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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 49 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    About time. Why would anybody even want to go in shoes that destroys their feet, at the same time as it looks terrible and ignorant to normal behaviour.

    Would you work in flip flop in your own country? In case of a yes, would your boss like it and would you look respectable to the people you deal with?

    Can agree with you for a bit, but my own country and Thailand are like apples and pears and you pretty much know that too.

    About shoes in Thailand; yes, those distroy your feet. Odd size and all plastic. Sweat it out man.

    • Like 1
  2. Since first of June suppliers to (at least) Rimping Nim City, are no longer allowed to carry their goods inside when they go by flip flops or any kind of footware other than closed shoes or sneakers. Kid you not.

    Wonder what uptight nose is/was offended by a low salary delivery person, scratching the floor with floppers.

    Now who are the real floppers here? What is this...it is for working, not going to a diner or theatre.

    • Confused 5
    • Sad 2
  3. 9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It's amazing to me that a problem caused by lack of maintenance or not providing sufficient drainage has been infiltrated by the climate change mob. It rains every year in C M, and the city administrators never prepare for it. That's the problem, not the average temperature.


    BTW, though I ask on every climate change thread for ideas as what to do about it, the pro CC mob never have any realistic suggestions. Seems that they think if they just talk about it enough, and have enough conferences the problem will fix itself.

    In responce to my reply? I don't get it, but concerning your need for realistic suggestions, I can think of some if you allow me.

    The Thai people say Mai Phen Rai, the French say Laissez faire, maybe the Americans say What the F and I would say what can you ultimately do against forces of nature.

    If one thinks it is possible to defend living creatures against nature, then one is wrong.

    Is the opposite true? Can HAARP cause hurricanes and earthquakes or other dissaster?


    Then, there is absolutely no climate change as pushed upon us for special agenda's sake as only the change of nature is by nature's will itself. But since there is no talking to the pro climate change lobby, it's ending up as a bad marriage, fighting till the end.


    Sofar the climate change issue has let to nothing but waste of precious time talking about it to much and taking the wrong action, like enforcing the whole world with expensive measures for the sake of the multinationals and for sucking the working class for tax money.


    Of course we must be alert to things to come but what do you think a tropic/subtropic country like Thailand can do against nature. At this very moment reservoirs are already filled to the max and water must be released. Next year there is drought. How to pay for all of that? So, one should maybe accept things can turn out bad when nature has a go on us.

    I don't like it when the mains goes out at every little thunderstorm. I can curse what I want, but that won't change the way it goes in Thailand or where ever.


  4. 10 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

    Your post didn't ask any questions. In fact, beyond a few scattershot references to "Jezuit"-owned universities and the so-called New World Order, your post said nothing at all. You can go on about those non-things if you wish, but please excuse me if I change the channel. There's a rather colorful American expression that applies here, having to do with urinating outdoors in blustery conditions ...

    Yes, my post asked two questions. A question mark at the end of a sentence means that sentence is a question and the question marks were put in a reply to one of your posts.

  5. 21 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Labels are very useful when one wants to argue ad hominem. The literacy of the post of hugocnx makes me wonder

    who is babbling.

    If you read my post well, you might see that I was not labelling, but I was noticing what is happening and as such named some possibilities or stereotypes.

  6. 10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I was pointing out the literacy of your post. That's not labelling, just an observation. If you want to argue a particular point of view, it needs to be done coherently to have credibility.

    Argument ad hominem, i.e. by calling people libtards is just one of the forms of dishonest argument explained by R.H.Thouless in his book "Straight and Crooked Thinking". I don't consider myself elite just because I've read a book.

    Well, you used a latin word in an all English language forum and I have  just a small feeling that more people around this forum didn't know what it meant. Sorry, but if you come foreward with latin words here, I tend to think you are acting as a hi so.

    So sorry I didn't read the R.H. Toothless (pun) book as I might have different views on what to read. Talking about dishonest argument, I know at least where to look in this world (not you I mean). Salute you.

    • Haha 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

    Your post didn't ask any questions. In fact, beyond a few scattershot references to "Jezuit"-owned universities and the so-called New World Order, your post said nothing at all. You can go on about those non-things if you wish, but please excuse me if I change the channel. There's a rather colorful American expression that applies here, having to do with urinating outdoors in blustery conditions ...

    That says it all. Goodbye lefty. Channels are closed. Win win situation.

  8. 8 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    Sorry, not going to Lamphun.


    Wouldn't it be better to commandeer some of the air forces large vast land at CM airport that sits idle as they never fly there? They sure as heck don't need it and would be too easy to build an adjoining terminal. As for a new landing and take off strip and expanding, never mind, just a matter of que timing as it is not even near to being full.



    Think you are spot on. Military take lots of space around CNX and can do with a smaller strip to be made in the Lamphun/San Khampaeng triangle.

    Make a huge parking building instead that area and extend CNX airport building with another storey and not forget to change the infra structure, which is horrible at CNX.


    Well, rebuild all of Chiang Mai....it's to crowded anyways...LOL

  9. 3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Labels are very useful when one wants to argue ad hominem. The literacy of the post of hugocnx makes me wonder

    who is babbling.

    Freedom of speech for you and for me. Agreed? And then just now you were labelling me? Ad hominem, are you elite? I know what it means now because you wanted me to go Google it up, right?

  10. 22 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

    There was nothing in your post that I could find to answer, or to avoid.

    I noticed that mostly people on the left, call them liberals, progressives or libtards, are never bright enough to have a good answer to questions asked. Avoiding, babbeling, not having a clue and overall avoid getting into debate. Of course I am not talking about you as I would never say anything that I could not prove. You know, things like climate change, Russian collusion and many more things without prove I'd rather leave that to democrats, PC believers and agitators.

  11. It's a job's risk. Girl should have known better. No cum no pay.

    At least that's how it went in my days of fun and if failure happened to me I just payed and gave it a try in the morning. If the lovely one made me a nice breakfast for my hang over I was even as happy.

    Agreed, the girl tried a 50/50 or other arrangement, but the ass guy flipped. That's not the way to treat any woman. Hang 'm high.

  12. 4 hours ago, Telly said:

    City folk in CM for the last year,  and a year to go. 


    I need my shopping- cen fest, cen apt, Maya, KSK, Tesco superhighway, Tesco hang dong, Big C extra, Big C, Big C hang dong,  the various night markets above,  Wulai night market, Sunday night market 


    Can't forget the buffets either- Lunch grand view 199, orchid dim sum 299, ibis 179, Siripanna 199, Auf de Aui 250. Dinner retro cafe 139, countless 99, 119, 139 Mookata,  Sunday gecko 220


    Wednesday movie day- Major is the cheapest at the Cen at 80, SF squeezes you for a 100 at maya


    Gyms and pools aplenty.  Creative hunting for the free ones. 


    Daily reading on fb groups,  TV, stories online. 


    Once a week take the big bike out for a ride. 


    Busy busy busy

    How utterly boring

    • Haha 1
  13. 13 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    The hiking and cycling in CM beats every other place in the world I have lived.


    For the unfit, a gentle walk up the Pilgrims Trail to Wat Palaat, for the fit extend that walk to Wat Doi Suthep, for those who like excess, run up the Caffiene trail from Wang Bua Baan to the Hmong Village near Dui Pui.


    Many people ride road bikes from the Zoo to Wat Doi Suthep every morning (11Km up), there is also a road running behind Mae Rim to Mon Chairm (25Km up). And for a change there are many off road and on road MTB routes.


    Most days the weather is suitable for one activity or the other.

    Agreed, but you can do that kind of activity all around the world.

  14. 2 hours ago, connda said:

    I didn't move here for "The Excitement."  I moved here because it was laid back, and being Buddhist, I'm in my element here unlike 'back home.'  I'm also much more attracted to Asia women than my European counterparts of the opposite sex.  So, what's exciting to do in Chiang Mai and the surrounding provinces here in the North?  Visit wats, go on meditation retreats, and immerse in the culture.  Sight-see. Enjoy my family life with my Thai wife who is about my age and my extended Thai family. That's all laid back, just the way I like it.  And if I want to 'hang with my tribe', I take in a Chiang Mai Expat Club event.  I'm old, I'm retired, and I don't mind being around old, retired expats.  <laughs>  They're laid back too.  :smile:

    My condolesence

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