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Everything posted by phetpeter

  1. All over Thailand every town has at least one nightclub, normally in the biggest hotel. and if you can present yourself in a clean fairly sober manner, you can follow the Bacardi Breezer rule, watch 2 bottles drunk move on to the third, smile and wait for their move towards you. Never move towards them, the men they are with could get upset, but, their move to you means a chance.
  2. I am sure that it would not happen, but, if it did and an angel messenger of the heavens did return to earth, I wonder what and who he would side with plus who would be removed. Allowing men of the world to believe they have the right to decide what is right and what is wrong, must be the biggest mistake ever, perhaps he /she has washed his hands of the whole sorrowful affair. The world will one day wipe itself of mankind if they continue to play the religion card and allow men to continue to tell others what to do. Religion in all its forms has done no country or group any good.
  3. Should have told her to cross the road, then she could have got some newsworthy vids, Like African men offering her drugs, and arab men looking to try some out for their away from home Harem. But, she didn't and now the TP can't or won't do nuthin about it.
  4. Perhaps the main reason for this stay and return is that he has a serious cancer related illness perhaps terminal, told by the medical profession in Dubia? and he decided that returning to Thailand he would be able to die as saint, worshipped by poor as a mother Thersa! for his cheap ipads for students and hopefully 10K to spend for goodies for the local temples and T-shirts emblazoned with him on them!
  5. Remember, he still has several outstanding court cases, which are not being talked about which should see him back in prison. The moment he suddenly makes a complete recovery on the date of his release, he should be immediately arrested and taken back to court for official charges to read out, and then held on remand due to previous flight risks.
  6. Sure the hospital is busy, drunks in various situations, etc. But looking at the photos and reading the story, I can't work out the timeline. But in the photos, he seems to be in A&E section and has no IV or needle drip points. As to having more blood infusions than the body holds. with no photos of him in ICU. An Essex lad who thinks he can drink the world dry, eat anything, Drink water from the tap in Thailand. And the fact he states he will go to A&E when he returns home? As to the bill I really believe that is way over the top, and unlikely that the hospital which is a government place. It only cost me 2600 pounds for in hospital treatment plus a stent when I had a heart attack, and that included two bags of blood.
  7. They should now pop down to Pattaya and check on the Indians who seem to be running lots of nightclubs in walking street and the huge number of Indian restaurants plus selling on stalls everywhere.
  8. Can't be that disabling is she wants a heavy bike like a PCX, plus you are right that the sum paid for the loss of a limb is too little, but they must have agreed.
  9. I would do the same, hold the money back, my daughter only looks for the most expensive things, a choice of motorbike a new Honda scooty and an Oppo phone, plus school fees of 11k per semester. My daughter is just starting second semester at UNi. 40 k I pay that and her accommodation charges. and I give her 1250 baht per week for expenses. If her mother is thinking like that then well and good. The 16year old is only thinking of the money for now, and not the near future.
  10. Orthopaedic Surgery is a discipline of surgery that is concerned with the axial and appendicular skeleton and its related structures. There are various subspecialties or subdivisions including fractures, arthritis's, soft tissue processes, tumors, metabolic conditions, congenital and acquired conditions. Neuro-ICU is an intensive care unit devoted to the care of patients with immediately life-threatening neurological problems. How are the two related? Unless they are saying or hinting that he has some form of cancer, that is life threatening. CAT scan, MRI, Orthopadic surgery, then staying in Neuro-ICU. They are pulling out all the stops to make things seem serious, followed by divine recovery when due to be released. or he has some form of cancer which again is life ending or again divine recovery for Feb next year. Place your wagers now! still a slipped disc can be very painfull!
  11. 400 to 500 bht per night will get you own room, if staying longer get a room from 3500 per month, OMG sleeping in a room dorm with complete stranger, sharing toilet and shower rooms with the great unwashed. There's being cheap and crazy. Lets see own room, with shower etc. with fan to save a 100 baht or full A/C and have one less beer. Sorry there is no 2nd choice from that!
  12. I am glad to hear that you use a grab rather than drink and drive!
  13. This is no longer funny, this is down right criminal, still not a word spoken or written about outstanding charges. They have enough time to rent equipment and repaint a room at the prison hospital and at least move him back inside the prison grounds. People would then feel that justice is being served. The problem is too many people are keeping quite. This is not going to end well, the minute he walks away from hospital, and then doesn't serve more time or go to court. he then opens his mouth and starts involving himself in the government, the preverbal will hit the fan for sure.
  14. Simply start with large road marking in yellow that then increase as the bend needs then change to red. Will it stop them maybe! It cheap and they can ask insurance companies to foot the bill, it would save them money to invest in accident calming areas.
  15. My wife say's its a very large grain of rice!
  16. As the old sailor knows ...'When the ship is going to sink, the Rats leave by the quickest means possible'
  17. I don't believe that they should be allowed to use doctor patient as the reason, why? because they have already stated their clinical reasons for his attendance at the hospital. So giving updates to his condition is very much in the public and legal systems interest. It was enough for them to state why he needed to go into hospital, so, it should be expected to give updated information of his situation now, explaining treatment given and his present condition, otherwise people will consider that someone or others is falsely stating and covering up the truth. Sooner or later the truth will come out and someone will pay with their freedom for this. If he wants to turnover a new leaf, then e should come clean and serve his time.
  18. They need him as an advisor on how not to get caught, and cover up all illegal actions. Still, it shows how incompetent they really are, and they are just continuing down the same path that caused the problems twice before.
  19. After 20 minutes in a pool, I would start to feel numb, a 5-second shock, hey, them Doctors are really clever, down to the second? So, 20 minutes in the pool on a very hot day, a 5-second electric shock from what? Yep! Take the offer, 'cause if you carry on with that lawyer, you bet the hotel will come up with a better defence and you will lose. As someone has stated this is not America and Thai's don't like to give up their money as quickly as US companies do.
  20. Listen! They do NOT need them. 50'60 inch smart TV in each classroom is a much better deal. Students can see and the teacher can work with them, download programs and educational information can be displayed
  21. I am more unhappy that last week they put at least 4 baht extra on the price of bread, I didn't know they get their flour from Ukraine and there is a shortage, again or is it just another company milking the people, when a fair. price would increase sales
  22. Sounds like it is time to bus the people down and voice their opinions on why he is getting 5-star treatment, bring all the families down whose relatives are not getting the same treatment and who are suffering in prisons around the country. and that he should also be behind bars not having 10 visitors a day if he is so ill, perhaps someone can find out if he also has a phone.
  23. Wait! It's an airport, the shot victim had already been taken to the hospital! So...where were the police? not out and about making sure passengers moving around the airport were OK? or more likely sitting on their backsides in a comfy backroom.
  24. Who cares their only interest is tourism, Phetchabun as an airport no flights, if airlines starting serving every all cities in Thailand, freight, postal services could use them as logistic hubs, not just for tourism but, full on business use, If done right Thailand has a lot of unused airspace. Can't go north unless you travel to Bangkok first, what a waste of resources.
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