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Posts posted by khaowong1

  1. At the most basic level, "Buddhist" just means a follower of the Buddha. To what extent a person follows the Buddha's teachings is up to the individual. There's no official minimum requirement and I doubt anyone would ever ask you to prove you're a Buddhist.

    Very, Very good answer... You've hit it right on the nail head. Everyone should read this again..

  2. I don't think there is such a law in the US. Lawyer-client confidentiality. There have been threads before suggesting tactics to deal with very long overstays. Not sure 5 years would be different than 25 years, technically speaking.

    Your wrong JT.. there is such a law. Although many lawyers ignore it. Lawyers are called - Officers of the Court. And they are required by law to report anything that is considered - breaking the law. Lawyer-Client Confidentiality is only for situations not about breaking the law. That's why most lawyers don't want to hear you tell them if your guilty or not. A guilly statement given to a lawyer does not qualify as Lawyer-Client Confidentiality.

  3. "Abhisit is handsome, Yingluck is beautiful. Abhisit was educated overseas, so was Yingluck. Abhisit has succeeded in politics, Yingluck has succeeded in business," Chalerm was quoted as saying.

    ''Yingluks brother is a convicted criminal on the run, who financed an attempted revolution, is an accused terrorist and square headed meglomaniac, Abhisit's brother is not'' Time keeper was quoted as saying .


  4. Of course raises will not do much to improve the performance of the old fossil crew, but it might do quite a lot towards making it more likely that more talented and skilled young Thai citizens will choose to become teachers. At the moment, it's not really enough to help someone provide for a family and make a living without some other supplementation.

    You have got to be joking?

    Ten years ago, working at Chiang Mai University, All the staff trooped into the on campus bank to cash their pay checks on the last day of every month. Farang teachers teaching 7 or 8 classes a week at 3 hours per class per week, were picking up salaries under 20K Baht, with no holiday or sickness benefits, no pensions, no involvement in field trips and so on, and they had to pay their own work permits and visas.

    Thai teachers on the other hand, with full holiday pay, sickness benefits and pensions were swanning in, jumping the queue and cashing cheques for 80 to 90,000 and teaching only three class sections per week. "Dual pricing" at its worst - in demonstrating slave labour pay rates for foreigners.

    In the English Department, the department accountant bought a Jeep Cherokee cash for almost 6 million baht despite supposedly being on a salary under 30,000. The following semester, the faculty remembered that four years previously a 20% pay rise for the 30 or so farang teachers had been approved - naturally they did not back date the discrepancy, everyone believed the "forgotten" pay rise had paid for that Jeep.

    Thai teachers do not need pay rises - they need compulsory integrity & morals lessons every week, added to intensive teacher training and attitude updating every time the students have a holiday between semesters - eventually, like in 30 years from now, things might begin improving.

    Thanks Foggy Bottom. I see this among Thai teachers a lot. Jeeps, Mercedes, Lexus etc. on salaries of 20,000 to 30,000 a month. They must be really great at saving a baht. :lol:

  5. With all due respect

    that is insane. It is an insane amount of money and after having taught in all types of schools, in various regions, I just have to ask:


    Decrepit and dilapidated ...second rate....third rate....substandard...out of date...everywhere you turn

    One would think they were underfunded...18 billion dollars???.....300 million dollars per province???


    You tell me

    I don't know where you live but in the area where I live, the head honcho drives a Mercedes.

  6. So, do the inspectors demand the girls "drop 'em" to ensure the paper has really taken a reading of their urine, or do they go to a loo with a paper strip and submit the paper strip back?

    Just interested whether these raids force an indiscreet situation to a potentially innocent person or on the other hand a 'cheat', where the girl could dip the paper into a cistern of clean water whilst she takes her pee.

    Everybody gets to pee into a small container provided by the constabulary in the privacy of a restroom stall. The liquid is then tested with the chemically-induced paper strip mentioned.

    And this is done by the Purple Pee Police. correct? :D

  7. :)

    The Saudis are building mosques, and madrassas, funding them and providing religious clerics to ensure that the boys are being raised and indoctrinated in the brutal wahabi form of Islam prevalent in Saudi.

    Before the war in Iraq, Thai muslims were receiving terrorist and military training in both Iraq and Syria. I'm not sure where they're being trained now but I'm sure it's still happening.

    If Thailand granted them independence they would slowly migrate into the next province, multiply like rabbits then start the same covert low intensity war fare we see today. They would then claim that they are victims and demand possession of that province as well. The media would report "the predominantly muslim province of _______"; They always say "predominantly muslim" because anyone that values their life would be stupid to remain. It's like saying "The predominantly muslim city of Constantinople will be changing their name to Istanbul after the successful genocide campaign reduced the Christian population by 90%".

    The whole world (not just Thailand) has become too PC to effectively deal with the expansionist nature of Islam. Sooner or later the $hit is gonna hit the fan.

    Do you mean, <deleted>, is going to hit the fan. :)

  8. TimTang,

    Your statement that Thais receive training in Terrorist camps is true - before Iraq and Syria, now the Phils and particularly Indonesia, Malaysia.

    The latest bombing happened in Yaha district, less than 2 hours from the Malaysian border. The weapons and violence are coming from Malaysian borders, and are being funded by (as you suggest the Saudis, possibly, though I have no proof of this), Muslim businesses within Thailand (I NEVER buy from someone I can see is a Muslim, even if it is the last drop of water on the planet), and drugs coming from Malaysia. How do you think they get all of those new motorbikes in the south if they have such high unemployment?

    The government should not bow to these terrorists, instead they should be closing the Muslim schools in the south, and have government run Muslim teaching institutions where the Government has complete control over what is taught - in THAI language, and Thai script writing.. none of this Malaysian writing rubbish. The border needs to be strengthened on both Thai and Malay sides, and anyone going in or out needs to be checked much like the system in USA. I’m proud of what the soldiers do, and admire the Buddhists for holding their ground.

    Appointing Muslims to power to satisfy them does not work - in my own workplace, we took on a Muslim within management, and since then his "brothers" are the only ones to receive promotion while my fellow New Zealanders sit and watch Muslims promoted above them, even though the Muslims are only new to the company. Remember, anyone who is a non believer is the enemy - they never lose sight of it, nor should we - and we should act accordingly, as they do. They would not promote us before their brethren, so why should we? The only ones who have repelled terrorist acts are Israel, and love them or hate them their example is the only way that has worked. I small city state that has repelled every terrorist organisation you can think of, and done a dam_n good job of it.

    Remember, the Muslim religion is fighting a "holy war" against Buddhists in Thailand, against Catholics in Philippines, Christians in Indonesia, Christians in Iraq, Christians (the west) in Afghanistan, Christians in Sudan, Orthodox Christians in Russia, the Chinese in western China, the government of Myanmar/Burma (from Aceh province) , and Hindus in India - that is just off the top of my head, now, tell me who is the real aggressor? Show me one other religion fighting against as many religions as this, at any one time. I don’t buy from Muslim shops, don't interact with Muslims, don’t employ Muslims, wouldn't sell my land to Muslims. This PC approach to stopping terrorism and Muslim aggression has to end if we are ever going to have peace.

    Well said. :) As a Buddhist, I don't believe in violence but turning the other cheek, so to speak. But even we Buddhists don't understand the Muslim religion. Can someone explain how this crap can come to a decent ending?

  9. The southern Muslim should have some gratitude to the Thai people and especially the <reference removed>. Thai people take them in, provide shelter, and protection from the Malay bandit. Thai people even allow Muslim to buy land (unlike Farang), and allow them 100% freedom to settle in Thailand with equal voting rights as Thai people (go ask a Kurd or Tibetan if they can vote). Give them an inch, and now they want a foot. What's next? A mile? ? ? Just imagine this story. A man was on his way back from market spot a helpless and homeless dog ran over by a bus. He pick it up, carry him home, nurse it, feed it, and provide a small shelter at the back of the house for the poor dog. He even provid it the freedom to roam around at will; unlike the chicken & pigs the owner kept. The dog survived and grew stronger everyday due to the celestial love given by the owner of the house. However, the dog think to itself. If I can chase the owner away, I will have the whole house to myself and all the food from the fridge, plus be a master of the chickens and pigs. So it began to bite the owner, trying to chase him off the house. This is no Aesop Fables or George Orwell, but kind of similar to the situation in Southern Thailand right now.


  10. Although basil is grown in tropical Asian countries and itis know that it has been in culinary use for 5,00 years. it can hardly be calleda native of Thailand.Sweet basil is used mainly in Italyand the variety used locally is known as Thai basil, an entirely differentstrain. Eggplant, properly called aubergine, is a native of the sub-continent.Chili, the fruit from capsicum, comes from South Americaand was introduced to Europe and then these parts by thePortuguese. The notion that these are Thai vegetables is very wide of the mark.

    The Nation is yet again the hub of misinformation, in thiscase understandably, since Thais have little regard for the truth – or reality .

    Dont knock the Thais for having "little regard for the truth". Your statements about the eggplant show a similar bias for being invented in Britain . Eggplant is not "properly called aubergine" except by the British.

    In India, which was the original source of eggplant, the proper name for eggplant, in English, is brinjal -- in USA, Canada, and Australia the proper name is eggpalnt.

    That is the "truth" and "reality".

    A rose by any other name is still a rose. :)

  11. Although basil is grown in tropical Asian countries and itis know that it has been in culinary use for 5,00 years. it can hardly be calleda native of Thailand.Sweet basil is used mainly in Italyand the variety used locally is known as Thai basil, an entirely differentstrain. Eggplant, properly called aubergine, is a native of the sub-continent.Chili, the fruit from capsicum, comes from South Americaand was introduced to Europe and then these parts by thePortuguese. The notion that these are Thai vegetables is very wide of the mark.

    The Nation is yet again the hub of misinformation, in thiscase understandably, since Thais have little regard for the truth – or reality .

    :lol: well said Bagwan, well said.

  12. I didn't see prices go down while the Baht was at a 13 year high against the dollar, so what's the big worry that the dollar gained almost a Baht back? When it was 42 Baht to a dollar, prices of things were less Baht then than now...

    Yes, funny that, isn't it?

    I was also expecting UK inflation to surge forward after the squib fell 25%, but it didn't.

    There are strange forces at work in the financial world of smoke and mirrors.

    I doubt we as sideline civilians, will ever know exactly how the financial world really works. It's all smoke and mirrors for sure.

  13. That's the problem with these protests, it's very easy for a 'third hand' to let off a bomb to discredit their opponents. Security isn't great, the police can barely cope, if you've got 10,000 reds marching through Bangkok from Ratchaprasong to Ratchadamneon, how easy is it for an individual to let of a bomb out of spite, kill a few reds, let the government be damned...

    All this protesting is a recipe for further disaster and the sooner the government can get the new act passed on assembly, the better. IMO these people have exhausted their right and privilege to protest and tough action is called for, let them find other effective means to express their discontent.

    I think the need to express there discontent is only for there own bemifit. It is well publizized. They would do better to work with the Government to find a solution.

    They tend to forget that the government is not giving away land just out of hand.

    In my estimation they really don't care to the yellow leaders it is only a means to stay in the public spotlight. It is a sad state of affairs when two groups notably the red shirts and the yellow shirts put there own interests first and Thailand second.

    Neither one of the groups gains by there constant disruption of honest hard working citizen's lives. Each protest alienates them a little bit more from the honest hard working citizens.

    Ironically it is needed by the members of each group. When they surround themselves with others of like mind it reinforces what they want to believe. When they are in there own local environment where the people do not carry on about it they start to become unsure of themselves. The locals are more concerned about earning a living with a few extra baht for entertainment. For a lot the entertainment dosen't even enter into the picture they can hardly get the basics.:(

    When are these two groups going to show some concern for the poor people.

    Have they ever showed any concern for the poor people? :huh:

  14. Very odd.

    It may be false, or true. It may be odd, or even. But one thing is obvious.

    The Thai solution of the problem, -

    The factory management is not at fault.

    The owner is even less at fault.

    The worker did overstay quite a bit.

    Huge fine, or imprisonment for the culprit.

    Or shut up and go back home.

    TIT :D

    Not without the Tea Money being paid. Even dead bodies and those that have been raped repeatedly don't leave Thailand without the Police and or Army being paid off. Dead and or mutilated just means you have to pay extra to get 'justice'. What a fuc_king country, maybe a step above Mexico but I'm beginning to doubt it

    Maybe a step above Mexico back in 1950, but Mexico moved on. B)

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