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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 2 hours ago, dave moir said:

    I must admit that the police in Pattaya were very polite and friendly when I was stopped for the routine licence check on motorcycle riders! Same as in Chiang Mai! If you have the right documentation to start with there's no problem and no money exchanged!!!! Instead of moaning do the right thing and wear your helmet and get a Thai driving licence! Simple as that!!! ?

    Chiang Mai police still want to pluck you. Recently was invited to stop at a road block.

    The copper checked my DL and road tax. Nothing wrong there and then he comes up with "you were not driving to the left (moped); 200 Baht" So this was not legal and I told him I had to change lane because of parked cars and even their road block blocking the most left lane. I refused to pay and he let me go. I now always have camera on video when I get checked.

    If videoing not allowed, I still have the sound and I take his helmet number. But, I also had 'good' encounters. Nice guys even in for a chat.

    • Haha 1
  2. 17 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:


    I guess you missed the science part. Let me repeat myself.

    There is no such thing as biodegradable plastic.  None what so ever.

    Those bags that they sell, calling them 'biodegradable,' are actually just 'fall-apartable.' They are made of micro-beads of plastic held together with a corn starch binder. Still feel like plastic, will be as waterproof as plastic... but only for a short while... until the starch binder breaks down, and everything just falls apart... leaving thousands of plastic micro-beads.  Those will NOT degrade any further. They are already such a problem that the UK now prohibits their use! They are clogging up the drainage sewers all over the UK! One micro-bead isn't a problem, but they gang up together to form a plastic sludge that just won't wash away.


    So... although you may not see the plastic bags made from the starch and plastic material after a few weeks in the ground, it's still there... It's rather like a building that's been demolished with a wrecking ball... you no longer see the building, but the rubble remains. Only in the case of the micro-beads, they get eaten accidentally by small birds and fish, which get eaten by bigger birds and fish, and now YOU get to eat those.  Trust me... they are not really nutritious, and certainly not healthy.


    So while you may think you are being earth-friendly by using Rimping bags, it really isn't so. If you want to be part of the solution, rather than contributing to the problem, pick up one of those canvas bags and keep it in your car or bike. Or... shops are now selling nylon bags that, when empty, fit in your pocket, but expand to hold more than one big plastic shopping bag. There really is no excuse these days to contribute to the plastic pollution problem other than selfishness.

    Thanks for enlightening me. Never to old to learn.

    • Like 1
  3. That said, Rimping bags were already heavily bio degradable. Watch what happens when you use a bag for longer storage.

    Bags are also very handy for your daily household waste.

    Where else would you put stuff like that?

    • Like 1
  4. On 8/22/2018 at 10:59 PM, EL159 said:

    People on here so DUMB. Dont you understand, its not "Macho" to "demand" a plastic bag. Its about taking a degree of responsibility for the state of the world we live in!

    Go find yourself another forum to call 'people on here so DUMB'

    At least we are not as dumb as you laying our will on others.

    Smells like authoritarian behavior.


    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    That comment shows that you know absolutely zip about bikes.  You going to say my son's 150cc PCX is a "Big Bike"?  What a joke.  

    >"I would think capping the motocy at 125cc and anything above that is considered a "big bike" "<

    So that's your statement, not of the poster you are reflecting on.

    Well, a PCX 125 or 150 is indeed to 'much' for a youngster; let's say under 18.

    But whatever system you might introduce, there is always opposition, but I agree that being able to ride a real motor bike compared to a 'moped' needs extra skills or experience. 

    Another system in Thailand??? 

  6. 3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I store my medications in a refrigerator. Not that I ever go past the use-by date; however, I think it makes sense to treat them kindly.

    Refrigerators tend to be humid inside

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  7. On 8/18/2018 at 1:53 PM, Chivas said:

    Tramadol is pretty useless for back pain or headaches for that matter (not that you would take for the latter)

    I got meds at home dating back to 2011 which I keep because they come in handy rather than needing a precription from GP at home. Bear in mind though tempertures much lower in uk

    Am sure someone else can advise further

    Can second this. Expiry dates are good for turnover. Not that I am an expert on this, but I believe that dry ingredients pressed into a pill can last for quite a while.

    Also every person is different and reacts to medication in a different way. I get no pain relief from Tramadol. For me Diclofenac works in most cases.

  8. On 8/18/2018 at 10:13 AM, Peterw42 said:

    To be legal. That would involve setting up a company etc, capital, 3 Thai employees etc, then the company employs you. Someone has to employ you, either your own company or another.


    That is not correct.

    Following goes for simple companies, let's say Pop and Mum Co. Ltd.

    -You are married to a Thai wife (in this case).

    -You must already have a spouse extension.

    -The wife sets up a company.

    -The foreigner can be (preferenced) share holder together with a third person who doesn't necessarily have to be an employee. So three share holders.

    -Owner/director (your wife) owns more than 50% of the shares. So it is not Your company.

    -Company capital 1 Mill ThB, not necessarily deposited.

    -On personal skills the foreigners can go for the work permit. Before, you needed special skills but requirements have eased recently.

    -You would not need 3 Thai employee's.

    -There is no such thing as employment for the foreigner, i.e. working contract, official payments and such.


    Probably more items to mention but I keep it this far.

    There are even smarter ways to go forward, but I have no detailed info about that.


    If someone won't believe me, as happened before, then how come I was in this situation and other people I know have done the same procedure.


    There may be extra bennifits if you set up a 'big' 2 to 3 million company with Thai employees, but I don't see this is in the interest of the OP




    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Bundooman said:

    Damned if he does - damned if he doesn't. He's not my favourite cup of tea - but the relentless harpies on this Forum  appear to have nothing better to do than sneer at every Thai person, every Thai attempt to do anything and everything and then sneer at those who agree with how Thailand is trying to emerge as a nation; irrespective of the corruption that is instilled in most people who live here and accept it as normal. You aren't going to change it - so why not lay off the senseless criticism and grow up yourselves!

    Thai bashers, Trump bashers; must be in their dna. Might be even the same kind of people.

    Yes, I know, there are no self bashers. Let's bash all the bashers then? Nah, forget it.

  10. 8 hours ago, keith101 said:

    Why do the Police not arrest these gangs and get them off the streets , the Thai way of dealing with these people contributes to the problem in that they then believe they can do what ever they want and not suffer any consequences .

    Any difference with migrant rape and riots like in France and Sweden?

    What is the police doing there?

    What police do and don't comes from their 'superiors' and above.

  11. 5 hours ago, joealx said:

    It's good, but it also gave me a peptic ulcer.

    That's bad. Funny how people differ. I had a peptic ulcer when I was 19. Actually never fully recovered, but these days can stand diclofenac.. But I usually take low doses, like 2 a day for 2 or 3 days.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 22 hours ago, Horace said:

    Even in the US, which has very strong free speech protections, calling someone a p*** creates tremendous exposure to liability to a defamation claim.  Not to be crass, but Musk is rich.  He's not judgment proof.  And Vern Unsworth has certainly suffered as a result of Musk's incredibly irresponsible tweet.  And there will be questions if Vern Unsworth doesn't respond.  I think Mr. Unsworth should sue.  No jury is going to be sympathetic to Musk after he makes that sort of claim.


    Musk's lawyers will tell him to quickly and quietly settle the claim (unless Musk has proof to back his claim, which seems extremely unlikely), and quickly settle the claim.  A quick settlement won't be cheap. Indeed, I wonder if any lawyers in the US have already offered to handle Vern Unsworth's claim on a contingency fee basis. (I would not blame them for doing so given the huge amounts involved here).   Musk's reckless tweet may end up costing him tens of millions of dollars, and it would serve him right if it did.

    Goes to show that Musk is not a man of the world, with his consideration of Thailand. As if America does not have pedo's. In fact, having read much about the elites over there, I might draw the conclusion that it is far more worth in America. How about that Musk?

    • Like 1
  13. 16 minutes ago, PoorSucker said:

    For acute gout use Indoman  (Indometacin ) as anti-inflammatory.

    Don't forget Diclofenac, anti inflammation and a good to very good pain killer. Where Tramadol doesn't affect me at all, Declofenac does wonders. That is, as one or two already said, different from person to person. And it kills the/my gout almost instantly and you can walk normally so you don't get any other anormallies lol

    • Like 1
  14. 8 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    FWIW Rimping is the only supermarket I've ever seen anywhere that has food testing facilities on site, they actively test for contaminants in the fresh food they sell, pesticides in particular. Also, if you ever complain about a product having caused upset stomach or even the slightest suspicion of food poisoning, they immediately test the product and I've witnessed this first hand. So I reckon Rimping is doing a pretty good job of trying to protect its customers, the flip flop thing seems to me to be an extension of that.

    Okay, agree with that. Seems Rimping is even cleaning up it's own mess around their supply sections as I've noticed.

    Still can't see what's wrong with the flip flops. I think it's hilarious.

  15. 37 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    Bare feet around fresh food......I can see the sense of it, despite the OP trying to give birth to a rich versus poor conspiracy theory.


    Hey OP, ever figured out why dentists require you to put on slippers before entering treatment rooms or why medical personnel wear masks, are they also class or income related issues!

    Think you missed my point. Never mind. Maybe you like nose picking personel? What can you proof in the end? Yes, Rimping personel is trained to wash their hands after toilet visit. Can you check that?

    I'd rather see floppers and w.t.h., they would never touch any food with their feet.

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