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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. How long after shingles stopped? Did you use medicine for it, like Locasalen or any corticosteroid?

    How is your immune system at the moment? Low immune invites shingles or other form of herpese dissease.

    Been there..


  2. Secondary request.

    What soap to use with cold water, I expect it must have some enzymes but are not able to see it ?

    It is a different soap for cold water but it's the normal one you get everywhere here. I don't know what's in it that makes it work in cold water but whatever it is, it's been around for a long time.

    From that point of view you need to buy a special type of powder to use in a machine that uses hot water - the front loaders. It's my understanding that there's only a handful of machine powders that are suitable for hot washes.

    The water is rarely what you could call cold in Thailand, tepid or lukewarm maybe.

    I wonder why noone is considering that one of the dirtier things with washing clothes in Thailand is the rinsing water.

    The public water is full of bacteries and your rinsed and centifuged clothes still contain these bacteries.

    Specially in humid season when clothes don't get dry in short time, these bacteries have a ball multiplying.

    This is why your shirts start smelling funny after you add a bit of your own sweat.

    I am happy I decided for an all-in Electrolux about 6 years ago. heat dry our clothing pretty hot so it kills most part (probably not all, dunno) of the germs.

    So ladies, this is my story. Some more cake?

  3. In 1991 just after the ceasefire in Iraq a British convoy was attacked by a trigger happy US Tankbuster pilot. My nephew,19 at the time was in the convoy and saw his best friend blown to bits along with 8 other Scottish soldiers. My nephew never got over the incident and hung himself a few years later. The UK courts ruled unlawful killing but the US government refused to name the pilot and 23 years later the families are still looking for justice.

    That's the American way of doing things.

    Sorry to hear about this.

    Thanks for the other responses, one point that comes up is common Americans can do basically nothing about "the machine" - we/they can vote but in practice people (up to and including the President eg: JFK in my opinion) will be killed and the murder covered up if they do anything concrete, it is out of control but the Greeks said that hubris attracts its own nemesis which I think is what is happening to US.

    SO I guess no one here is old enough to remember but I'm curious if anything like this existed between WWI and WWII, was US looked on favorably, were Americans seen as pig-headed and ignorant, etc?

    Dunno about that time span. Have to Google this up myself too.

    But probably each nation has been or is still pig headed, stubbern, ignorent or arrogant.

    Holland traded slaves, America exploited them. Many nations waged wars for their own benefit or just to wipe out people that didn't think alike.

    I come from Holland, a country that Americans only know from the so called coffee shops (drugs) and Amsterdam, but they cannot pinpoint Holland on a world map.

    No problem, Holland is just about 200 x 220 miles something and even in this small country neighbouring provinces have sort of a hate relation against each other.

    Isn't this an American saying in a quarrel? "Who loves you?"

    Kinda like that.

  4. Find a logistics company like Inter Logistics and they will forward it to Chiang Mai.

    They deliver Door to Door for a descent price. May take 2 to 3 days depending your whereabouts.

    EMS handles only packages up to 20 kg.

    10,000 Baht is a rip off by the way.

  5. (French) or European standards for butter:

    Butter is churned cream of milk.

    To be allowed to use the protected name: butter (in Europe) the product should contain at least 80% fat from milk (not the oil).

    Milk from cows contains about 4% of milk-fat.

    You'll need about 20 liters of milk to make 1 kilo of butter.

    And that is why anything that sells below (let's say) 600-700 THB per/kilo can NEVER BE REAL BUTTER!

    Note: The name Peanut butter, for example, is not allowed in Europe, therefore we call it peanut-spread or 'pindakaas' (in Dutch) using the name butter for anything else than the above product is not allowed.

    In Europe I can buy cream with a minimum 35% fat content, and turn it into butter + butter milk in 10 minutes. (some supermarket chains make a point of selling cream with 30% fat, doesn't work). I have yet to find anything that will make butter here, and if I did it would work out expensive, but not at the price quoted here.

    Yes, good option. Buy Milac cream at Makro at 125/liter and stir it up till it gets butter.

    Sift the water out one or two times and you have butter.

    Milac is 40% milkfat so you are left with maximum 400 g to 125 Baht, which is over 300 Baht a kilo.

    Good price if you want to do the labor. Allowrie has real butter packs of 220 g for about 75 - 80 or so I remember. Cannot beat the factory.

  6. But,,,yes...Yok had this real dairy butter in the black pack. That disappeared already months ago, but they still had a cheaper version of that same dairy company.

    So, you seem a bit out dated, but help is on it's way. The regular (not black) version will appear again in a month or so with any luck.

    Yok orders when they are run all out. So does every Yok and then the original company runs out of stock as no one plans ahead.

    Wait and see. Blue version like 605 Baht per 5 kilo, good stuff.

    All the rest is crap. Butter is only butter when it says so as previous posters wrote. Butter oil is none significance.

  7. What nonsense is this? Allowrie ( http://www.kimchuagroup.com/products/butter-spreads ), available is regular salted or unsalted; as well as DOZENS of spread varieties, is butter. Butter. And only Butter.

    Wrong Note the 80% is not butterfat is butter oil..a different product

    Butterfat and butter oil are the same thing.

    Not true, butter oil is an oil with butter flavor. If you know a bit of chemics, you'll know that there is such a fluid like butter flavor.

    Butter fat is the real stuff.

  8. Booting out illegals is good thing for average Thai. Illegals who work for less, have fewer benefits (if any) drive wages down across the board. IF wages went up for Thais, and there were more jobs open due to absence of illegals, perhaps efficiency and good management practices might actually evolve here. Higher pay, but actually have to work (thinking of most sales people at 7, home pro etc who just stand around or tweet all day). There would be adjustment period for sure, but should be for the better. Plus wages paid here would be spent here, not sent to neighboring countries.

    If as was mentioned in comments al over, the Cambodians already have like triple salary in Thailand. No wonder they wanna come over.

    And the Thai pay them probably half of the expectation. Call it a win win situation.

  9. I hope they deport these people and these people find better jobs/lives in their own countries, leaving the Thais to dig their own ditches, cook their own food, and wach their own clothes. How is it that the Thais eneded up with the better economy? Yes I forgot, they were never bombed and exploited like Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

    Bullocks, remember who are doing the dirty jobs in the world?

    The Mex in America, the Turks in Europe, the Thai in Arabic countries, many more examples.

    When it gets to the point we are all exploiting 'slaves'. And of course I never mentioned you sir/mam.

  10. They also do not drive them properly. Trying to run in top gear at 20km/hr does not work too well. When fuel prices spiked a few years ago Thailand bought some cheap high sulphur fuel from Russia if memory serves correct. Wonder what happened to that?

    I believe wrong gear is one of the reasons. Gas pedal goes deep and alot of halfburnt diesel leaves the exhaust.

    Remember one of my neighbors in his gasoline car. When he gave throttle after the roadbump, his engine would produce that 'pingle' sound.

    Wrong gear, but why gear down? Are we lazy or what!?

  11. Had an 11am appointment today, saw the officer at 11:15, retirement extension and reentry permit completed at 12:05. Even got a parking space inside. Not a thing to complain about and no evidence of visa agents jamming up the system.

    Oh, you are so good, what ever could happen to you.

    Even on the13 th.laugh.png

  12. I even remember now that I went in for my first spouse visa renewaL against retirement. Years ago.

    I checked in with a normal/daily queue number and within the 30 days boundary. Guess what.

    I was turned away as I came in to early, to busy right now to do spouse visa extension. Come back later. What the F.

    So, combine this with my original post and what others said about it. It is just misuse of power or what the French would call it:

    "abus de pouvoir" or fill in yourself. Detourmemant de pouvoir??
    Aside my Orinal Post, I'd like to express that the more the Imm handles, the more they gain. It is at least 1900 Baht per extension. On a standard basis half an hour for 1900 Baht. I'd like to set uo a company for that gain.
    If I was that company I'd hire some more officers to do the job and get the money flowing in.
    If whatever off topic posts are coming in, maybe it's better to close this topic.
  13. Sorry for the delay. It was early October 2013.

    That is just what he said to me. Makes sense now with all the people having problems with the system if that is also where the intermediates for money go.

    I renewed my extension at the end of September 2013. However that was for a work extension and believe she handles most of those. The middle front desk seemed to be for retirement and back desk for marriage. Just based on my browsing the room while waiting.

    Desks 5 and 6 to the right are for visa/extensions of stay for retirement, education and some more.

    Desks 3 and 4 have long time been for spouse, biss extensions.

    A work permit goes thru Labor Dept.

  14. Correct, I checked yesterday and there was even no opportunity to queue in.Every appointment was already taken and 1 day further it was already out of 100 days.

    Well, 'reserved' don't mean a thing of course. Was it really reserved or just closed by Imm for being to busy.

    If the queue online is that busy and the daily queue is that busy, Imm better do something about it.

    Worse scenario might be one ends up showing up days in a row to try to get a queue number untill one is on overstay.

  15. "There is some one else handling them and I strongly suspect he is also handling the ones for the companies that do it all for you. The more that they do the worse it will get for the people in the on line appointment. If there is a lot of ones people paid for I have a feeling they will get preference over the on line appointments."

    So I heard and it is possible that at the many occasions mentioned in this topic, this special desk was not manned.

    Maybe the officer was sick or had a training day. Well, in that case an organisation like Imm ought to have replacement staff.

    Anyways, I see alot people there hard working, but also alot doing hardly 50%.

    But then again, why were people treated like dogs; 'please sit down and wait' is all that came out of them.

    Maybe it is a loss of face thing but the same routine happened about a year ago.

    See my post above with the link to that story.

    Well, we must have been there at the wrong time as I cannot imagine actually that this is a daily routine.

    Would finally drive the officers mad.

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