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Posts posted by Slip

  1. When I was studying a BSc seemed to be considered more 'weighty' than a BA. I agree with the comments about pursuing the science option as a possible avenue for higher wages, although the lack of a specific subject like chemistry or physics may limit the opportunities. The OU in the UK is fully accredited, quite highly respected and in no way a degree mill (as of course the OP knows already).

  2. Is vegetable juice here as full of added sugar as fruit juice? I presume so. I'm still not giving up my daily naam manao.

    To the op- I reckon it is more a case of veggie juice being added to fruit juice here. You'll have to give it some time. Meanwhile you could make your own? Just get a juicer. You can have mine for free if you collect.

  3. That's true. 10 to 15 percent is significant. For example, that's about the percentage of African Americans in the U.S. and their votes are quite influential. In this election, they probably made the difference in the democratic party picking Clinton over Sanders.

    And the relevance of this fasinating statistic to the elections of Londons mayor given the black americans referred to are not British citzens or one presumes residents of London which is in England ?

    The relevance is that 10% can swing most elections, which are won or lost by less than 10%.

    no. The relevance is that the 10% number is offered to show muslims are a tiny minority compared to the other 90%. But this is horse pucky. The next biggest block, practicing Christians number about 2% so really these 10% that want sharia and all the trappings of islam will get what they (think they) want. There is no 90% block opposing sharia is my point. This has been a clever trick by the left, but there are no flies on me.

    There are more practicing muslims in europe than practicing christians.

    Your figures seem a bit off if referencing London;

    "According to the 2011 Census, the largest religious groupings are Christians (48.4 per cent), followed by those of no religion(20.7 per cent), no response (8.5 per cent), Muslims (12.4 per cent), Hindus (5.0 per cent),Jews (1.8 per cent), Sikhs (1.5 per cent), Buddhists (1.0 per cent) and other (0.6 per cent)."

    but there seems little denying there has been a strong shift, even before taking into account the huge influx of refugees from Muslim countries in the last year or two;

    "In 2001, the numbers were respectively Christians (58.2 per cent), followed by those of no religion (15.8 per cent), no response (8.7 per cent), Muslims (8.5 per cent), Hindus (4.1 per cent), Jews (2.1 per cent), Sikhs (1.5 per cent), Buddhists (0.8 per cent) and other (0.5 per cent)."

    Better keep an eye on those sneaky atheists too mind you.


    50% of Londoners Christians,does that refer to those Christened,or to those who attend church or those who do not attend church while trying to practise Christianity as they understand it. Compare then with the numbers of Muslims who believe in and adhere to the Muslim religion.

    That's an interesting question that I was just thinking about as 50% Christian seemed ridiculously high to me. It's from the census so I guess you would have to say that people self-determine as one group or another.

    And will closely correlate with the colour of their skin one suspects, so if you suggest 50% of the population of London is white, European descent doest seem so high now does it ?

    I think we're getting a bit off topic, but just to note; the actual percentage of whites (Brit or other) from the same census is 75%, in which case 50% (or 2/3 of the total), does seem quite believable after all.

    EDIT: My figures here are wrong- I read the 2001 figures, and still overstated them from 71%, in 2011 that dropped to 60%

  4. That's true. 10 to 15 percent is significant. For example, that's about the percentage of African Americans in the U.S. and their votes are quite influential. In this election, they probably made the difference in the democratic party picking Clinton over Sanders.
    And the relevance of this fasinating statistic to the elections of Londons mayor given the black americans referred to are not British citzens or one presumes residents of London which is in England ?

    The relevance is that 10% can swing most elections, which are won or lost by less than 10%.

    no. The relevance is that the 10% number is offered to show muslims are a tiny minority compared to the other 90%. But this is horse pucky. The next biggest block, practicing Christians number about 2% so really these 10% that want sharia and all the trappings of islam will get what they (think they) want. There is no 90% block opposing sharia is my point. This has been a clever trick by the left, but there are no flies on me.

    There are more practicing muslims in europe than practicing christians.

    Your figures seem a bit off if referencing London;

    "According to the 2011 Census, the largest religious groupings are Christians (48.4 per cent), followed by those of no religion(20.7 per cent), no response (8.5 per cent), Muslims (12.4 per cent), Hindus (5.0 per cent),Jews (1.8 per cent), Sikhs (1.5 per cent), Buddhists (1.0 per cent) and other (0.6 per cent)."

    but there seems little denying there has been a strong shift, even before taking into account the huge influx of refugees from Muslim countries in the last year or two;

    "In 2001, the numbers were respectively Christians (58.2 per cent), followed by those of no religion (15.8 per cent), no response (8.7 per cent), Muslims (8.5 per cent), Hindus (4.1 per cent), Jews (2.1 per cent), Sikhs (1.5 per cent), Buddhists (0.8 per cent) and other (0.5 per cent)."

    Better keep an eye on those sneaky atheists too mind you.


    50% of Londoners Christians,does that refer to those Christened,or to those who attend church or those who do not attend church while trying to practise Christianity as they understand it. Compare then with the numbers of Muslims who believe in and adhere to the Muslim religion.

    That's an interesting question that I was just thinking about as 50% Christian seemed ridiculously high to me. It's from the census so I guess you would have to say that people self-determine as one group or another.

  5. That's true. 10 to 15 percent is significant. For example, that's about the percentage of African Americans in the U.S. and their votes are quite influential. In this election, they probably made the difference in the democratic party picking Clinton over Sanders.

    And the relevance of this fasinating statistic to the elections of Londons mayor given the black americans referred to are not British citzens or one presumes residents of London which is in England ?

    The relevance is that 10% can swing most elections, which are won or lost by less than 10%.

    no. The relevance is that the 10% number is offered to show muslims are a tiny minority compared to the other 90%. But this is horse pucky. The next biggest block, practicing Christians number about 2% so really these 10% that want sharia and all the trappings of islam will get what they (think they) want. There is no 90% block opposing sharia is my point. This has been a clever trick by the left, but there are no flies on me.

    There are more practicing muslims in europe than practicing christians.

    Your figures seem a bit off if referencing London;

    "According to the 2011 Census, the largest religious groupings are Christians (48.4 per cent), followed by those of no religion(20.7 per cent), no response (8.5 per cent), Muslims (12.4 per cent), Hindus (5.0 per cent),Jews (1.8 per cent), Sikhs (1.5 per cent), Buddhists (1.0 per cent) and other (0.6 per cent)."

    but there seems little denying there has been a strong shift, even before taking into account the huge influx of refugees from Muslim countries in the last year or two;

    "In 2001, the numbers were respectively Christians (58.2 per cent), followed by those of no religion (15.8 per cent), no response (8.7 per cent), Muslims (8.5 per cent), Hindus (4.1 per cent), Jews (2.1 per cent), Sikhs (1.5 per cent), Buddhists (0.8 per cent) and other (0.5 per cent)."

    Better keep an eye on those sneaky atheists too mind you.


  6. Lewis said he was not sure why they were attacked.

    “I didn’t know them, it was just random,” he said.

    It wasn't 'random', they were beaten up because the mother slapped one Thai man in the face and the father punched another one while the son held him from behind. The clip being shown in the UK edits out all this, but it can be seen clearly in the full clip that the Brits throw the first punches.

    First thai man pushed tourist..

    After start argue.

    And after women 6X yer old?? sllaped its reason turn her face into the meat?? bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

    First tourist touch Thai man's chest ( was that a sort of caress? ) Thai man push tourist. Tourist trip over mother, hits head. Mother leaves son on ground to get into bitch slap mode :50... fast forward 45 seconds, son holds Thai man father hits Thai man... fast forward 2:20 tourist family on ground.

    Incidentally http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/161851

    British couple vows to return to Hua Hin despite brutal attack

    Sentence. need. all. word. or. piggin.

  7. My tgf family in Pai told us that this is frequent event there. The rural locals sell heroin, marijuana etc to tourists. Having done so they immediately, and prearranged, phone the local cops, waiting just down the road, giving the buyers details, motorcycle number etc. Sellers keep the money, get some dugs returned, and repeat the operation. Just one big well known set up.Sometimes the cops ether book the tourists or take bribes and the drugs. We actually watched this happen on the road from the waterfall. Plastic hippies of Pai reliving their grandparents dreams.

    The waterfall and its market place were well known when I first visited Pai 15 years ago, as was the very real danger of being busted on the way home.

  8. There are a lot of conflicting opinions here.

    My dogs get minced roasted chicken carcass from the market. Although I'm concerned that they (the stall holders) baste the skin with a garlic based liquid in the process, it does not seem to have affected their (the dogs) health. We mix it with smartheart biscuits which they eat some of, but are not bothered about, and barbecued offal. (I don't think smartheart is particularly good in terms of dry food, but all of this dry food is ultimately overly-processed. Pedigree being amongst the worst, which most of the dogs I have ever known wouldn't even touch.) I wonder how the dog-owners who support the sole use of dry food would feel about eating mineral pellets for the rest of their own meals until they died.

    My dogs also get and enjoy cooked or raw bones of whatever animal- they crunch them up and love them, but they have zero interest in raw meat except beef, or similar red meats.

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  9. It has been mentioned numerous times in this thread, so I thought readers might me interested in an example of the behaviour of local people when they actually believe that the police have apprehended the right people for crimes of this nature:

    Trat police took Thi, Bot Man, Yim, Pai and Jern from Koh Kut police station to the road where the five trawler crew members allegedly attacked four French tourists, raping the two women.

    Border Patrol Police, defence volunteers and rescue workers formed a cordon around the five suspects as angry local residents tried to mob them.

    One resident managed to reach one of the suspects and punched him before being hauled away.


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