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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. Except such a will, in the absence of other pertinent information, isn't going to inform anyone it's presented to, such as a bank manager, as to whether there may be a subsequently written/executed will that superceded the one illegitimately being presented. But with a registered amphur will, there's going to be one and only one validly registered will at any given time. They're not going to keep versions A, B, C, D etc on file for the same willmaker.
  2. I think you're talking a different issue. Your comment above seems to be about what countries are or are not covered by your policy. The discussion you were responding to was whether the poster's medical policy was ISSUED by a Thai arm of Cigna or their Global entity.
  3. The presence of illegal cigarettes is "MORE shockingly" than all of the previously listed offenses such as counterfeit passports and fake visa stamps and illegal betting?
  4. The standard advice is to have separate wills specific to whatever individual countries the willmaker has assets in.... And, to have a local executor in the countries involved.
  5. In your example above, you don't specify that that case involved an actual amphur will... where the original certified will is kept on file at the amphur office. But in the more general case assuming it was an amphur will, it would have been up to the will maker to revoke/cancel whatever prior will he had on file with the amphur and replace it with a new one reflecting his current/latest circumstances. I don't see any risk/flaw in the amphur will process regarding all that... unless the will maker simply drops the ball.
  6. Yikes! Good that you followed up to check with UOB as to what they were actually going to do... Bad that your hired Thai attorneys didn't work that out and verify the outcome as part of the supposed service they provided. But even with switching to SCB or any other Thai banking company, there's always going to be a risk given the vague/loose way the Thai banks seem to have this structured. One bank manager may give you the answer you want today... But 5 or 10 or 20 years from now when your admin actually needs to use the amphur will at the bank, who knows what manager will be in charge there then and what policy they will follow...
  7. By your reference to "them", are you referring to MyUSA, or any of the other shipping services mentioned in the thread?
  8. The latest report perhaps "cleaned up" to help preserve Thailand's reputation as a supposedly tourist-friendly haven.... Obviously, it should have been Faris's Day Off... ????
  9. You're leaving out the possibility of her meeting up with a Tom GF... which I guess could include getting "pumped"... depending on their style... ????
  10. If you mean Google Assistant, it's just a way of making voice requests/commands to a Google Assistant enabled TV, as opposed to having to click or type in what you want using the remote control.
  11. I believe it's a cost saving measure... They're planning to repurpose your older passport photocopies as scratch paper to hand out at other customers in the bank.... ????
  12. Earlier today, I did a cash deposit at a BKK Bank branch using their CDM... As always, just used my BKKB ATM card and PIN code, and nothing more than that... So if that's a form of identifying myself, it's what I've always done and still do now. It could just as easily have been my Thai wifi making the deposit instead of me, as long as she had my ATM card and knew my PIN number.
  13. It seems like the same could be said for all kinds of construction / mechanical / infrastructure things here in Thailand. (Lucky the project here didn't involve any "travelators" or escalators!) Not to mention, it's entirely possible that the initial construction was substandard from the get-go because various parties needed to take their personal cuts of the construction budget.
  14. Yes to the first part... The HH terminal for the airport bus service is just near the airport tunnel for HH Airport and also near the Post Office branch there. And for the second part, there's no "terminal" in Cha Am, just the bus stopping on the main road near the Government Savings Bank branch there, as explained in the OP article.
  15. That's the 1000 baht question that none of the various news reports I've read here thus far seem to have clearly explained (in a way that makes any sense). The closest I can recall is some notion that one or more of her suitcase wheels got stuck at the end point of the escalator/travelator, and that somehow that pressure caused some supporting bolt connection underneath the escalator to break, and that led the unit to partially collapse and create the opening where the woman's leg got caught. Something like that?
  16. Well, at least SOMETHING good came out of this.... ????
  17. 1,155 years notwithstanding, I'll be betting he'll be out of the pokey within 2 years or so, maybe less. This is Thailand, after all, a well-known hub for financial fraud. And there's plenty of reasons it is.
  18. Unlike UTP, there's a currently operating BTS-like rail line connecting to Don Mueang that makes it pretty much accessible from most anywhere in Bangkok. (Though there is a bit of a walk from the Red Line's DMK station into the airport terminal).
  19. Just to be clear, that reference above is not a Thai government source, despite the somewhat misleading name, but rather, a website managed by the Siam Legal law firm.
  20. I don't know about whether what you say above about child abduction laws in Thailand is correct or not. Where are you getting that advice from? But, either way, while I understand your concern about the safety of your son, I'd be more than a little worried about a farang parent suddenly taking off with a Thai child absent the permission/consent of the Thai mother/parent? I believe, history here tends to suggest that the Thai authorities tend to give custody preference to the Thai mother over the farang father, at least as a starting proposition. And I'd be worried you mind ultimately find yourself in jail were the mother to object to you unilaterally leaving with the son and go to the police about it.
  21. Like dogs and fire hydrants.... every one needs to leave their mark!
  22. I wonder how much money changed hands as part of the "apology" and let's drop the whole thing?
  23. My totally without knowledge guess was going to be... someone's planning a new mall or hotel or condo project there... and all the existing occupants being forced out to make way.
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