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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. Friday 25 March 2022 Total 26,050 new COVID cases classified as --26,014 domestic patients --36 foreign traveler patients Accumulated 1,253,595 patients (since January 1, 2022) --------------------- 22,219 recovered, returned home Accumulated 1,039,777 recoveries (since January 1, 2022) 244,111 COVID patients currently being treated (record high for 2022) --------------------- 69 new COVID deaths number of serious COVID cases hospitalized with pneumonia symptoms -- 1,619 (record high for 2022). Average 21 serious hospitalizations per province Hospital bed occupancy rate nationally 26.9 percent https://www.facebook.com/informationcovid19/posts/528543855430610
  2. My comments were addressed to the positions you and your fellow poster have been taking in this thread. I have no idea what you do or don't do in your personal life. The "cough in your face" comment was a general analogy, as I said when I used it, for how people either can behave responsibly, or irresponsibly, toward others.
  3. Yes, it was eminently easy to forget, because... 1. It wasn't a Johns Hopkins study. 2. It was a "working paper" mainly written by a libertarian economist -- not a public health or epidemiology expert. And never peer reviewed, AFAIK. 3. The author's claims were more than a little suspect... And other actual experts in the field have dismissed its claims. "did this working paper really provide enough evidence to support its bold claims? In a word, no. In two words, heck no. The authors claimed that they performed a systematic review and meta-analysis. That should mean that they should have considered and included all published peer-reviewed studies relevant to the topic at hand. Yet, this working paper did not include or even acknowledge many such studies that have shown the benefits of NPI’s such as face mask wearing and social distancing without explaining why the three authors excluded such studies." https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/02/06/did-so-called-johns-hopkins-study-really-show-lockdowns-were-ineffective-against-covid-19/?sh=5c9c20bc1225 If you wanna try to make a case here, at least try to do better than recycling some discredited Fox News rubbish. @GidMK Epidemiologist. Writer (Guardian, Observer etc). "Well known research trouble-maker". PhDing at @UoW And more elaboration follows in the ensuing series of tweets.
  4. Because in a better world where people actually feel some sense of responsibility to those around them, you would NOT deliberately be doing things that would expose yourself and others to getting sick, and I would be doing the same. Your version is kinda like saying, if you don't want someone to cough in your face, then don't come in the room or don't come close to anyone else... How about instead, everyone covering their mouth and nose before they cough/sneeze... as a matter of politeness and consideration to others. That's the analogy with COVID. But hey, maybe you're the "cough in your face" type?
  5. Since I'm not a pothead, and the OP article doesn't bother to say, would someone mind giving a basic explanation of what the current law is on this, and if it's gonna change, to what and when? In other words, what are you allowed to do at home on your own vs what are you not allowed to do? Where did this poor lady go wrong with the RTP?
  6. Beg to differ, but it's not futile at all. I've gone two-plus years now living here without catching the virus, same with my Thai wife. Along the way, I've been triple vaxed and she's been doubled vaxed (both current, and not old...) to make it less likely we'll contract the virus and, if we still do anyway at some point, much less likely either of us would get seriously ill from it and become a burden on the health care system. We've consciously minimized our contact with the outside world along the way. Don't go out shopping anymore, instead rely on home deliveries. Anytime we meet anyone for a delivery or otherwise interact, we're both wearing quality N95 facemasks. The wife's Thai company fortunately has had their staff working from home for many months now, so she can stay home with me and not be exposed in the workplace or commuting. All those things have kept us safe for the past two-plus years. That doesn't mean we have any kind of guarantee the virus won't catch one or both of us sooner or later. But clearly, the sum of all the conscious, deliberate public health measures we've taken (along with the responsible stance of my wife's employer) -- pretty much everything the experts have recommended -- have served us well thus far. And because of that, we know we have not and are not thus far contributing to the spread of the virus to others. And all of that is a whole lot more productive and socially responsible than those who would say drop/ignore all restrictions and protection measures and just go about life pretending that COVID doesn't exist and hasn't already officially killed 6 million plus people (and probably a whole lot more) and counting...
  7. Except your version of "personal responsibility" is IRRESPONSIBILITY when you deliberately take actions, contrary to public health guidance, that may endanger others in the midst of a worldwide pandemic that has officially killed more than 6 million and continues to kill 25,000 or so people worldwide per week at present.
  8. "The U.S. Senate already confirmed Jackson three times for various appointments based upon her stunning credentials, most recently as an appellate judge on the prestigious United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. ... She clerked for three notable members of the judiciary, including Justice Stephen Breyer, whose seat she will fill. Jackson’s experience as a federal judge before becoming a justice rivals if not exceeds that of most of her soon-to-be colleagues, combined." https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-women-supreme-court-ketanji-brown-jackson-20220320-fknltieevngq7o4l2sjdlaynbe-story.html
  9. And that's exactly what President Biden is doing with the current nominee... Glad you've finally come to appreciate that!
  10. No black woman has ever served on the USSC. So the current nominee would be the first and only one. It's pretty sad when the various new-found "anti discrimination" advocates pop up here protesting the nomination of a black woman to the USSC... But those same folks were entirely silent on the same point thru all the past nominations when minorities and women were largely de facto excluded in favor of white men.....
  11. But you're apparently OK with the U.S. Supreme Court's history of de facto "filtering" to be almost entirely white men...
  12. Yeesh!!! Someone/ones in the Thai Army TV operation apparently think its a good idea to spread bogus Russian government invasion propaganda to the Thai people? Gives a new meaning to the term "tone deaf" in international affairs!
  13. Newly reported official COVID cases rose to their second highest daily total of the year on Thursday at 27,024, while serious COVID hospitalizations (1,553) and intubations (583) both increased to again set new record highs for the year. The Ministry of Public Health also reported 82 new deaths from COVID on Thursday, up two from the day before, but slightly down from the yearly record 88 set last Monday. Overall, official new cases, new COVID deaths, serious hospitalizations and the combined total of official and unofficial new COVID cases via ATK tests all marked increases from their comparable figures from one week prior. Total active COVID cases under care (including home quarantine and community care centers) increased to 240,249, just shy of the yearly record high of 240,339 set last Monday. Thursday's report of 27,024 official new COVID cases fell just short of the year's record high tally of 27,071 set last Friday. Thursday was only the second time Thailand's official new case total has exceeded the 27,000 mark. The new yearly high of 1,553 COVID cases hospitalized in serious condition with pneumonia type symptoms means such cases are now averaging 20 per each of Thailand's 77 provinces, though the government said its hospital bed occupancy rate was only 26.4%. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main For added context, during the peak of the Delta wave last fall, Thailand's daily COVID case count topped out at 23,418, but the numbers of serious hospital cases and intubated patients peaked above 5,600 and 1,100 respectively, and daily deaths topped 300 for a brief period.
  14. "Sak has made representations to the court about various reviews of the law in relation to his case. " I was confused before... But after reading this above, I think I understand everything clearly now..... ????
  15. Jing, you should have a bit more sympathy for any "innocent" Russians who aren't supporters or beneficiaries of Putin's regime. After all, we both know what it's like to be regarded somewhat as international lepers based on having our country led, thru no fault of our own, by a self-important autocratic ruler with nationalist stripes.
  16. NATO to bolster ranks, help Ukraine counter chemical attack BRUSSELS (AP) — NATO leaders are set to agree to station more forces in Eastern Europe to deter Russia from invading any member of their ranks and to send equipment to Ukraine to help it defend against chemical or biological attacks, the organization's top civilian official said Wednesday. Speaking on the eve of a series of Brussels summits focusing on the war in Ukraine, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said four new battlegroups, which usually number between 1,000-1,500 troops, are being set up in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. ... Stoltenberg said the NATO leaders are likely to agree to send more assistance to Ukraine, including equipment to help Ukraine defend itself against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats. (more) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/nato-to-bolster-ranks-help-ukraine-counter-chemical-attack/ar-AAVpY2S
  17. Russia says sending international peacekeepers to Ukraine would be 'very reckless' (Reuters) -Russia on Wednesday condemned what it called a "reckless" Polish proposal to send international peacekeepers into Ukraine and warned that it could lead to a direct clash between Russian and NATO forces. Poland said last Friday it would formally submit a proposal for a peacekeeping mission in Ukraine at the next NATO summit. Asked about the initiative, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: "It would be a very reckless and extremely dangerous decision." (more) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-says-sending-international-peacekeepers-to-ukraine-would-be-very-reckless/ar-AAVoXXP
  18. Talk is cheap.... Diplomatic tit-for-tat over Ukraine escalates at United Nations "UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia is seeking to blunt Western-led efforts at the United Nations to further isolate Moscow for invading Ukraine, with the Security Council and General Assembly gearing up to vote this week on competing measures on Ukraine's humanitarian crisis. A diplomatic tit-for-tat has been escalating at the world body since Russia launched what it calls a "special military operation" on Feb. 24 to destroy Ukraine's military infrastructure. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday blasted Russia's "absurd war," warning that "continuing the war in Ukraine is morally unacceptable, politically indefensible and militarily nonsensical." (more) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/diplomatic-tit-for-tat-over-ukraine-escalates-at-united-nations/ar-AAVntor
  19. Forces still stalled outside Kyiv, frostbite now an issue, missiles fired top 1,100 "For the most part Russian troops remain stalled around Kyiv at the same distances we've heard for more than a week, the official said. ... The logistical and resupply issues continue to plague Russian troops with the official noting that Russia now has concerns about fueling the ships in the Black Sea. ... "We've picked up some indications that some of their soldiers are suffering from frostbite because they lack the appropriate cold weather gear for the environment" said the official who added that some of those soldiers have been taken out of the fight as a result." (more) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ukraine-on-offensive-russian-combat-capability-falls-below-90-pentagon-update/ar-AAVo0Z0
  20. White House pledges more sanctions to impose 'maximum pain' on Russia as Biden heads to Europe ... To add to that pain, Biden plans to announce new sanctions on Thursday on most of the more than 300 Russian lawmakers who make up Russia’s lower house of parliament as well as other Russian elites, the Wall Street Journal reported. ... In addition to the new sanctions on Russian lawmakers, further restrictions will likely target oligarchs — wealthy individuals in Russia who also wield political power. ... In addition to the new sanctions on oligarchs and others, White House aides plan to "tighten existing sanctions to crack down on evasion and to ensure robust enforcement," Sullivan said. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/white-house-pledges-more-sanctions-on-russia-as-biden-heads-to-europe-135104551.html AND EU Looks to Tighten Sanctions Minus Energy The EU is considering tightening or expanding existing sanctions against Russia in coordination with the U.S., while refraining from major new steps to cut off oil and gas purchases. ... Any new measures countries can agree on would be limited in scope and possibly focused on closing loopholes, according to an EU diplomat. Amid the threat of a deepening divide over how to limit Moscow’s biggest source of revenue, another EU official said the 27-nation bloc and the U.S. could announce further asset freezes and travel bans against individuals and entities. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-zelenskiy-attend-nato-summit-071025015.html
  21. In terms of history and precedent, it's worth recalling that Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan, who wasn't doing so well with women at the time, specifically promised to put a woman on the Supreme Court, and later did! "Ronald Reagan, striving to refute charges that he is insensitive to women's rights, said today he would name a woman to "one of the first Supreme Court vacancies in my administration." "It is time for a woman to sit among our highest jurists," Reagan said in a prepared statement to a news conference here. ... Reagan appointed three persons to the state Supreme Court during the eight years he was governor of California. All were men." https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1980/10/15/reagan-pledges-he-would-name-a-woman-to-the-supreme-court/844817dc-27aa-4f5d-8e4f-0ab3a5e76865/ -------------------------------------------- --Conservatives have attacked Biden for sticking by his promise to name a Black woman to the Supreme Court. --But President Reagan did virtually the same thing Biden is now doing. --The history of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's nomination is worth a closer examination. https://www.businessinsider.com/supreme-court-women-history-reagan-biden-nominees-2022-1 ------------------------------------------------- And on the issue of Biden's promise to nominate a black woman for the Supreme Court, given the history and context of things, I'd certainly concur with the author below: "Particularly galling are the whines that white men are being discriminated against, excluded, and degraded by not being considered as Biden’s first Supreme Court nominee. The Court was established in 1789. It has had 115 justices, four have been women, two have been Black men, none has been a Black woman." https://washingtonmonthly.com/2022/02/08/donald-trump-promised-he-wouldnt-nominate-a-black-woman-to-the-supreme-court/
  22. As I've read the various reports of Russian generals getting killed in action, I've often wondered to what extent those were the result of Ukrainian military action vs. the involvement of foreign volunteers or merceneries... some of whom probably are very skilled snipers. I know NATO countries are not directly involving their militaries. But it wouldn't be the first time that military contractors were hired by one side or the other to do jobs that regular forces can't for varying reasons. Hopefully, Ukraine is managing to get or find the resources to hire only the best and in substantial numbers.
  23. Biden was simply signaling that he wanted, and America deserved, to bring some better balance to the high court... which certainly wasn't achieved by the prior president nominating and getting confirmed three staunch conservative white justices. But I don't recall any of the complainers here now complaining back then that only white people were being chosen to fill the prior court vacancies... Unless maybe they think that only white people are always the most qualified for the jobs. And BTW, who really thinks that former President George Bush's nomination of Clarence Thomas back in 1991 represented the "most qualified" person available for the opening at the time? Puleeze!!!! Supreme Court justices get nominated and selected for all kinds of different reasons by both sides not only relating to legal qualifications. "Trump appointed a smaller share of non-White federal judges than other recent presidents. About one-in-six of the judges appointed by Trump (16%) are Black, Hispanic, Asian or another race or ethnicity. That’s slightly below the proportion of non-White judges appointed by the last Republican president, George W. Bush (18%), and well below the share appointed by the last three Democratic presidents – Obama (36%), Clinton (25%) and Jimmy Carter (22%)." "No Black woman has ever served on the Supreme Court." https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/01/13/how-trump-compares-with-other-recent-presidents-in-appointing-federal-judges/
  24. And what's more, how can the wild-haired doctor in this case rule out assault when they haven't yet determined the timing of the deep cut on the leg, whether it was before or after she went into the water?
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