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Posts posted by Slip

  1. There are some detailed reports floating around about the options available to the hackers, and they seemed to suggest an n'th degree of sophistication as opposed to pressing 'cancel'.  


    It seems the thieves chose to steal the bank's money, not the customers' this time. (I wonder if card users who used those compromised ATM's have been notified of the fact that their data has probably been stolen?)


  2. I agree with Jopha except about the dictionary.  Read some of the classics.  Your vocabulary will go through the roof, then start to do some literary analysis on ones you really like.  Join lit groups and chat with your peers about the texts.  I'm English and stopped studying English language at 14- it was all literature after that.  Good luck.

  3. 3 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Yes for cancer or terminal illness otherwise no no no.

    It's a drug it is adictive (yes it is) I've known many friends who say it's only weed!!! Then a year down the line there on heroine or these so called leagal highs. 

    Oh what utter bullshit.   By the way it must be heroin you mean, unless they are snuffing brave and inspiring women.

  4. 1 hour ago, innocenthai said:



    I doubt that they check more on the way to hua hin than pattaya, and they don't check at all on the way to pattaya...




    This response seems very strange to me.  The guy is telling you it is there. Why would you disbelieve him?  It is there. It is just south of Petchaburi, and as he says it is semi-permanent.  I have been through it many times, but never been stopped (cars in front and behind have). I also know someone that has been tested there.  

  5. 1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:

    Such silly rhetoric from people who barely know the American system, or from expatriated Americans who believe every syllable of the false Leftist - fabricated U.S. Media propaganda...  -  YET who haven't been back to America in 10-15 years.. And mime "The Trump Sky is falling" - oh yeah sure..  ... such naive Leftist trolls... Tens of thousands of supporters appear at every Trump rally .. a few hundred show up at Hillary's so called 'rallies' ... Do you really think that corruption in the polls is so far fetched when the American News Media is so in bed with Democrats and Leftist Candidates like Hillary ?   Can you be than Naive? 


    I thought I would be happy to see when the wheels fell off the nuts, but now it just makes me feel a bit sad.  Trump and the GOP have stolen an election from the American middle-right.

  6. 5 hours ago, VillageIdiot said:

    Does Trump come up with these memorable one-liners himself, or does he have aides writing for him?

    When I buy an original Trump (tm) figurine he had better  come fully equipped with outrageous quotes when I pull a string, or I will surely complain to the company.  How can people still defend this embarrassment of a man?

  7. There are 2 possible outcomes Mr Hoohaa.  He is a terrorist or not - it is unlikely he is, but if it were you would you wish to take the risk of being accused of aiding and abetting him?  The op seems to think he might be.  Regardless the law of the country require him to register the tenant.  If the tenant refuses only a fool would entertain it and put himself in a criminal situation.


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