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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. pretty much spot on except the white snapper description.

    i buy them here from our local fisher for 200THB a kg and they are from the sea...

    red snapper is 150THB a kg...

    but es described above Cod is the best...

    The Brits favor Atlantic Cod and Atlantic Haddock for fish and chips.

    Rimping in Chiang Mai has nice (frozen) Atlantic Cod. Grouper (pla kao) is good - firm and flakey.

    Avoid the dreaded Mekong catfish (aka "Dory" aka Pangasius" aka "Panga") at all cost!!!

    Catfish is no Dory as Pangasius is no fresh water fish by definition.

    Point is the responsability of the company breading the fish as is done with salmon e.g.

    Food and environment make the difference when it comes to good taste.

    Gasp, many go for the lowest price and many have no taste.

  2. Most of the "Dory" fillets are not dory at all, but Catfish, to me they taste like mud or at least the filthy ponds they are reared in, I'm lucky and live close to the coast, I use fresh reef fish for my crumbed fish & chips hit.

    For anyone that doesn't believe the Dory - Catfish claim, then check your fillets, if they look like the fillet below, then it is Catfish, Dory is a clean white fillet without the distinctive blood lines running all through it.


    Dory looks like this


    Sorry to disagree.

    The red finished fish you show is a Pangasius sort of fish and yes, in many cases rather tasteless.

    Pangasius comes in a lot of varieties; an easy fish for boneless fillets and also for the pretty pricing a common used fillet for fish&chips.

  3. triple 16 is good for many purposes, even for plain grass. Thing is that leafy plants need other nutrition than fruit plants or flower plants.

    Easy to google it up.

    My advice when it comes to lawns. Don't pick up the cut grass. Leave it spread on the lawn as shield for the sun as the new cut grass burns easily and secondly cut grass particals sink in quickly and form fertilizer on it's own and care for a smooth lawn to walk or sit on.

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  4. Spend 15,000 baht on a really good samsung air filter. It has 6 different filtration systems, and filters out a lot of junk, and particulate matter. I have one, and it does seem to help.

    So now you stay at home all day? 6 different filters and once you get out of your hut you have 6 deseases from the pollution. Give me a break will ya.

    You lack an understanding of how the lungs work. They are one of the bodies most resilient organs. They regenerate all night, while you sleep, if given a break, by a device such as this one, and when you go out you are able to withstand all kinds of bombardment from pollutants, as a result. It is a singe air filter, with six different internal filters. Very effective. And I don't live in a hut. But, environmental scientists say there is as much as six times as much dust and particulate matter indoors, as outdoors, so your home can be a dangerous environment. Take your health, and that of your family seriously, or not. Frankly, it means little to me.

    Ok, can agree with you. Thanks for explanation.

    'Hut' was a matter of speech

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Will a normal household air con unit filter out stuff like that or are the particles too fine? Simon

    PM10 and below is too small for normal aircon filters. Go to Homepro and buy a bag of filtrette, made by 3M, costs about 150 baht or so. Cut that to size and cover your aircon filters, it works majic.

    +1 for Filtrete. However, the irony is that the time of year that the black soot is a problem -- i.e. Jan/Feb -- is the time of year I can l leave the doors/windows open without air con since it is nice and cool.

    Goes to show that there are people that rather live inside. Think they are right...don't see many Thai people outdoors anyway.

    That is when they are at home...edited

  6. I have a very fine gray dust that comes into my house and is on EVERYTHING, even seems to get into the pages of closed books. It is very fine like good baby powder and colored gray, almost black.

    I live surrounded by green plants for miles, no burning (except people dead), and no factory output.

    What is that stuff ?bah.gif

    If you live near a big city you will probably have the dust fall-out of that city.

    A city is hot; air goes up and spreads in the surroundings when cooling of on higher altitude.

    You are not safe wherever you go in Thailand.

  7. Spend 15,000 baht on a really good samsung air filter. It has 6 different filtration systems, and filters out a lot of junk, and particulate matter. I have one, and it does seem to help.

    So now you stay at home all day? 6 different filters and once you get out of your hut you have 6 deseases from the pollution. Give me a break will ya.

  8. Chiang Mai city is still clear and fresh. Not sure how much longer it will last. Brilliant cool season so far.

    Man!!, have you seen Doi Suthep? It's already smogged up in Chiang mai like hell and burning season has't really started yet.

    If you don't see them white fumes, there is no burning. It;s the city itself. so Pattaya, welcome to the club.

    If this country is doing nothing about the car exhaust, whatever cars from, but mostly Song Theew in Chiang Mai, better forget about it.

    Escaping means you go live in Ban Unknown and then still I wish you luck as hell do these bolan people know how to burn fresh grass.

    No, didn't mean that grass. 55.

  9. In a way OP is right. All over Thailand there is litter, dogs, dirt, noise, holes everywhere. Name some more if you like.

    Nasty maybe if you are a tourist? 'We expats' got used to it after a couple of years (really?).

    Even Hua Hin is a good place to be. You'd rather like the pollution in Chiang Mai? Come over here. Terriffic nice city, but has it's disadvantages too.

    If you are not happy with yourself, you cannot be happy in another place as well.

    • Like 1
  10. Quote:STOP calling these " The dangerous days" . The yearly death toll from the carnage

    on highways is 26,000 people per year. This works out to 71 people dying every

    single day of the year. So on any given three days of the year, 213 people will

    have die . If 190 have died in the last three days, that represents a savings of

    23 people over the norm. So I propose a name change to the "The Seven Safe

    Days". wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4XwDTX7uci

    I was about to post on this as well, but you hit the nail already.

    Media screeming on how many people dead, but they never tell you how many just dy on a daily basis.

    So no reason for concern. + or - but that's all in the game at special events.

    Remember black saterday in France when all the herds go on vacation?

    Thought Thaivisa could figure all this out for the members instead of just ringing the bell.

    All is relative as the farmer's woman said when her husband was chasing her around the table. If I can walk a little faster, I am chasing you.

    On behalf of this panicing data there is no reason at all to set up huge plans to reduce road victems just for special holidays.

    Whatever...was already far tooo late.

  11. Depends from what country you are with related preferences. Western Europe style is not that much work and gives you very delicious baked potatoes.

    Be sure to buy the ones with the little black dots on the skin. Non sweet potatoes though they don't have as much starch as European potatoes.

    Cook them for about 20 minutes, starting with cold water. Add salt to taste when water boils.

    Drain them and dry them in the same pot on a low fire.

    Leave in cooling overnight. Next day chop them up and fry in oil or butter or best both.

    That is crispy and delicious. Why that factory stuff .

  12. Lost count, she is sooo funny........................

    Well actually, when I drive the car she is so funny distracting my attention with her very witty stories.

    I then start yelling at bad driving Thais; she stops fantasycing (?) and tells me not to be so rude.

    When she is driving once in a while, she yells at every stupid move others (of course) make.

    So then I confront her with what she says about me and she smiles her teeth white. That's funny NOT.

    • Like 1
  13. The bigger the age difference the more brief the relationship.

    Well my wife is 24 years younger than me ,and only a few years older than my daughter ,we have a son ,who is 21 and have been together 22 years , my question is ,is my relationship doomed ,do you think she will leave after shuch a" brief" relationship.?

    Good for you. I think maybe it's not the age difference but the age of the two people getting married that is more important for a lasting relationship.

    My wife is 10 years younger than me. I was 37 when i got married. First and last time hopefully.

    Haha, welcome to the club.

  14. I couldn't care less since I live in Thailand for quite a while. Haha, seems the Thai make more of it than me.

    Empress hotel used to have a good Xmas buffet. Lot's of food available for different culture tastes. Not expensive as well.

    My bet is Empress, maybe for you, I stay at home and avoid the crowds (kids?).facepalm.gif

  15. The online booking system seems to be a success. All that Immigration should do in my opinion is to have (an) extra officer(s) available for the online reservations. These officers pay out for themselves so why not do it and the whole waiting and early queueing lines are gone. Win win situation. No hectic, no overwork, no stress on both sides. Immigration is big biss in my eyes and why not please your customers a bit more.

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