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Posts posted by Slip

  1. 2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


    WARNING: This response may be considered "nasty" by some delicate readers. 


    I am "grateful" every day to wake up in the great country of America and be an American. Kap's biography shows it is still a "land of Opportunity" for people of all colors. 


    kap has a right to an opinion just lime all Americans; however, Kap chose to express his opinion in a manner which insults all of America...ergo, many Americans are insulted. If Kap had wanted to bring people of different views on this topic together then he chose a very poor method of expression.


    Do me a favor and don't guess at my "implication" because you have not done a very good job and have shown me disrespect. Simply ask me for clarification and I will happily spell it out for you. 

    I don't consider your reply to be nasty, and I certainly mean no disrespect to you.  I do respect your right to your opinion, but I think the way you expressed it was off just as you think of Kap's expression of his is.  


    Perhaps I misunderstood you, but it seems to me that your implication was that as a black man who has been 'allowed' (your word) to do well he should consider himself lucky to have been granted that opportunity by America and should not be commenting on the situation of other black people in the country who have not been granted those same opportunities.  The flavour of your words suggested that you feel successful black people have been done some sort of favour to be in that position, and therefore should not comment. That seemed implicitly racist.


    The specific phrases that caused me to question your response are:


    That is why many Americans have difficulty understanding

    Which suggests he is not an American like those who criticise him,


    he lives in a country

    as opposed to he 'comes from a country'



    adopted by white parents,

    as if that in some way better than being brought up in a black household



    ear(n) more money than 100 Americans combined


    Many Americans call that ungrateful. 

    which suggest that as a black man he is in some way not American, or not as deserving as other non-black Americans.

    I don't feel that black people should be grateful for being treated equally.  I think they should be able to expect it, and if a successful person of any race sees discrimination they should do their best to combat it.


    If that was not your intent then I am happy to apologise, and assuming that is the case I do so now, but perhaps you could look at the way you word your responses for the avoidance of doubt and misunderstanding.

  2. Quote


    "This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth," Cruz said of Trump in May, hours before ending his campaign.


    "Donald will betray his supporters on every issue," the Texas senator added, while calling Trump "utterly amoral," ''a narcissist," ''a bully," and "a serial philanderer," among other things.



    And yet you will vote for him Mr Cruz?  American politicians don't seem very high on ethics.

  3. 4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


    You forgot the square that says Eight years ago America elects Black President and the square that says for seversl decades America pays black athletes hundreds of millions of dollars. 


    That is why many Americans have difficulty understanding why Kap is so angry at America--he lives in a country that has allowed him to live every dream, adopted by white parents, able to attend top schools and ear more money than 100 Americans combined and yet he is angry at America.


    Many Americans call that ungrateful. 


    Sorry to ruin your narrative of balck people as victims but many Americans think black people should take the same personal responsibility for their actions as every other ethnic group in America. Why do black people kill so many people? Why do they commit so many crimes? 

    You talk as if he is not an American.  Oh should he be 'grateful' indeed?   The clear implication in this nasty nasty post is that 'these people' should 'know their place'.


    "He lives in a country..."; "America pays them?"; "so many 'Americans' have difficulty understanding"? 


    So because he is successful he has no right to an opinion, or at least to voice it? 


    Should white professional sports people be equally grateful and silent or are they allowed opinions on issues in the US by virtue of their skin colour?



  4. Quote

    This post attacks the news organization that wrote the story, "2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story"  by writing, "I can understand why that is inconvenient for those who operate by innuendo and insinuation."


    The problem with your attack is the caliber and reputation of the   McClatchy  News organization which is above reproach.  Debate the story instead of attacking the messenger which in this case is a trustworthy media source.  




    You wrote, "it beggars belief anyone would give those unauthorised Clinton supporters of 2008 any more than a quick and brief passing mention."  Blame it on the Washington Post who brought up the birther issue 4 days ago.   Trump didn't bring it up. The Washington Post brought it up.  

    Strike 2...

  5. I don't always get what the to and fro is about in these news threads, be they US politics or global terrorism.


    Obviously people (including the people quoted in the early reports, and most of us here at TV) are going to consider the idea that any terrorist attack is perpetrated by muslim terrorists.  What are these professionals to say?  We think it is a muslim attack but we have no evidence for that claim yet? They would be publicly flayed- Public servants are held to higher standards than TV posters, after alll.  As far as I can see, they are doing their jobs properly and professionally by commenting only when they have something to back up their statements.  

    It seems that it has become apparent relatively quickly that this WAS such an attack, and that was released in a fairly timely manner to the news wires.


    Where is the problem here?

  6. On 9/14/2016 at 9:44 AM, Ulysses G. said:


    When the shoe fits, wear it. Too many of Hillary's supporters are full of hate. Just look at the posts on this forum.


    That is certainly rich.  

    HRC was quite wrong to say that 'half' of Trump's supporters are 'deplorables'.  No doubt some are, but it is less than fifty percent- just look at the posts on this forum.


    I agree most with the posters who bemoan what has become of the U.S.A's politics.  Sad days indeed.

  7. 50 minutes ago, DiscoDan said:

    Robert Holmes said the police had a new machine that tested the DNA and  they managed to get results back in 4hours. 

    One of these machines that is currently for sale in Thailand is called the rapidhit200 this machine can do tests in 90 minutes,

    Benefits of the machine is you don't need to be a scientist to use it, only a 3 month course is needed to run this machine, it can also be matched up with police databases so it can see if they have found your dna at another crime scene.


    As the computer does the testing  there is no case notes graphs etc,only a few pieces of paper.


    So it now looks like the defense are going to have to try and prove that a computer got it wrong, good luck with that



    n 2012 the Palm Bay, Florida, Police Department received the first commercially produced rapid DNA unit placed in a police agency; an IntegenX RapidHIT 200 unit. In January 2014, after a year of testing and validation, the Palm Bay Police began generating leads on real-world criminal cases, including producing a DNA profile in 90 minutes that linked a suspect to a burglary of a U.S. soldier’s home that occurred while he was in Afghanistan. The Palm Bay Police department is known for applying various innovation technologies in real-life situations and is the pioneer of the use of private lab services to create an effective DNA database.2



    Thailand did remarkably well to have this cutting edge tech available on a crappy little island only 8 months after it was first successful in trials by a US police department 'known for applying various innovation technologies.'

    Or is this more fluff, obfuscation and deflection from the KT apologists?  I will leave members to draw their own conclusions.

  8. From the above quoted article:


    The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008

    Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/7-news-stories-2008-prove-hillary-started-obama-birtherism/#ixzz4KU64PX3r


    Interestingly if you follow the link for that quote you find this:



    Birtherism is the latest and most enduring version of a theory in search of facts.

    The original smear against Obama was that he was a crypto-Muslim, floated in 2004 by perennial Illinois political candidate and serial litigant Andy Martin.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2011/04/birtherism-where-it-all-began-053563#ixzz4KU6S8tS0 
    Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

    So, not Hilary, not Trump but a different Republican.  It seems a mucky business this politics.

  9. On 9/15/2016 at 3:35 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    You are off topic. The topic is Powell and the e mails, not about Trump supporters or your opinion of Trump. There are plenty of other threads to convey such.

    The topic is "in leaked emails Powell calls Trump a national disgrace".  I hardly think a poster agreeing with that notion is off topic.  Why does this keep happening it US political threads on Thai visa?

  10. 1 hour ago, greenchair said:

    I was reading of a legal issue in England, a mans wife had died of drowning in the bathtub in the early hours of the morning. There was no evidence of a crime. 10 years later his second wife died in exactly the same way. His case and some other cases comes under a special law and was judged solely on the probability, of having a wife die in exactly the same way on 2 occasions to 1 man. 

    The probability was infinite numbers and he was imprisoned. 

    What is the probability of being on the beach at the same time as a murder and finding the victims phone hours later and forgetting  your shoes right near the murder and having your clothes stolen , and buying a bottle of wine, later to be found at the scene all in the same night. The odds are staggering. 

    This post is staggering- anyone who seeks to find information about this case from almost 100 years ago will quickly see that it bears zero resemblance to the KT murders.

    I fear you may suffer not a little ridicule for this latest barrel scraping.


  11. 2 hours ago, rosst said:

    Well, the queue is extensive but his protectors are legion.  I live in the Philippines and I am yet to meet anyone who will state that he dislikes or opposes Dutertes actions.

    Personally,  I am in favour of the man and his actions.  Oh he has foul mouthed the people he is alledged to but so do many but will not do so publicly. Whats not to like about the man?  He is honest and he has balls and the people love him.

    The fact that he is promoting and condoning murder in the streets?

  12. 26 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

    Anuban is kindergarten - English starts there.  It starts younger than in the West.   Anuban kids are not lazy and no one in any country flunks kindergarten (you may know of an exception).  Thai kids learn from good teachers.  Thai kids are lazy learners because of lazy teachers. 

    I think there is also a body of evidence that suggests that children of this age have no business 'learning' anything.  It doesn't work that way- better to be acquiring at kindy age.

  13. 18 minutes ago, TuskegeeBen said:

    In addition to the commendable, self-admitted failings of the Thai MOE, I have a point-of-view, worthy of consideration.  As a U.S. citizen, having maintained a 5-year residency in The Kingdom, I have arrived at the following conclusion:


    Based upon my own lifetime experiences, and comparative observations, the vast majority of global societies could benefit greatly, from some schooling,  in the person-to-person “public behavior” mannerisms, seemingly  imprinted, within the general psyche of the Thai people.  Hosting a public safety conscious street-life environment, is a huge credit plus for any nation.


    Conversely, the future generational  members of the Thai political-arena, would receive a significant education in “governance” methods, by spending at least one-year of “observational-research” study, of how  they might strategically merge Thai cultural consciousness, with the ways, and the means of the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Monarchy societies.


    The refute podium pedestal is now available, especially to the ever-present know-it-all poster of the forum. Sigh!:coffee1:

    No doubt you are right, but there are other less desirable elements that would be better left behind.

    As for discussions of the highest institution, best left, even here.

  14. 7 minutes ago, PeeJay1959 said:

    So weed is harmless. I have seen the phsycosis





     A US organisation, marijuana-anonymous.org, defines the problems of cannabis as follows:


    “If cannabis controls our lives and our thinking, and if our desires centre around marijuana - scoring it, dealing it, and finding ways to stay high so that we lose interest in all else.”

    So that is the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists promoting a faith-based system of recovery?  The sooner that is stopped the better.  I am gob-smacked.  I might even write a strongly worded letter.

    Actually that whole article is biased and uses woolly pseudo-science.  I am stunned.


  15. 3 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


    What if they did?  Are you excused if you commit a crime whilst intoxicated in any other way?

     I was trying to establish Mary's boundaries on this.  She said that anyone intoxicated who committed a crime should be imprisoned for a year.  I'm sure there are plenty of prescribed drugs out there that have a seriously intoxicating effect.  I wondered whether Mary would include those who were involuntarily intoxicated in her minimum one-year sentencing.


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