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Everything posted by phetpeter

  1. Once they heard the commisson sending info to the courts for decision, the senate and MP's decided to sit on ther fence until the next vote, and if the court does the right thing he will get voted in. Wait and see, but, if the court does the wrong thing....well
  2. When it comes to the roof and deflecting the heat, best to build a double roof with a large enough space between the top cover and the sides screened only.Your house will stay beautifully cool. Grand style build on family land is not worth the grief, on something the neighbourhood will not become friendly, and soon your wife and her family will regret their pride and lack of community. you will regret the final loss and in no way will you be able to sell nor see return for the excessively grand build that you believe will make you the man in the village. Build on a estate which will give you a resell oportunity, better to live 20kilometers away and visit the family village.
  3. Our Thai government hospital is good, sure if you turn up at 6am in the morning , peple believe they will get sooner, you have to remember that Thais may live a long way from the hospital. They have a system where blood etc, can be taken a week before your appointment. so no need to turn up until after lunch. But you will be seen by the Doctor. and if extra check ps by another department are usually arranged the same/next day or with a very short time frame and not in 2 months time as in the UK. operations or surgeical investiation are normally done within days.and if you have joined the social sercuity scheme approx 400 baht a month, its all free. I had heart attack, hospital, stent placement, and all 3monthly check ups and drugs Free
  4. Try the Thai post, firstly they are cheaper. and and the service can be just as fast. There are no hidden charges. with the same tracking, and EMS services. Depending on where you are sending.it can be a bit slower due to the actions at the destination. But, overall it is a good service.
  5. He is doing it to gain more supporters and to earn more income, normally 1000 baht fine, but, for him because he has continued to defame Thailand by uploading, he has been filming without correct visa, working without a workpermit (doing work that a Thai can do). plus without a permit to film provocative content. I think it would be better to ask immigation to arrest him, fine 10000baht and escort him to the first avaiable flight to his home country and a minimum ban for 3 years. I am sick of these u-tubers and their stupid actions.
  6. The first thing today, is visit the school, find out if the have a homework class after normal lessons. if so like my daugheters school she would stay an extra hour and do her homework, with the assistence of a teacher. If not find a teacher who does a homework class privately. look at what homework she is getting and go and speak to the school
  7. Isn't there a legal restriction on the number of passsengers those small mini buses can carry now. I am sure they are they are not allowed to carry 11 passengers?
  8. Over the years working in Thailand, I have worked with Filipina's, and they have been really nice and on occasion very romantic. until.... 2 becomes 3 or more, besides the normal working chit chat. You are out of the circle. You are in essence just a different part of the work team.
  9. They are Catering specialists, and PR managers who are in the entertainment industry. Some are even care assistance's and counsellors. Many also have the skills of health carers and hygiene officers. A few skill therapists dotted amongst them too. plus a few are aspiring actors waiting for the next big break! But, None are BAR GIRLS
  10. I agree that is an outside wall that has collapsed and hit the house. No big deal new window, abit of new cement. and replace the wall outside. big rain will do that.
  11. The Red pickup, certainly seems to be a cut and shut, plus there was no braking on the front wheels that I could see because the removal of the back part is super clean. Luckly for both drivers. still a few tack wields and it will be back on the road, next week. But I bet there is only one truck with full insurance! So whos going to pay?
  12. I have had for several years now an additional sim, data only from DTAC 200baht per month unlimited data alas if you have an Iphone you ain't got a slot for it. its 10Bbps, which used as a hotspot operates Ipad, and allows me to continue working active chat sessions without any problems.
  13. As with most banks, just go to the bank and they will set it up for you, most banks will not allow forgieners to do it on line, they want to register your photo etc., a 5 min job.
  14. Surely, by putting 4 alternators on each moving wheel, this put help recharge the power cells giving the car more distance, or is that too easy and revenue would be reduced from the charging stations that undoubtly are paying the comapnies a reward from the electric supply companies.
  15. REname: Hens4cocks and watch the feathers fly! selling hot breasts and juicy mouthing watering parsons noses. served on a bed of mixed cool cuCUMber and savoury finger licking sauce.
  16. A slight stab into the Gastronemius muscle, he should be happy she didnt stab him in the inner calf where the femoral artery is, it could have been very bad, if not life or leg lost. Still it would be interesting to find out what argument was about? Even through I bet we all have some good ideas about that!
  17. Exactly, no passport, no ID, goes to Thai embassy, gets travel document, visa expired, so leave 5000 baht from parents can buy the ticket here in Thailand, sent by email. If visa expired, I would have believed the Chinese would have taken her to the airport,
  18. What crimes you say, didn't he start the illegal killing of drug suspects, without due investigations? plus...
  19. I seem to recall that his passport was taken away and he travels on passports of other countries, so, on arrival if allowed in he would only be given a tourist visa valid for a short stay, plus he may require an entry visa which might have to be issused from an embassy. and as a person on the run, should not be issused. so, he could be reused entry. but, if he arrives he should be arrested and taken directly to prison. still he Best option would be to arrange for his grandchildren to join him in another country. Interesting to see what will happen. Now,where is Red bull gentleman, funny nobody knows where he is? Perhaps the government should offer a large reward for him, we welcome his return to serve time too.
  20. Personly, I believe the difference in Asia is that sex is a different subject to love. Most treat sex as an enjoyable or business situration. Love is a different area of emotions. So Thai's can easily take sex as a climax to an evening out, but, love is an life long envovlement. unlike in UK where the 2 are combined and easily lead to break ups. It works for me!
  21. You missed the point, He was only 15, did he have a licence to drive, I understand the law states a student of 15 can pass the test and is allowed to drive a scooter 110cc to attend school and return home. not out and about at 2am. Thailand implemented a curfew in 2007 prohibiting teenagers aged 18 and below especially in Bangkok from leaving their homes after 10pm without justified reasons. Teenagers that were not able to provide justifications for being out after 10pm would be taken to the police stations until their parents pick them up. My own daughter is 18 years old and we insist that she comes home by 11pm, except on the days she has a part-time job at a restaurant, and then one of us stays up and waits for her return, plus checking with live360.com where on her journey home she is.
  22. Where I live in Phetchabun, you nearly always find any loud music, disappeared by midnight, a sort of common nomatter what the event or occassion. never had a problem. most Thais need or want to be asleep by them. Sadly RIP your man forgot or didn't care for this reasoning. But, again no reason for his life to be ended. Location unknown and other details missing, small village the local head should have been called or the police. but as stated too little information.
  23. You would be suprised, a friend brought her 17 year old son on holiday a few years back. over the period of a week he was taken care of by two girls, for free. because for them a young lad made a nice change from the old men that normally they had to take care of, plus they were in charge, they fed him and paid for drinks, and took care of his physical needs. He had a great time.
  24. Simple answer as already been stated ...DONT go to a Honda dealership, you will find many locations who will do the job cheaper, perhaps if you had number one insurance and a cracked windscreen, it would be replaced along with the windscreen under insurance!
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