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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. I don't understand OP. Yeast is available in mostly all supermarkets and special stores. Just say yeast at your best Thai and they will know what you mean as it is a loan word like sapaghetti.

    Fresh yeast is looking for the holy greal.

    Spanking myself now. Fresh yeast is available at the bakery mart at Nong Hoi.

  2. Think the person in the black car was quite polite to crash the car over the railing instead of crashing into the white SUV cowardly 'running off'.

    But it was a flash...darn; maybe the white car driver didn't even realize what happened.

    Edit: At least the dash cam driver stopped and might have a helping hand???

    Why are you 3 posters so far so quick to criticise? The white car was on a sharp bend and on double lines and unable to get off the road because of the cement barrier. He/she was possibly moving around the bend to a safe place to park. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

    Think some of the posts here, as well as the "sneaking off" SUV, clearly show to what low "civilisation" did sink in the past years...

    You are right.

  3. I don't know whether it's the cold weather drawing in more tourists, or the incredibly hot weather in BKK and points south pushing them north for a little relief.

    I'd be one of them if work didn't get in the way of the important stuff.

    Doi Inthanon is a cooler place than BKK all over the year. So alot of tourist now says nothing about people seeking some relief. They'd better done that in the real hot season.

    This is again typical 'tourist attitude'. Sorry no hee ma yet.

  4. And now what....? 2days temp in the outskirts of Chiang Mai only 26.3 Celsius in the shade and in the mid afternoon. Is that cold or what?

    Forecast is still 30 degrees or up for the next week. Who is spreading these nonsences about it being cold. Wait till next year, you'll get your share.

    Well, relatively speaking of course, as already far out of Chiang Mai daily temperatures are lower as they were all year around and same for Loei or any place higher uo and more inland.

  5. Not sure..been to Crete once and I must say that the food didn't really convince me. Soups gave me a feeling like puking.

    Maybe Crete and Greece mainland kitchens are different, but I was quickly convinced this time that I'd rather frequent the international restaurants at Crete. No disappointment there. Well...same as in Thailand...one thunderstorm and way goes the electric.biggrin.png

  6. I saw several times that people were waiting at a busstop to receive a package, that's very normal.

    I would send it per EMS registered mail though, or poste restante or directly to a hotel or other address.

    By EMS is good advice. Else by Green Bus company. Quite cheap and many busses per day to Chiang Rai.

    Green Bus terminal for cargo on the junction road between Ring 1 road and super highway, coming from Doi Sakhet at left side just at the only U turn.

  7. Short fuses huh?

    And boy so much fun kicking people, probably especially in the head. Suckers and low lifes, not only here in LOS.

    Seems people all over the world seek fun out of kickking ass and leave people in hospital or even disabled.

    I need to puke.

  8. Thanks Don, I just heard from a friend who said if I take it to the Chiang Rai Air office near the Wang Come Hotel before 2pm tomorrow it will be there Friday.

    Edit: That is to the door (a hotel), 190Baht.

    How heavy is the parcel? Sounds cheap for a 'to the door' delivery.


  9. Bitterend; if your wife starts a small biss then how would she be able to prove income.

    Small biss in Thailand usually do not pay tax and don't need/don't do book keeping.

    Further more I don't know the laws here precise, but if you have an official rental contract with no end date (not renewed officially on annual basis)

    could your landlord give you notice just like that. Must be some protection here as well......duh NOT?

  10. Free beer is never a bad thing. Hope they don't take it out of the cashier's wages though.

    You can bet on that. Slime up, beat down. Poor girl, boy, khatoey.

    However, in a flash....beer is sold by the tin as well, so how could 'the system' tell who did it.

    Good trick, have to talk to some of the cashiers to make a deal 5555

  11. What else could you do. Trying to be nice and explain in your worst Thai that there was a slight problem.

    Cashier would immediately say Mai phen rai for not loosing face, so end of story all is the same.

    You might have felt a bit embarrased maybe, but how many times did you pay too much in a moment of mind absence to the cash register.

    Break even in the long run tongue.png

  12. Thai post would be no problem.

    You can send it to any post office where it will be stored for pickup.

    small village in upper Issan that has Post Office

    Small villages don't have post offices, they are usually in the district (amphoe) town (upward).

    "Logispost", anything from 20 kg up to 200 kg with certain size restrictions.


    20 kg max 250 Baht.

    30 kg max 270 Baht.

    Probably cheapest option next to bus transport. However, the delivery time is not set and you will not now how many days you shipment will last.

    Probably the luggage is not needed right away, so no problem there.

  13. Most probably the plane you fly with will take cargo as well. Check at their cargo desk. Normal charge for city to city cargo is 26 Baht per kg, excluding 60 baht terminal charge. If you check in the cargo about 1.5 - 2 hours befor your flight is due, then it will be a piece of cake to retrieve the cargo at your destination. Mind opening hours of cargo desk.

    If you cannot get a direct bus connection to your destination and need a transfer, I would worry very much who will take care of the transfer. My guess...no-one.

    Airport transfers go smooth.

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