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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 6 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Unfortunately, the world hate jews and Israel, been going on for thousand of years with many  numbskulls who says that Israel hate muslims and others with yet the regurgitating the same diatribe of hatred diarrhea over and over,  

    The speech by the prime minister at the General Assembly was directed not only against the Iranians, but against their collaborators in Europe and the UN who prefer to be naive. The series of lies presented by Abu Mazen only intensified the impression left by Netanyahu's well-meaning words with determined American backing. For the first time, •

    On the platform of the United Nations General Assembly, an organization whose democratic states are a minority and the truth is pushed aside too many times, Prime Minister Netanyahu stood up yesterday and presented truth, not his "truth," but rather the truth.

    While European leaders are behaving like the three famous monkeys who do not see, hear or speak, Netanyahu reminds us that Israel sees everything, hears everything and acts and acts everywhere. Now the Israeli government has to go out with the American administration on a journey in European capitals and demand that Merkel, MaCron and May confront the intelligence findings and explain why they continue to go hand in hand with the Iranians, as if nothing has happened. 

    Netanyahu's speech began shortly after the annual speech of lies and incitement by Abu Abbas. There was nothing new in the speech of the head of the Palestinian Authority, who this year was careful not to march toward mediation and understanding, but instead focused on radicalizing positions. 

    While Netanyahu presented the truth, Abu Abbas presented lies, distortions and half-truths and tried to inflame and incite the entire Palestinian and Muslim public in relation to the capital of Israel, the prayer times at the Al-Aqsa mosque, the assassin Yigal Amir and the situation on the ground. 

    Abu Abbas broke new records this year by harming his people and continued to escape direct and effective negotiations, while Israel and the United States set facts on the ground based on reality, namely that Israel is an existing fact with Jerusalem as its capital.


    A satellite image of the Iranian nuclear arsenal Photo: Benjamin Netanyahu's Twitter page

    Netanyahu's speech this year was carried out in a new era, when Israel no longer stands alone in the United Nations and tells the truth about this body: In the past, the United States defended Israel, but the Trump government increases and challenges the incitement and unilateral decisions against Israel, Of the UN. 

    In the past two years, the United States has begun to remove the masks from the international community and organizations such as the Human Rights Council, UNRWA and UNESCO. When the world's greatest superpower is at the side of logic, common sense, and truth, for the first time one can be optimistic that the threat from Iran and its satellites like Hezbollah can be solved by political means and not only by military means...


    The world hates Zionists and therefore Israel. The red card for anti semitism is easily drawn.

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, keith101 said:

    Israel is just a Muslim hating nation and will do and say anything to produce more hate towards them when the extremists are less than 1% of the peoples of Islamic nations , i think the Israelis are more violent than anyone else and believe that they are the master race just like Hitler thought the blue eyed blonde Germans were . 

    Agree with you and admire your guts to bring it on (here).

    But allow me to warn for the 1%. The wealthy 1% get their way (world domination) and I hope that doesn't go for the extremists.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

    ...or typing with one hand while the other delicately holds a teacup with thumb and three fingers while the pinkie extends out in a curled hook.


    Us elites are terribly burdened by such exhaustive and tiresome, but necessary social conventions. sigh.

    Oh, so you also type Latin words in your posts to make yourself more important then?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Bill Miller said:

    "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”"
    From an article by Dr. Isaac Asimov in 1980.
    The cult, sadly, is not limited to the U.S., but is taking hold everywhere that the LCD is outbreeding those of intelligence and education. Yes, I have been told that "Yer degrees and high IQ don' mean <deleted>". Sadly true.

    38 years ago. Times are a changing, but you can still hang around any cult time or thing you like. Suit yourself and write some more Latin. Can also read what Rot Schild and their followers said these recent years. Aren't they bliss.

    Maybe they read this topic and can come buy my soul; for good money of course. Many have done that already, seems a habit in DC.

    I know this sounds bull but so does yours. But then I am excused as I am ignorant.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

    A bit obsessed with "radical liberals", aren't you.
    "...a radical liberal activist posing as a  lawyer..." demonstrates your egregious disregard for facts, truth, etc. Ms. Katz is not "...posing as a lawyer..." but ipso facto has BEEN a lawyer for more than 25 years, and graduated summa cum laude from her law school, and has successfully handled a number of high profile cases.
    Your cavalier dismissal of her and her accomplishments does not put you in a good light at all, in my opinion. Typical arch conservative.


    Ahh stop your bs elite typing. Typical?

    • Confused 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Michael Jackson's doctor was convicted and imprisoned.

    As for Manafort and Cohen, you really think that these are the kind of people who would engage in heroics?

    Riclag says I go off topic and so do we now. Never mind, just a short sidestep. He's not boss.

    Killers for the deep state always get away with it. Mostly after a short sentence and then they jump into the fog. And all the traitors who first worked for/with Trump are now giving away info??

    Something new for you maybe, but the game is still rolling on. What if it is all a big joke this game. Rosenstein calls what he did a joke. Yes, he is one. The Himmler resemblense is not far off.


    Let's go back to the topic: Mr. K

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Thakkar said:


    I agree that this has taken focus away from the myriad of other reasons why Kavanaugh is unsuited for this post.


    Also, since you mentioned “sex” I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone that, lest we forget, sexual assault is not so much about sex as it is about violence.

    Agree and I might add to it male supremacy. What is sex without content? Go F yourself instead.

  8. 4 minutes ago, amexpat said:

    This draws all the media attention because there is S-E-X involved.


    I think it is more important that Kavanaugh has lied under oath to congress more than once. 

    Are you referring to 2006? Was K ever officially accused and sentenced? Are you fake? Are you talking from the back of your head? Innocent until proven guilty, that should go for all of you out there who want the constitution broken up. Says the non US guy.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


    The senators opposing Dr. Ford’s demand for an FBI inquiry are decades old Republican operatives known for their strong republican views and advocacy for republican causes. Their vehement opposition to progressive Liberal policies is the hallmark of their careers. Surely, only proven Independents can be involved in this matter in any way shape or form?

    If you have prove for this: "decades old Republican operatives known for their strong republican views and advocacy for republican causes" and how many, than there is nothing in the way to not agree. Names please. On the other hand and on the other side of the political spectrum you don't find these typo's??

    Democracy fails here as the people can only indirectly (= not, same as ever) react to the decision makers.

  10. 22 hours ago, Thakkar said:


    I do not hope to be right, but I think he will not withdraw and he *will* be appointed. The GOP has the votes and this seat is one of the main reasons they (and the evangelicals) have held their noses and tolerated a president they privately detest. If so, I suspect Dr Ford will persue the matter in Maryland where there is no statute of limitation for such assaults and, for the first time, a sitting Spureme Court Justice will be under investigation for rape. It will be a shameful state of affairs for The United States.

    Though we may have different opinions, I hope you are right :-). I see your point of view, but K may have his thoughts of a future where he probably despised by at least the left wing and disliked even by a number of conservatives who have their doubts. Just a thought.

  11. 7 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Do you want a sexual predator as SCOTUS? Do you want a SCOTUS who’s carrying an accusation of sexual attacks with him that have never been cleared?


    Because if not, you should support that this accusation is being properly investigated, apart from the woman’s situation herself. 



    Anyways, I think damage has already been done. K will IMO withdraw. I mean he is tainted for life now and that is probably the whole setup.

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