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Everything posted by khaowong1

  1. Not a very bright idea. Looks like you have to ride it from start to finish..
  2. Amazing isn't it? Graft, pure and simple.
  3. You will have to explain this to me: the restorative white light – which actually contains all seven colours –represents the princess’s efforts and guidance to improve and leverage the quality of life of local people in Chiang Rai and beyond.
  4. Being from Arizona... I agree 100%.
  5. Since there seems to be a temple about every mile, I don't think the villagers will be distraught for long. Since this temple is now empty, would be a good place to harbor some homeless.
  6. Drunks and Gambling addicts, yes, find some help for them. Kiddie fiddlers, put them in jail and throw away the key.
  7. And this brings up the question. Is marijuana legal or illegal in Thailand? I had the opinion it was now legal. So why are they cracking down on users?
  8. I've grown very few plants in my life, but without a flower, what's the sense of growing roots, leaves and stems?
  9. What exactly did the Thai government expect? Thai's are going to gamble on practically anything. The World Cup, a cockroach race... doesn't matter. I would be very surprised if some very big important people weren't in charge of the gambling going on and pocketing a whole bunch of money.
  10. But he can't touch it because it's in a bank account in her name only...
  11. Lets see who the PM meets. That will tell you who's the big dog..
  12. I could provide you with a dozen shreds of evidence, but you would dismiss them all. You don't like Trump and that's OK... But if you think the person we have as President now is better, there's something wrong with you.
  13. Should, but the tampering with the votes keeps happening. In order for Trump to win, the voting has to be fair.
  14. I have personally never watched a soccer game in my life.
  15. That was my thought. Number of admissions went up from 2 to 10.
  16. I agree... I saw some unwanted groping going on between ordained monks and novices when I was a monk and let the offenders know I would not go along with this behavior. I'm sure it is wide spread.
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