aware of parents who WON't go to the police first when dealing with something like this.

      Indeed- but in local parlance- som nam naa.  May they reap as they sow the cowardly bullies.

  9. 6 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    Oh get a life. In English speaking countries they are talking about bringing back physical punishment. The kids are out of control 35 young eager minds want to learn, want to listen, need to study, need to pass tests. Unfortunately that is taken away from them by the 5 rotters that will not let up on the madness. Usually those 5 have parents just like you that discreetly inform them they can do what they like, then blame the teacher when everyone fails. I have a stick and I use it. My students all behave themselves and we have great classes. I don't have to run to thai teachers every 5 minutes. And there are 70 parents that support me. And 10 that complain. 


    3 minutes ago, kleelof said:

    Which countries?

    And who are they?  You admit to illegally beating your students, but that doesn't make it correct.

  10. Students are usually a product of their teachers.  Good teachers can create good students.  That can and does happen on a local basis- by which I mean students can be good or bad specifically depending on the teacher in that classroom environment.  I can't see any teacher getting far by resorting to violence as has been suggested here.  They had already made that a criminal offence by the time I got to school in the 1970s.

  11. 8 hours ago, greenchair said:

    These rotten little sods making up stories about the teachers. 

    I have seen it myself in the schools time and time again. the teacher barely touches the kid. The kid sits there for the rest of the day pinching themselves, scratching themselves, digging pencils into themselves and yes hitting themselves. Come home time suddenly the kid bursts into tears, with all the teaches wondering what's wrong. They have bruises from playing and often say the teacher did it. I tapped a kid just above the knee for giving me the middle finger and pretending to masturbate in my class. Then he told the class teacher I made the bruise on his lower leg. When the kid gets a low score, they are hellbent on getting that teacher out. This is the new way to do it. 

    These are the kids that ruin classes and stop the children that want to learn. Hope she gets thrown out the school for lying. 


    Apparently despite the rules against  overly negative comments about Thai people here,  negative posts against all Thai students are allowed, whereas criticisms of such are not and will be deleted.

    Meanwhile to physically abuse a student in any way is illegal in this country.  One can only hope that perpetrators ultimately get their just desserts whomever they may be and however light they claim those 'taps'  were.


    11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

  12. The open university in the UK is highly regarded and of equal value to a full time course, but be aware their degrees take substantially longer to complete.  (6 years is not uncommon).




    As for using Thai for beginner/ young Thai learners, extreme caution must be exercised.  The differences between pronunciation and, for example spelling and hand writing, are fraught with problems.  On a daily basis I see fossilised issues inherent in my students. These were caused by them being taught by non-native speakers and  are still there at 16-18 years of age.


  13. 11 minutes ago, Bonobojt said:



    apparently 80% of English Teachers in Thailand are teaching without a degree , if the thai government tried to get rid of them all it would cause problems, according to this link..... 


    Bonjobit- I do not believe the 'facts' presented in this commercial blog for a second.  I urge you to investigate further.  For example I know about 50 NES teachers in Thailand- out of those only 2 do not have a degree.  Meanwhile Vietnam is getting tougher rapidly as far as I hear, although Cambodia is still more relaxed, not only in its qualification demands, but also its general lack of officiousness and other lifestyle issues.

  14. 4 minutes ago, TPI said:

    I think you are being a little harsh with this guy, the teacher might have slapped her ear for talking rude, he might have even jabbed her with his finger, she's 16 or 17 years old M5 student! Unless you have been in the same situation you have no right to judge, some of these young "ladies" and "gentlemen" are only at school because the parents don't want them at home! This altercation took about a minute, conversation, assault and departure. Time it yourself see how far you get into the scenario!! :smile::wai:


    I find this remarkable.  It is not the place of teachers to slap ears or jab fingers into their students any more than it is the place of students to do it to their teachers.  Being slapped in the ear actually really hurts, as does being jabbed by a rigid finger.  I remember being 16 years old and adults were still quite awe-inspiring, especially if they became physically aggressive.  As a female up against a male teacher I would guess that is even more the case.

  15. 2 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


    You need to understand the reasons why otherwise your answer has no meaning: a gain in the value of THB could be down to an increase in the value of USD, a fall in the value of GBP or an increase in the value of THB. Your reference was to the first of those, the current reference is to the second, totally totally totally different events and trying to avoid any link to Brexit that results from that fall is impossible.


    I see what you mean if I hark back to my A-level economics studies, but in layman's terms the end effect is identical.  I know better than to argue with an economist of any virtue as my knowledge is zero.  Yet I am still enjoying an almost identical exchange rate as I did 3.5 years ago.

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