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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. The article suggests the victim was persuaded to start out transferring a small amount in pursuit of porn, and then progressively larger amounts again and again...until the net total of all the transfers supposedly reached 3MB. I'm sure people are sometimes victimized by technology. But oftentimes in a lot of these kinds of Thai cases we read about here, once you delve into the actual details, it's pure stupidity on the the part of victims voluntarily handing over large amounts of money under dubious circumstances.
  2. Folks, if you read the full article, you'll see that -- at least according to the article --this wasn't about spyware or key logging or hacking or anything like that. The victim, in pursuit of porn, voluntarily transferred his own money directly to the scammers. From the full OP: "During the tasks, the victim was lured into transferring money to the website. The web admin encouraged the victim to transfer larger amounts assuring him that he would get all of the money back at the end of the game. Eventually, the victim lost 3 million baht to the scam." It's called thinking with your little head, instead of thinking with your big head.
  3. This may not be meaningful, but it is curious.... The software site linked in the prior post doesn't indicate that it supports Windows 10 or 11: HDD LLF Low Level Format Tool "Supported OS: MS Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2003, 2008, 2008R2"
  4. I disagree about that... I think if I were still a tourist in Thailand today, I'd think it's considerably less FUN than it was in past years. And the average local less sociable and more focused on the baht above all. The years of military rule combined with the economic fall-out from the pandemic have taken their toll, IMHO, comparing now with past years.
  5. Ya, it's definitely not the extorting bent police, unrestrained air pollution, garbage left piled up on vacant lots, shoddy workmanship, military generals running the country, etc etc etc.
  6. Anyone have any personal experience of dealing with the operation there? I'd never heard that Chula Hospital had any kind of palliative care unit...
  7. I was just reading here the other forum thread about what Thailand needs to do to attract more tourism post COVID.... I think the answer, ladies and gentlemen, is staring us in the face right here. Thai ladies... take a cue!
  8. Nothing wrong with a bit of strategically placed drool...in the right setting. ????
  9. Sometimes I wonder about the level of common sense planning that goes into the rail line interconnections here.... What ought to be easy and convenient too often ends up being difficult and inconvenient. Start out with the MRT interconnect with the Airport Rail Link at Makkasan. Long haul from MRT underground up escalator to street then another escalator up to bridge level. Then a longish walk on an overhead bridge across Asoke Rd into the ARL station. Then we have the MRT interconnect with the former Bang Sue Grand Central Station connecting to new Red Line. Another longish walk and changing levels to get into Bang Sue, and then more longish walking to get to the Red Line platform. And now of course the Red Line interconnect to Don Mueang Airport... More walking on an over the roadway bridge to finally get into the terminal. It's not that any of the above are that terribly long per se. But given that all of them have airport passenger travelers as part of their customer base, it seems no one gives much thought to the travelers who are coming or going with multiple large pieces of luggage, and face having to schlep them across all of the above rail interconnects... And unlike the airports, not a single moving walkway (horizontal escalator) installed anywhere. Not very enticing. Last time I arrived at DM with luggage, I thought about taking the Red Line/MRT home... But the thought of having to drag my luggage on the multiple station interconnects just to get home made me decide to take a taxi instead. Customer lost for rail.
  10. or the operator filing a criminal police complaint against the customer/reviewer for defamation.... which certainly has occurred here... and which the country's laws allow.
  11. ACI says ‘alarming increase’ in airfares, not airport charges, a threat to recovery By Alfred Chua12 June 2023 Trade body Airports Council International (ACI) has doubled down on warnings that “excessive” airfares – instead of airport charges, which has recently come under fire from airlines again – are threatening air travel’s recovery. Director general of ACI Asia Pacific Stefano Baronci flagged the “alarming increase” in airfares in Asia-Pacific. International airfares, in particular, have seen a 50% increase in the September-December quarter of 2022, compared to the same period in pre-pandemic 2019. ... In its latest statement, the ACI states: that airport operators – especially those in India, Thailand, Japan and Mainland China – have continued to report negative EBITDA, even while major carriers in the region, like Singapore Airlines and Qantas, have reported record profits." https://www.flightglobal.com/air-transport/aci-says-alarming-increase-in-airfares-not-airport-charges-a-threat-to-recovery/153660.article
  12. I've lived here for MANY years... But my comments on airline ticket pricing were comparing 2019 (pre COVID) with now.... I had no intl travel during the COVID years, so no basis to compare.
  13. You do realize, by watching and endorsing her content, as the OP article here claims, you're "tarnishing the image and reputation" of Thailand??? ????
  14. Back for many years right up until COVID, I could pretty regularly find RT flights on my preferred airline between BKK and the West Coast US for under $1000. Last month, I was lucky to find the same flight for anything under $1500.
  15. https://www.tiktok.com/@huanxi59 So, more than 1 million views apiece on several of her baht bus TikTok clips -- far more than any of the other similar type content she's posted. Thailand is being very very good for this young lady.
  16. I think it's important to remember that people who actually live here see the place thru a somewhat different lens of experience and awareness than the tourist who merely pops in for maybe a couple of weeks per year. Thinking back to my past tourist days here, the attributes that stand out in my mind are ones like CHEAP, EASY and FUN. Back then years ago, easy to travel visa exempt, air fares and hotels not expensive, and my encounters with the locals back in those days were more pleasant and genial. Today, while it still may be easy to come, the airfares certainly are not cheap, the hotels have become less so for the quality of what's provided, and I'd argue the FUN element has declined considerably over the years. My perception is, the Thais you're likely to interact with have largely lost the prevailing sense of "sanuk" that used to pervade this place. Perhaps it's partly due to years of military rule, their policies to curtail the nightlife, the economic declines and financial struggles brought about by the COVID pandemic, etc etc. These days, rather than the focus on how to have happy and satisfied tourists, it seems to be on how the locals can make a quick buck thru whatever means, and attitudes toward service, safety and infrastructure upkeep that are marginal at best.
  17. Not to mention, Biden also has NOT tried to foment an illegal insurrection against his own country and its established rule of law. That counts as one pretty big positive in my book.
  18. The news report I posted above makes it clear Biden for many years has known exactly what he was saying and why.... And it has nothing to do with any failure of memory on his part, as you baselessly claim. "In 2016, then the vice president, Mr Biden said his son’s cancer could have been caused by the toxic burn pits he was exposed to during his service in the Middle East. The New York Times reported that Mr Biden said he was “stunned” when he read a chapter concerning the death of his son in the book The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers by Joseph Hickman." https://news.yahoo.com/critics-biden-lied-son-beau-140742614.html
  19. That's a frequent and familiar right-wing attack regarding the death of Biden's son and what the president has said about it.... Not surprisingly, there's more to the topic than your posted comment above suggests: "Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015, more than five years after he returned from a year serving in Iraq. Joe Biden has attributed the cancer to Beau Biden’s proximity to burn pits in Iraq, though sometimes conceded he isn’t sure,” tweeted CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale. In 2016, then the vice president, Mr Biden said his son’s cancer could have been caused by the toxic burn pits he was exposed to during his service in the Middle East." https://news.yahoo.com/critics-biden-lied-son-beau-140742614.html
  20. Fact check: Studies do show face masks and lockdowns slow the spread of COVID-19 March 2, 2021 "Social media users have been sharing posts online that claim there is no evidence that face masks or lockdowns slow the spread of COVID-19. This claim is false. Examples can be seen here , here and here . ... VERDICT False. Lockdowns and face masks have been proven to slow the spread of COVID-19. The CDC and the WHO recommend the use of face masks, social distancing, frequently washing hands and other measures to reduce the spread." https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-masks-lockdowns-covid-idUSKCN2AT3JQ
  21. The real lesson here should be.... government officials AND the general public should take seriously public health measures that helped prevent deaths and kept more people from being hospitalized from COVID. The UK government officials who enacted the correct-for-the-time and recommended COVID public health measures as laws or policies -- and then proceeded to ignore them in their own lives -- should get all the scorn and derision they deserve.
  22. Also, contrary to claims by some posters here, there were very substantial number of people dying from COVID around the world during 2020 who weren't in the oldest 80+ age group. Yes, the 80+ group was the largest single group, but lesser but still large numbers of people in their 50s, 60s and 70s also were dying from COVID during the 2020 period referenced here.... not just the very oldest folks as has been claimed. See the following WHO age breakdown chart for reported, official COVID deaths worldwide during 2020, with deaths shown in the right-hand column: Although the above graphic appears to show COVID deaths in the 40-49 age group as relatively small, the actual death numbers in the chart for that age group for 2020 were 41,057 men and 20,201 women. The age 50s, 60s, and 70s COVID death counts as shown are even larger, and people in those age groups absolutely were at risk at the time, as the chart shows. Source link:
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