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Everything posted by phetpeter

  1. Simple if you are only coming back for 3 months, if he is living there , think, does he have full time job? if not, then he is living there rent free, has little income. just find him a room somewhere, pay 3 months rent for him, He will go, and when you leave he will move back in. try to find him a room near where here can find work or near his place of work, maybe a helping hand will do the trick instead of kicking him out to the street. Being a helping hand, may be the better of two evils,
  2. The big question is what about the outstanding court cases, If justice is to be served, will they go to court and what about sentencing on those cases if he is found guilty? An interesting situation, perhaps Red bull boy is watching the problem with interest.
  3. IF he is RP'ed then it should be that every prisoner over 65 plus those who have the same 'illness' as him, should also be pardoned, that would be fair.
  4. Always check the sellers details, how long they have been in business, you can spot a drop shipper from this, or the pre order. these are not worth ordering from as they have no aftersales help, except for the platforms return policy. and always take COD even for items from China direct, so when it arrives check the package conditions, make the delivery person wait until you carefully open a crushed or battered item, Video or photograph from the truck, if damaged refuse delivery. Thankfully 99.5 per cent of delivered goods are good, personally If I have a choice never use J&T, service times, very bad still waiting for item after 5 days, This company is mainly used by Shopee, as they can then offer free delivery. Kerry are normally the ones without due care on packages, Flash are excellent on delivery times if, you need to send something quickly make sure the main shop has it by 4pm. and condition of packages is good and so is Lex TH. But their delivery updates are poor. Finally be very careful with the social media sellers, many of them are selling rejected or seconds, so if an items sparks your fancy, check out the same items from a platform, you will find the same possibly cheaper.
  5. Yes, you are correct Alibaba own outright Lazada and has just pumped an extra 30 billion into the company. They are basically winding down AliExpress in Thailand. has not been required. Lazada will be the B2C platform and Alibaba are B2B platform. Their only competition is Shopee, and that's why they are offering free/reduced shipping as in line with Amazon, that should give you an idea of what Amazon is playing, but, will struggle hard to gain a big foothold in Thailand. They could never be able to offer same day, next day delivery all over Thailand.
  6. You don't think he hasn't been back to Thailand anytime, firstly he normally flys in a private jet, drop into Cambodia, helicopter to anywhere in Thailand, stay for a day or more, have some meetings, splash some cash, and off he goes again. Who knows, Thailand is a very porous country. He could be here already! Don't forget he has been in Cambodia, Singapore, HK in the last few weeks
  7. I use an agent who, charges less and my local immigation officer told me to pop in register my original address when done, He stated it wasn't a problem, then he stated I can do 90 day on line or just pop in, no charges, when the agent did my 90 day, there was no charge included in the first and one time fee each year. There are agency around who will milk you. My friend went to one in BKK who had all these add on fees. The agent I use is very good and operates from Khong kaen area, but will do anywhere. You can mesage me if you would like to know them. By the way, he applied for retirement with BKK agent, but, really to teach he needed to change after a few months , went to my agent who arranged to cancel retirement and got him a married extension, with out any problems. so, yes just go to a new agent whenever you wish, just remember to change back your address with local immigation office, if you are not a wanderer and have a home somewhere. and then you can do your 90 days yourself free.
  8. All police uniforms don't do up with buttons, behind is a zip, the buttons are just for show.
  9. No news about her 18 year old brother? plus father working away from home and occassionally sending home a 1000baht! Giving out her address also, would seem to be a new way for a go fund me. So, who looks after mother when she is at school?
  10. Well theres pently a blus plastic piping at the hardware store, taped together they could certainly get an Iphone into orbit!
  11. No that won't work, if you had been to their countries, you will find that they eat meat such as pork flavoured chicken bacon/ham and other pork flavoured goodies, just not made of pork.
  12. Na! Sex is sex, wife is wife. only in western culture are the two woven together. Asia thankfully one is for pleasure and relief, and the other for commitment for life.
  13. Have them sit through the 2 hours of mind numing videos on traffic rules at the driver testing office, at 10pm at night
  14. He should have mentioned that if you meet one, who hasn't worked more than 6 months, you can find a keeper! but long term bar gals, are normally a lost cause. They saying goes if they are covered in tats, colour their hair and fancy nails, it too late! Thats from the grannies up country. I met my wife in Pattaya, got married in the UK, had a child, and my decision to move back to Thailand 18 years ago, as the UK was going down the pan. We have lived middle of Thailand for over 18 years and have been together 25 years, our daughter is now in Univesity, and life is good.
  15. PLease let USA men know that copying BW in his action movies isnt cool! Nobody should have sweat soaked armpits in this day and age, Anti pers, deo or at least talc to keep them dry, plus, while in Thailand, getting out of bed in the morning and going out after having only a shower the night before, is also not cool. At least 3 showers a day, will keep you fresh, cleaner and better company!
  16. Forget the religion bit, it is a known fact that the males of arab counties, are given freedom to express themselves and do anything the family finances will allow, such as have pently of female/ drinking fun while studying or holidaying abroad, but, remember not to S..t on your own doorstep or bring any non-arab items or behaviour back.For them at present it is their summer break, same as the USA So, treat them as unruley young men as with any other country. Charge and fine them for breaking the law of the land, if they showed respect, they would not come under the gazes of the police. Note, how few if any Arab females are with them, plus most working Thai gals will be steering well clear from them, They act nearly as bad as the Indians, they will not pay, but, will want to play, only the foolish gals will think theres a chance, because they are younger, but, they need to be informed.
  17. They don't stamp your passport for a late 90day, it is only a record to confirm your residence, plus it certainly isn't 2000 for one past the seven days after, and if there is a public holiday in there too, you have every right to complain to the manager. or for some reason they took a big dislike to you?
  18. I spend 2 years in KSA, they are doing exactly what they do in their own country, because the KSA police have gone home for the night there, They come out very late at night, drive around racing, hanging around in areas just outside the city centre. In fact their driving is very bad, at first I thought new cars came with dents and damage, until you drive around and nearly every corner has serious damage. and I know that nearly all do not have a motorbike/scooter license has they are just not sold there and they wouldnt be able to drive them in the clothes they wear plus the heat and other car drivers would soon waste them. All the police have to do is stop every one of them, big fine, both the rider and the hire company.
  19. In the photo he looks to be about the same age, I honestly think it a set up, They dont seem to have any real concern, so until proven otherwise I would more likely believe its a vlog/blog or whatever it is called. If that is the case a fine for all of them, seeing that they can nolonger scream about on motorbikes.
  20. Traffic police at lights in car, motorbikes next to him , no crash helmets. Did sweet FA, too busy looking for a big truck to hassle. as for the market trucks overloaded completely ignored.
  21. Like a car, if you go into the showroom, she will rightly believe you are looking to replace for a newer model. Trying to explain that you are only going in to kick the tires, look under the bonnet, and not really interested in a test drive. would you believe her if the tables were turned?
  22. Lim Yuan Hai Government and banks, if you must phone them give them your number and ask them to call you back. Otherwise, Don't call them.
  23. Imagine the gals in Newcastle on a Friday, in walking street, it would deadly to be a man in town. In Newcastle they would also be soaked by the rain, In Walking street, they would be soaked in sweat....Ughhh!
  24. We go now and again for three or four days, Good food, great English breakfast, fun looking at the sad sacks, thinking they will spend their lives out, bedding hundreds of girls for pennies. and sitting eating alone. Still last time there the women were looking older, fatter, and tattooed way to much. Still need a deal on some threads, a late second-hand wheels some pies or a new smartphone, it is still the place to go.
  25. The problem with insulation it works both ways, when the house heats up from the walls and open door ways etc., the insulation holds the heat in. but, thank the lord for AC., and later when you hear the little feet running around making nests in the insulation. still give it a few years and you will accept that nature wants to share your home with you. Welcome the yard dog to help keep thing low key. A great dog for protecting your room agaist snakes ,rats certain birds and drunks.
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