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Posts posted by bread

  1. thanks again Charlie

    I think I Will start to run through with her all the information tomorrow and get her to start to work out when I have come telephone calls and all those things,

    I guess my main concern is going to be the lack of bank statements but I guess I can only delay or try explaining it all in the covering letter stating the fact's as I have previously posted, what do you think?

    I still cant make my mind up what is the best option I don't really want to apply and not succeed in the first attempt as such.

    Also did you girlfriend openly answer the questions about previous employment ?

    thank's again in advance its good a least knowing that some one else has gone through the same process and come out happy the other end !!!

  2. thank you CharlieB and all its great to get some advice!!

    OK the stuff that i have and will have are going to vary from yours so I am not sure whether to delay slightly or not ?

    I now have evidence of ; two trips to Thailand with photos of both trips

    phone records of two months prior to leaving and will have phone record's two months on coming back to the UK from the last time,

    I will provide evidence of my intention to marry with details of time and place e.t.c

    I have previous Tennant agreements showing that I am soul occupier of my property and i will have a new tenancy agreement with this information again.

    I will have 2 months bank statements supporting this, as i have only just returned to UK.

    I will have a letter stating earnings from my new employer.

    I will have a letter from my mother stating she is happy and her support with photo evidance of her property maybe even her financial records if this will help? Also I can get the same form my sister again if this will help ?

    I will have some utilities bills.

    the things that are concerning me are the fact that the job statement the housing contract and the lack of bank bills will all be in the last few weeks does any one think this will cause a problem ?

    thanks again all

  3. I have thought of delaying though my concern with that is that when pregnant i know you can only fly up to about seven months so i wanted to try to get in done before then, I know that it does depend on personal circumstance but how long once applying does the visa normally take ?

    Also I have looked through the application form and it asks for job history for her, she worked sporadicly in a karaoke bar and has no really employment history does this really mater for a fiancée visa ?

  4. thank you scouse

    I have a couple of further questions that have come to light with a liltle more reading, i have now downloaded the VAF-4 form and i am trying to work out if I can fill the form in then post it and all the relevent documents to ,my partner or does she need to fill it in ?

    on the form as well it seems to refer to some start dates eg, job,housing is this all going to be ok if explained through my covering letter ?

    thanks again for a swift response

  5. Dear all

    first please excuse me if this is placed in the wrong area though I think I am in the right place.

    What i require is some information on obtaining a fiancée visa for the Uk for my partner and subjections and comments that you guys have would be greatly appreciated

    First let me tell you my situation; in July 2007 i left my employment where I had been working for seven years since leaving school (I am 26) and went to pucket after being there for a few weeks I fell for a girl and we stayed together for the remainder of my time there about eight weeks and i then returned to the uk,

    I couldn’t stop talking to her and thinking about her and after four more months working a couple of cash in hand jobs and some tempary work i went back to Thailand in the beginning of December for a further two months to really just make sure that she was the person i wanted to be with prior to asking her to come to the uk,

    i subsequently proposed to her and she is also now pregnant, on returning to the uk four weeks ago i have been Woking hard in a local restaurant as i had to save for further deposit on a house and in order to get a another permanent job prior to applying for a visa(i normally sell cars for a living)

    what i want to know i guess is will I process enough information/evidence to support a visa application in about one months time when i have got a new sales job, at the moment I have;

    A few months telephone records

    photo evidence of both trips/visa evidence

    I have an existing housing rent contract/ and will have a new one starting soon

    The items I am concerned about our my financial records I know that I can get a letter or projected yearly earnings from my future employer but I don’t have any bank statement that really show a income prior to a month ago as since July last year i have moved jobs and been paid cash.

    Also if any one can fill me in on the problems of visas while pregnant and any thing else I may have forgotten.

    any ones help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

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