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Posts posted by khaowong1

  1. We may not particularly like the way he's spreading Buddhism and may remark about Buddhism doesn't do this stuff, but if he's getting the word out in a land of religous suppression, then I can't find fault. Go Buddha ... :)

  2. What a sad commentary for a country. It happens in every country, but Thailand seems to just kind of gloss over the problem or ignore it. As far a any police monitoring the internet, they seem only interested in the porn sites. But we know that the internet is looked at by the Thai authorities, why can't they pay a little more attention to what's really going on. Oh, yeah, they do. The porn sites. :annoyed:

  3. Along with quality teachers, they also need quality equipment, including books, computers, etc. I taught English in a elementary school last year, two classes, 9-12 year olds. The books were so out of date, I was using what would have been in the U.S. primers for 1st and 2nd grade children. I had to download some lessons from the internet to use. By the By, I was substituting for a lady English teacher who was out having a baby. And of course, she spoke no English. :whistling:

  4. Wow, Thai complaining about working on a farm with low pay or no pay. I can see the no pay being a crime, but low pay that's standard for any migrant laborer in any country.

    I never once seen Hmong or Vietnamese complain about low wages as they picked strawberries in California fields.

    Next thing you know, Juan Valdez will be bitching about him getting low pay and extreme working conditions to pick each individual coffee bean for you and I to savior.

    Mexican labors don't sue for low wages for picking grapes for your wine or Oranges, apples, vegetables, etc.

    Just tell Thai. If you don't like it there, then point to the ocean and say, Thailand is that way, enjoy your swim.

    A little harsh, but funny. :D

  5. It might sound overly protective to impose a curfew on the kids, but to some extent the measure is needed. It is for their own sake; for their own safety as well as preventing them from causing a public nuisance after dark. Most importantly, I don't think it's sensible for Thai children to venture out after dusk since nowadays the city and other big Thai provinces seem to be saturated with sick-minded farangs who seek to prey on minors.

    ahhh.,., so it's farangs fault that these minors are out there after 10 pm. now it makes sense. :blink:

  6. Having been to Buddha's birthplace in Lumbini (also spelled Lumpini), Nepal (for some reason, the story never clearly identifies the town) about 10 years ago, I can say that it does not need more development. There were already way too many tour buses that came to the area even back then.

    The story also mentions that they want to put a plaza up near the bodhi tree where the Buddha attained enlightenment. Unfortunately, that occurred in Bodh Gaya, which is located in India rather than Nepal.

    There is already a very nice Thai monastery there that I had the pleasure to visit.


    I just looked at the Thai monastery that David provided the link for, how in the world could you get any better than that? :o

  7. Having been to Buddha's birthplace in Lumbini (also spelled Lumpini), Nepal (for some reason, the story never clearly identifies the town) about 10 years ago, I can say that it does not need more development. There were already way too many tour buses that came to the area even back then.

    The story also mentions that they want to put a plaza up near the bodhi tree where the Buddha attained enlightenment. Unfortunately, that occurred in Bodh Gaya, which is located in India rather than Nepal.

    There is already a very nice Thai monastery there that I had the pleasure to visit.


    David, David, David... we're talking about a rich Thai investor here, who is or was in a lot of trouble with the Royal family and the current government. You really don't expect them to get all the historical facts correct, do you? :rolleyes:

  8. Are these brought with the monks when they ordain, provided by the family (before/after) or gifted by the lay community?

    Presumably not all are focused or minded on intensive study and practise of the Dhamma to the exclusion of all else.

    I can think of a monk asking a member of my family if they could pay the monthly payment for his phone. Another wanted to sell an mp3 player to get a better phone. So much for no property. Not all Wats are well disciplined unfortunately.


    in my three years as a monk in Thailand, I have never met a monk, any monk, at any temple I've been to, and I've been to many temples, who didn't have a cell phone. This includes the abbots..

  9. I agree with the World Pizza Council... the pizza company does not sell anything that resembles a pizza.. it's garbage and should'nt be called a "pizza." :blink: When my Thai friends suggest eating a "pizza" at the pizza company, I can't explain to them what a real pizza tastes like.. Even here in the U.S., Thai's don't like the taste of a real pizza, like from Domino's or Uncle Johns pizza or Pied Piper Pizza, they are so used to the junk they eat in Thailand. Maybe the should change the name to "The Seafood on a piece of crappy crust Company".

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