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Everything posted by khaowong1

  1. I really don't give a damn. It's Thailand's problem, not mine. I told all my Thai friends this would happen when he came back.. They didn't believe it was possible. They still don't. But I told them, TIT.
  2. I saw this on a post, thought someone would be interested. Much more info on the Facebook page. The Bangkok Vipassana Retreat, in collaboration with the Little Bangkok Sangha, will host Luang Por Sucitto for a short residential retreat near Bangkok on 8-12 December. Please see details here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bangkokvipassanaretreat/permalink/6279584402095626/
  3. Wait, they are passing up Kazakhstan for Thailand, say it isn't so. (sarcasm)..
  4. What am I thinking right now?
  5. What could possibly go wrong?
  6. I was thinking the same thing. ha ha ha
  7. Almost hate to bring this up, but when the US Fleet is in, they are many Navy and Marine M.P.'s wandering around Pattaya.
  8. Wow, found with 10 pills... Hang him. (sarcasm).
  9. Let me guess... they are going to install some big ass fans to blow the pollution out to sea. Sounds feasible. 🤦‍♂️
  10. So, who in your opinion should Israel be targeting for this massacre that Hamas pulled off?
  11. When you kill women and children indiscriminately, your not a freedom fighter, your a terrorist. The only way to stop them is to wipe them out. Go Israel.
  12. One of my favorite songs, when I was a monk in Lopburi, was the one about Luang Pho Koon. We would play it over and over,
  13. "The incident occurred back in 2010 when he allegedly committed a murder with a sharp weapon and slit a victim’s throat in Mueang District, Amnat Charoen Province." Yep, I would say that was intentional murder. Lol.
  14. And that place on Soi Cowboy that had that glass floor and you could sit downstairs and look up...
  15. I believe there is one on the East bank of the river, I'll do some digging for you.
  16. So, Big Tor at the helm. What's going to happen with Big Joke?
  17. Wow... at my temple, if you didn't show up for chanting or breakfast, someone went looking for you. Missing 3 to 4 days.. no way.
  18. I"ve never heard of it happening, but probably both.
  19. Most every store in the US allows customers to bring their pet dogs in the store with them. Been doing this for about 3 or 4 years now. Nothing to see here, move along.
  20. I'm surprised he didn't take a runner. But I"m guessing he had to grease a few palms for this money, so probably he got only about half that.
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