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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. The FBI agents had legal search and arrest warrants for this guy, because he had publicly threatened to assassinate the president, vice president and other government officials.
  2. Another Republican non-believer from your camp: Marjorie Taylor Greene indicated support for executing prominent Democrats in 2018 and 2019 before running for Congress (CNN) -- Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene repeatedly indicated support for executing prominent Democratic politicians in 2018 and 2019 before being elected to Congress, a CNN KFile review of hundreds of posts and comments from Greene’s Facebook page shows. ... In one post, from January 2019, Greene liked a comment that said “a bullet to the head would be quicker” to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In other posts, Greene liked comments about executing FBI agents who, in her eyes, were part of the “deep state” working against Trump." https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/26/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-democrats-violence/index.html
  3. It's perhaps easy to dismiss this guy as a lone, aberrant nutjob... And the same with the Jan. 6 rioters/insurrectionists... But let's remember who actually has lit the anti-government, grievance-filled fire under all these types and has mobilized them into action -- Donald Trump: "Robertson referred to himself as a “MAGA Trumper,” a reference to former President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, and also posted threats against top law enforcement officials overseeing court cases against Trump." https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/09/utah-man-threatens-biden-fbi-killed-00110554 "“If you go after me, I’m coming after you!” Trump wrote in all caps Friday afternoon on Truth Social, which is run by a media company he co-owns." https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/04/feds-alert-judge-to-trumps-if-you-go-after-me-im-coming-after-you-post-00109944
  4. The news reports indicate the FBI were attempting to serve an arrest warrant on this guy for exactly that. "The FBI in Salt Lake City said the shooting occurred around 6:15 am. local time while special agents attempted to serve arrest and search warrants at a residence in Provo." "Robertson was facing three counts, according to the complaint -- interstate threats, threats against the president, and influencing, impeding and retaliating against federal law enforcement officers by threat." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/man-killed-fbi-raid-connection-threats-biden-officials/story?id=102138966 Public threats to assassinate the president of the U.S., vice president and various law enforcement/prosecutors are not legally protected free speech, and never have been.
  5. And lead-up background from the AP: "Clark said Robertson had a collection of perhaps 20 guns, though he noted that that wasn’t unusual for the area." ... "According to court documents, two FBI agents came to Robertson’s house after the initial warning about him from Truth Social in March. ... "In a Facebook post days later cited in the affidavit, he said, “To my friends in the Federal Bureau of Idiots: I know you’re reading this and you have no idea how close your agents came to ‘violent eradication.’” https://apnews.com/article/utah-biden-fbi-assassination-threat-ba3cc1d3b2f6cca8bd429febdcf04219
  6. The report below by Politico indicates this nutjob was armed at the time of the shooting. And the following as well: "Robertson referred to himself as a “MAGA Trumper,” a reference to former President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, and also posted threats against top law enforcement officials overseeing court cases against Trump." ... Robertson’s posts indicated he did appear to own a long-range sniper rifle and numerous other weapons, as well as camouflage gear known as a “ghillie suit,” investigators said in court records. ... “The time is right for a presidential assassination or two. First Joe then Kamala!!!” authorities say Robertson wrote in a September 2022 Facebook post included in the filings." https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/09/utah-man-threatens-biden-fbi-killed-00110554
  7. The Jan 6 crowd must have missed that memo. Along with a goodly portion of the gun-toting, Confed flag waving MAGA crowd.
  8. Watch out for falling concrete above!!! Shades of the Lat Krabang overpass....
  9. Another unparalleled success ( ???? ) for the Thai criminal justice system here, as per the following report on this case from the TH Daily News newspaper: Per Google Translate: "In addition, it was found that Mr. Jack had 4 arrest warrants in the case of "indecent acts against children under fifteen years of age". whether the child consents or not" according to various areas. And found a history of indecent acts of the same nature 7 more times in the areas of Samran Rat Police Station, Bang Rak Police Station, Nang Loeng Police Station and Pathum Wan Police Station." https://www.msn.com/th-th/news/national/ผมเห็นชุดแล้วกระหาย-แจ๊คหื่น-ยอมรับหื่นจริง-ตระเวนล้วงจับอวัยวะเพศนร-หญิง/ar-AA1eYZv8
  10. The online 90-day reporting submission system is a centralized portal... But, AFAIK, the actual approvals are done at the various individual geographic Immigration office levels. Which means that some places may be faster and others slower, and those things may change from time to time.
  11. This is the most recent COVID vaccination info I can find from the BMA in Bangkok dated August 3. Note that they're offering bivalent versions of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines at various district public health centers around Bangkok: [translation via Google Translate] "Open for walk in and registration through the QueQ app. Every Wednesday except public holidays, accept walk in Time 09.00-15.00 Every Friday, except public holidays, receive walk-ins and register through the QueQ app. Time 09.00-15.00 For more information, call 0 2203 2883 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM." https://www.facebook.com/informationcovid19/posts/pfbid02WTgWsemdGVHrAv3U9pANDSShARx6rgV4twUBfKub99MqApEyheaEiPLfgoQ1AmEBl The instructions in the graphic below say foreigners residing long-term in Thailand should bring either their passport or TH pink ID card as a form of identification. (Typically these kinds of free government-offered COVID vaccinations have not been available for free to tourists).
  12. That's a LONGGGG wait! Never heard of an online submission taking that long at BKK CW... Wonder if something is awry there at present. I submitted mine online the other day at the very beginning of my 15 days ahead of deadline eligibility period.... Got the acceptance (not approval) notification by email the next day. Will report back here when / if my approval notification arrives. Last time in March, my online submission took 3 business days from submission to approval.
  13. AFAIK, in recent years, they've become much more strict and restrictive about allowing third parties into the secured areas of the Embassy/ACS service areas. Part of their whole heightened security measures because of terrorism threats, etc.
  14. The bivalent COVID vaccines, both Pfizer and Moderna flavors, have been available and used in Thailand for many months now. I don't know about what MoPH has been using for the Thai general population out in the hinterlands lately... But at least here in BKK and specifically for the farang oriented vaccination centers, they all have been offering the bivalent vaccines (already long in use in the West) for some time now... largely supplies I believe that were donated to Thailand by various foreign governments like France and South Korea. What's less clear/unknown, is just what the Thai MoPH is or isn't going to do for the NEXT cycle of COVID vaccinations beyond the current bivalent ones that are already available here. But, to be fair, the MoPH lately has done a pretty poor job of publicizing just where and when the COVID vaccines will actually be available, especially in terms of any communications aimed at the non-Thai reading population. The little communicating they have been doing has mostly been in TH language.
  15. Surprised they'd let you in for the wife's interview, Lopburi (albeit at the request of the Embassy officer doing the interview)... How long ago was that encounter?
  16. The current vaccines that have been in use for some time now are the bivalent version, aimed at both the original version of the virus and a later Omicron variant. The original version of the virus is pretty much no longer circulating, and everything these days is pretty much some version of the Omicron variant... Thus the change for the upcoming vaccines to a monovalent version specifically targeting XBB.1.5. The original version of the virus is no longer relevant/pertinent. The current versions of the bivalent vaccines were aimed at now mostly declined prior Omicron variants (BA versions) that preceded the more recent XBB.1.5. version. "The bivalent COVID-19 vaccines have two mRNA components: one of which corresponds to the original strain of the virus that is broadly protective against COVID-19 and the other corresponds to the omicron variant BA.4 and BA.5 lineages to provide better protection against COVID-19 caused by the omicron variant." https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/covid-19-bivalent-vaccines The COVID virus has continued mutating/changing since its arrival, just like the flu virus changes somewhat every year, as do the annual flu vaccines. Thus, the COVID vaccine makers and the various public health authorities are periodically updating the versions of the vaccine provided to the public to provide the best possible protections against the currently circulating variants.
  17. When my Thai wife got her US tourist visa several years back, the Embassy staff who interviewed her were little interested in her various personal financial details (even though we provided them all), and were MOST interested in my history of residence in Thailand, specifically, my long series of annual retirement extensions here. In fact, they wanted her to present my U.S. passport so they could see all the various extension stamps, as an indicator of my/our ongoing Thailand residence. Also helpful was a letter of invitation written by my parents in the U.S. at the time inviting my Thai wife to come to visit and stay with them -- a letter that was submitted as part of her application package, and a copy she carried with her to her Embassy interview.
  18. When it comes to Thais applying for U.S. tourist visas, I think the best any paid agent can do is make sure the applicants have filled out all the info correctly and followed all the required steps. AFAIK, other than that, agents have no role in improving one's chances of success with the U.S. Embassy. They can't even go inside when the Thai citizen goes in for their Embassy interview, nor can the American spouse. It's not like Thai Immigration, where agents have the ability to smooth over certain things.
  19. Best you hope you don't' end up on the losing end of Thai "street justice" somewhere down the line..... Doesn't take much... Wrong place, wrong time... and you might well find yourself in their shoes.
  20. Hope the video gets spread far and wide in British and other international media.... So prospective tourists can see what lurks behind the "smiles."
  21. Bar bouncers are private citizens, not police... They have the right to escort/remove unruly patrons from a private establishment / private property. But once out on the public street, they have no special rights or entitlements. They're just ordinary private citizens at that point, just like the Brit patrons. In short, they have the right of reasonable self-defense. They don't have the right to launch an all-out physical assault on, at a certain point, defenseless citizens laying crumpled on the ground. Doesn't matter who started things inside or what led to the removal of the two Brits from the bar, right or wrong. What happened outside was inexcusable.
  22. Doesn't matter what happened inside the bar or who started the fight outside the bar. But for argument's sake, let's just assume, speculating, the Brits were at fault in both. Even if they were, ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for multiple Thai bouncers to continue kicking the Brits in the head and elsewhere once they were down on the ground. Their job should have been to escort them from the bar, detain them if appropriate, and any reasonable action to defend themselves, while also summoning the police.... not to launch an all-out brutal assault on customers of their bar.
  23. I believe both the U.S. and the UK are planning monovalent COVID vaccines for later this fall, as follows (excerpt from the above OP): "Vaccine companies are making newer versions of the vaccine targeting the XBB.1.5 Omicron variant, and manufacturers have already scaled up production as they await regulatory approval." AND "In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the middle of June recommended a switch to a monovalent XBB.1.5 vaccine for fall immunization. Health officials are awaiting official recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
  24. Hahahahaha... see below, particularly the latter part (from the OP report here): "The cost for processing a Thai SMART Visa application is set at 10,000 THB annually. It’s important to remember that this amount could vary based on the local currency in the country where you are applying. Make sure to bring enough cash with you when you visit the Thai immigration office to apply for your SMART Visa. This is because some offices may not accept credit and debit cards or wire transfers." Yes, make sure to bring PLENTY of cash with you when you go to visit your local Thai Immigration office!
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