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Everything posted by phetpeter

  1. If you can afford to keep going there then a change of baht buses will have to do. At least you will see a wider range of people and have less to do with police and road rash!
  2. So, he was using the restaurant as a shortcut to his abode? and they asked him to stop cutting through. He took offence to it and decided to slag them off and got his mates to do the same. and when it came on top he did a runner. Sounds as if it is going to cost him a few baht to get that sorted, and he deserves it. He will have to sort the travel cost of the police for a start, and will no doubt have his visa revoked,
  3. As we with young children know, they don't have the same ability to know when they need to go, perhaps more consideration from the parents would have been to go over the the bushes or onto the grass or a drain. but, it is a fact of life. it does no damage and is ok for a young child unless it is a no 2. Then the parent should put down some form of bag, or paper to collect and dispose of when the child is finished. But for an adult, it is a no-no.
  4. I hope the police asl to see the whole dash cam and not just the part which we have seen, perhaps on doing so the truth may be different.
  5. I understand he has an inflated ego, but, he was president of the US and because he is not from one of the families, and is a self-made man, no matter how that could be misunderstood. They certainly have got the knives out for him. He certainly needs to keep his mouth shut and allow the lawyers to do their work. If they can get murderers off, then they can certainly get him off, if he stays quiet. Plus the people spoke, made him President and perhaps he would have got a second term, if the powers to be hadn't mixed the pot perhaps, and could he be in for a second term? the people vote, but, behind the scenes, the witch hunt continues.
  6. China tour groups are bused to look, then herded to Chinese-owned establishments to spend their cash to be returned to China, Indians walk around looking for what they can have for free, or for as little money as possible, Last time I was there I couldn't believe how many empty Indian restaurants there were, plus nobody wants Indian night clubs including Indians as it means they would have to pay tourist prices and nearly every club in the walking street was one. Russians just can't handle anything that is not included in their Hotel resort, they are not social animals, and cannot function in free-for-all areas where they have to order and pay individually.
  7. I always found that out of the registered province, my local cop told me they refuse to follow up on other provinces' tickets, and the local road tax office acts the same way. Only paid my province speeding and that was once, as it was later found the local cop shop in the area had illegally placed a 60 kph sign along a 90 kph road and placed a camera to make some additional funds. If pulled over make sure there is an officer with the group of police as that is also illegal.
  8. The British Royal navy has a few ships available at knockdown prices, and so has the USA, buy them cheap and refit them in Thailand, can get 2 or 3 for the price of one.
  9. Is he mad, if the woman goes to the local police, she will be in serious trouble, May even be arrested and charged, plus get locked up? He should be offering a direct Thai helpline. and should arrange help by having them come directly to the Thai embassy and they will be safe, and he can then have the police come to take details. It is not Thailand and it is a dangerous place to report crimes and tell the police you are in debt and engaged in illegal activities.
  10. Males are at risk of cardiac events from the age of 45, and they tend to ignore warning signs until it is to late.
  11. same here after the heart attack, given some additional meds to drink, The doc told me to eat 5 bananas a day for 2 weeks. I did and everything normalized, now I eat one banana a day. Natural remedies!
  12. Stain taken before sleep will reduce that, plus I use the 12-hour diet eat breakfast in the morning and no big meal until 12 later, now and then you can nibble snacks. coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon. I am not at all into exercise, but, tend to walk around a lot and stand rather than sit down when visiting offices Etc., Your reading will change every 5 minutes, but for the blood test make sure you don't eat or drink 12 hours before the test except water, not even a cup in the morning until the blood has been taken, and by some miracle it will be correct
  13. Air Asia Thailand, runs the same as budget airlines in the UK, the difference between them is great. Both Ryan Air and Easy Jet fleece you for any infringement you take from Tickets to cabin bags and food etc.. They wouldn't last 5 minutes in Asia. Asian /Thai people would walk rather than put up with it. plus most Thais who use their service take the chance of a cheap hold bag when booking as they think about their needs and wish little confrontation. You will notice this when tourists travel with Air Asia thinking they can buck the system. The difference is they can obtain hold baggage with little extra expense. The fares are too high at present and the airline will lower prices when the government gives them some discounts on fuel taxes and landing fees, which they will do because they tend to listen to the people of Thailand. something that will never happen in the UK or Europe.
  14. So how about talking to the petrol companies who always increase the cost of fuel during holiday periods when people are forced to pay as their only way to go home is by car. forget the railway services unless you live within a few hundred kilometres of Bangkok on the main corridor routes.
  15. If the government want the airline to lower fares give them the Thai postal service contract to deliver mail over the country. cutting down the use of trucks and manpower driving up and down. plus the airline could also offer parcel and courier companies a good deal to do the same for them. it could offer the airline the right to increase flights and return and service other airports they have dropped due to low demand such as Phetchabun. mail and cargo can pay a good return as well as increase their profits and allow airfares to be lower.
  16. Domestically all these airlines seem to be only to fly north or south. There are no east to west flights. They ignore low capacity airports. Phetchabun hasn't had a flight for many years. But the airline could easily fly BKK to KK across to Phetchabun and on to Phitsanulok then back to BKK both circle route in each direction. Not everybody wants to travel to BKK. Plus they could make more money carrying parcels for the delivery companies and the Thai post along with other freight, employ more local staff and advertise better. What's wrong with flying connection via BKK to phitsanulok onto Changmia . that just a couple of ideas.
  17. The age of consent is 15 in Thailand, so, this situation could arise if the daughter perhaps had agreed to a meeting for some reward, but, the situation turned sour when perhaps the act was refused due to the time of the month, and no reward. Perhaps then in anger, the girl told her mother blah blah blah, and this is the outcome at present. Never judge a Thai from under the covers of the bed.
  18. Cash up front, No money, no honey!
  19. The Thai gal was told it was just a small kitten when I brought it, like the baby rabbits, they think are so cute. 5 months later they wonder why the cute outfits no longer fit!
  20. What about the outstanding charges against him, if released on parole will he be immediately taken to court to face those charges?
  21. Good luck with that! seeing penguins at the North polar means you have taken a wrong turn, there's a reason why Polar bears don't attack and eat penguins, do you know why?
  22. Looking like they should also have a word with the shopkeeper who seems to have taken over half the sidewalk as well. as well as the food carts in the background
  23. No matter who you are, if you give you have to stop giving them handouts, the people will move on to the next handout. This is what TK has done every time. If I stop feeding my dog her favourite treat every morning, she goes up to the neighbours and looks for a handout treat. If she gets nothing she comes back home knowing who will care for her and give her a home where is is safe and cared for. Those millions who love him, only do so for the treats they hope to get. 10k handout is the same, if they don't get it they will look elsewhere.
  24. While I agree that the teacher should not have gotten involved, I bet the kid hit his head under the desk, and that the teacher was attacked by the student and threatened or stuck by the student. perhaps in a painful region. He probably asked the student to hand over his phone and then took it. I can assure you that 90 percent of kids go mental when their phones are taken by the teacher/parent. They are addicted to them and have no self-control. As a teacher I have been offered death, and serious harm, in Thai schools you you will receive no help from others. So if you do nothing you lose the learning curve and respect from the students, and if you insist on rules, students will jump lessons, complain, and cause teachers problems. Thank goodness I have retired.
  25. What is the point of having a dog that has to be caged up? Our dog has access to the street every day, Helped a few neighbours out when a snake comes unwelcomed. she is friends with all the neighbours, even the strays go another way. but she has barked at a few, but, never has bitten or attacked anyone, my wife has made her understand right and wrong. never been on a lead, she is a dog welcomed by all. But a dog that has to be caged isn't a pet. pointless.
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