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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. He looks like a very angry, very old, self-entitled white man.. which of course, is exactly what he is.
  2. It's a PERFECT booking photo.... just like his Georgia phone call! ???? Man, if I saw that guy coming down the street toward me, I'd run the other way!!! PS - America should do the same!
  3. HA! So that means I, with a most recent air arrival in May 2023, should be free and clear re the TM6 and the LTR application... at least... if that's the correct interpretation! ???? Maybe I'll have a TM6 burning party.... (No, won't, just kidding!)
  4. Pib, do you know if the quoted excerpt you posted above means the date of your ORIGINAL entry into Thailand, OR your most recent entry into Thailand? For example, my most recent entry into Thailand was in May 2023, after their cited date. But, original entry into Thailand was long before their cited date. So I'm somewhat different from you you and Jim, whom I believe, have both remained in Thailand continuously without leaving well back before the cited mid 2022 date.
  5. BKK CW for extension applications typically wants all three: --they want to see and examine your original bank book, which has to be updated the day of your Immigration visit before you go in. --they want the original bank letter no older than 7 days prior confirming your account and balance. --And, they want signed photocopies of the main page of your bank book along with the pages showing all your transaction activity for the prior 12 month period.
  6. Ahh... on the point of bank passbooks... at least in my experience, Krungsri Bank (the yellow, Ayudhya one) continues to have problems with their bank book update machines not accepting some (all?) bank books. After I got my Immigration letter at my local branch earlier this week, I tried updating my bankbook in their public machine, and FAIL.... Go inside, and the bank staff can update my book just fine on their private machines... And exactly the same thing with the Krungsri update machines outside the branch in the basement of the BKK CW complex... Same this year, same as last year... Same with my prior bank book, same with my newest bank book.... And as a consequence, each year, I'm unable do my required bank book update on the day of my Immigration visit until AFTER the BKK CW Krungsri branch opens at 8:30 am, which happens to be the same time the BKK CW Immigration office begins allowing in people from their long queue. It's an ongoing hassle with Krungsri.
  7. Insanity.... and clearly not the policy being followed in BKK....
  8. Funny thing... Every time I make my annual pilgrimage to BKK CW, I always try to drag my Thai wife along with me... And she always asks, "Why do I need to go.... I don't do anything there..." And yesterday was a good example... When we walked in to meet the IO handling my extension, I sat down and said "Good Morning" to her in English signaling that that was my main language.... And then, from that point forward, the IO nonetheless talked entirely in Thai with my wife, and when the IO asked something in Thai, I had my Thai wife translate it for me... And meanwhile, the two of them ended up having a grand chat and laughing together in Thai.... all of which, was fine by me..... ???? Whatever makes them happy and smooths the path to success. Also, with the IO wearing a face mask and sitting behind the plexiglas-COVID screen, I could barely hear/understand most anything she was saying...in any language.... But somehow, my wife could. ????
  9. Sorry to sound lost here, but, I've never clearly understood the real rules on just when a TM30 filing should be required and apply... Originally, I thought, it was basically when you as a foreigner tenant moved to a new permanent residence, and you (or your landlord) needed to notify Immigration of the change. But then things got muddy and complicated in the past when some Immigration officers began requiring new TM30 every time you went out of Thailand and returned back, or even when you left home in Thailand to temporarily stay in a hotel.... The whole thing has been so bollixed up over time, and I've totally lost track of just what it is and isn't supposed to be... All I know is the one I have dates back from 2019, and I've had the same permanent residence in Thailand during that entire time. And no one thus far has asked me to file a new one, even when I've left and returned to Thailand and when I've made short-term domestic stays elsewhere within Thailand. So, at least in my case in BKK, once Immigration has a TM30 for me at my ongoing home address, they don't seem to want a new one no matter where i travel, as long as I return back to my same ongoing home. Fingers crossed....
  10. I can confirm that the ONLINE 90 day reporting system no longer requires you to input a TM6 number. But I haven't done an in-person 90-day report at BKK CW in some months, so I can't speak to whether the TM6 is still required there. My last in-person there was at the beginning of this year, and I believe I did include a copy of my TM6 as part of that application, because at that point it still reflected my last prior air arrival into the country (even though it was back from 2019). When I went to BKK CW for my extension yesterday, I'd already had an international air arrival into Thailand in the meantime earlier this year and wasn't issued any TM6 for that arrival. So even though I had my old TM6 yesterday, it no longer reflected my most recent arrival into Thailand.
  11. Interesting to read everyone's various experiences... Sharing them and hearing what everyone has encountered here and there is very helpful and informative.
  12. I got my queue ticket for the L section yesterday from the main front counter inside, and that officer only took a quick cursory look at my paperwork, which obviously didn't include my TM30 at that point.... But again, best to be prepared just in case.
  13. I had seen someone suggest that elsewhere here on the forum regarding the boarding pass, so I brought my most recent one along with me to BKK CW yesterday just in case in my backup documents file along with a variety of others.... Wasn't asked for the TM6. And wasn't asked for anything as a TM6 replacement item.... We shall see.....
  14. I'd always ordered my paperwork somewhat differently in the past, putting my passport photocopies right after my TM7, and then the rest thereafter...just because that seemed to make sense. But for whatever reason, the Doc checks officer put the 4 misc rules/statements form right after my TM7, and the IO handling my paperwork seemed to like it that way.... Obviously, the order of things doesn't really matter a whole lot in the bigger scheme of things, as long as you have what they want... But if I can do simple things that keep them happy/happier.... so be it! ???? I'll try it that way again next year, and see what ensues... Who knows, different day, different IO... What could possibly go wrong! ???? Part of the reason I write these detailed recaps every year is to help me keep a guide of what I've done and what they've done on all the details, so I have a guide/roadmap to follow for next year....
  15. On my PC with Firefox, the full article ends with the following sentence relating to the one German guy's case... not anything about the other two cases... 'His girlfriend acted as a decoy to lure the victim to the pool, where they ambushed and shot him." And then there's a final paragraph, as is customary with Thaiger, that summarizes an entirely different past article with a somewhat related topic.
  16. Simply put, it's obviously better to bring one and find it might not be needed... (or will be needed, as was my case yesterday) vs.... Not having or bringing one, and then finding that Immigration won't approve your extension without it. It's the old Boy Scouts motto -- "Be Prepared"!
  17. Thanks for that caution re the TM6s, Jim. Very useful to know... And I hadn't known before that the TM6 would be asked for as part of the LTR visa application process! I think the IOs at BKK CW were telling me that THEY wouldn't need or require the TM6s for extension purposes anymore and thus I could discard mine. But of course, THEM not needing them anymore is NOT the same as NO one needing or wanting them anymore, as your experience shows.... I heard BKK CW's advice re TM6s, as I recounted above. But when I got home last night, I left the now 4 year old, outdated TM6 (no longer my most recent air arrival) stapled in my passport... figuring, better safe than sorry.... And with these things and Thailand, you just never know -- as your post above highlights!
  18. Apart from the TM6, what did you do or not do about including copies of your most recent 90-day reporting receipt and / or a copy of your TM30 (if you have one)? Included or didn't include in your packet? Asked for or not asked for by the officer?
  19. Ya... who knows.... I can only report what happened in my case on yesterday with one particular IO at BKK CW.... I will add though, I asked the question about the status of the TM6 forms for extension purposes here in several threads on the forum in advance of my visit to BKK CW, because I didn't get a new one on my last international air arrival earlier this year, and because I wasn't sure what to do with the old one... And I was advised by several posters here that, for Immigration extension purposes, including a copy of the TM6 is no longer required. I also asked the Imm officer specifically about whether I needed to keep my old TM6, and she said NO... And of course, they approved my extension yesterday without me including the TM6 in my packet and without them asking me for a copy of one.
  20. I think the application site info is not specific to Thailand only. So if you were in the U.S., I believe you could take the prepaid envelope approach. But not for folks who are going to receive the book in Thailand. Also, oddly in my case at least, living a stone's throw away from the US Embassy location in BKK, when my new passport arrived last year, it arrived via a regular, cheap EMS mailed envelope. And INSIDE my EMS envelope, along with my new passport, was an UNUSED, PREPAID Thai post envelope.. So as far as I could tell, I was required to pay the add-on mailing fee basically for nothing. I don't know.,, Maybe they handle the mailouts differently when the destinations are in some farther away areas within Thailand. I just know how mine arrived only.
  21. When I did it from Thailand last year, along with paying the regular passport processing fee, I seem to recall there was a second mandatory charge added on supposedly to cover the cost of them return mailing the new passport back to me here in Thailand.
  22. A last thing for the day... Here's the PDF files of the four misc. Immigration rules/statements one-page sheets that BKK CW wants signed along with the various other retirement extension paperwork. They're also typically available upon request in paper form from the Immigration Information counter just inside the main entrance of the BKK CW Immigration office area. 1 Ret Exten Overstay Penalties Form (blank).pdf 3 Ret Exten Statement 3 (blank).pdf 2 Ret Exten Statement 2 (blank).pdf Updated Statement #4 link posted later in this thread.... https://aseannow.com/topic/1304561-2023-trip-report-for-retirement-extension-via-thai-bank-deposit-at-bkk-cw/?do=findComment&comment=18311094
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