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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. There ARE rules, but Thais always ignore them because there are no consequences to them if they do. Basically, it's anarchy out there where everyone does whatever they want. This does, though, appeal to a certain segment of the expat population who have fled the PC world and welcome not having to try too hard to keep up civilised standards.
  2. Yes, silly him expecting traffic to stop at a crossing as they do in civilised countries where it's You First instead of Me First.
  3. It has nothing at all to do with the government. It has everything to do with Thai culture, in which people 1 - believe that laws don't apply to them 2 - it is always Me First 3 - a culture in which no-one accepts responsibility for anything, ever 4 - the police are a thoroughly useless group who have no interest at all in doing the job they are paid for, as there are no consequences if they don't and they get paid anyway. TAT forgets to mention any of this in their Come To Paradise literature. And the fact that we aliens write about it is a major reason we are only tolerated at best as long-term residents, rather than act like Thais who simply look the other way and bury their head in the sand. And that is why Thailand is decades, even centuries behind many other parts of the world. Thai culture is nothing to be proud of, even though the country is the self-proclaimed greatest place on Earth.
  4. In some regards you have to admire that attitude at times. So second best is good enough? Okay.
  5. Has anyone got any idea what this cop is doing? It cries out for a caption.
  6. The law and rules are whatever the cop says they are at the time. Try arguing about it and see what happens.
  7. We aliens like to have quiet because it helps us relax, and sometimes contemplate the meaning of life (even if we never find the answer). It gives us the opportunity to think. Thais do not like to think because it can be complicated. They are also selfish and don't care what affect their noise has on anyone around them. It's a cultural thing. Me First again. By the way, the meaning of life is 1 - to find a way to do less work for more money and 2 - find clothes to wear that never need ironing. I've accomplished both so can live happy ever after ????
  8. Same old same old, then. In the real world businesses appoint the best there is wherever they're from, but in Thailand that's against the law.
  9. Also, a simple fact, is that many do not have language skills to learn Thai or any other language. That is different though to many Thais who don't know English, as they don't even want to learn. Anything.
  10. No it isn't. A pickup crossed the roadside ditch and parked itself in a field next to my house around 10 one night. The driver claimed someone had stepped out in front of him. It's a country road where few walk in the day and I've never seen anyone walking it at night. So it must have been a ghost. Or he just dozed off. Take your pick ????
  11. The police force in Thailand are unquestionably responsible for many hundreds, maybe thousands, of road deaths a year as they point blank refuse to do their job.
  12. The list refers to non-native speakers. In England they speak English so England doesn't qualify for the list. Several people who have commented about England and the USA not being on the list, not just you, need to brush up on their comprehension of the opening paragraph.
  13. You make an interesting point. There really are two levels of learning a language. Enough to communicate, and the more technical skills. My wife spent seven years at uni learning to teach English, but most of what she had to teach totally ignored the basics and was far too technical. I've been a professional writer for over 40 years and had no idea what she was teaching the kids. I'm from the UK and I guess it was advanced English, taught for 'A' levels or even at university. Certainly it was nothing that I've ever needed. If that is what is being taught to kids in Thailand it is little wonder they can't understand.
  14. For those who have commented that the English don't bother to learn another language: I have a cousin who speaks fluent German but it's actually useless. She can't get a job working with Germans as - guess what - they speak German and don't need her skills. With English it's different. English is needed in all those countries where it isn't a first language, so there is a far greater need to know English than any other language.
  15. I have a 13 year old nephew living with us. He has been learning English for seven years and still can't put a sentence together. But one month it was his turn to be top of the class and receive a certificate.
  16. I was asked by a friend of my wife to write some promotional stuff for a company she was starting. It was rejected as bad English. I'm a professional writer. My wife studied at uni to teach English. She brought home a test paper and on just one sheet of A4 it had something like 10 errors. I corrected them, she gave it to the teacher and the teacher filed it in the bin. But never mind. The PM told a group of students that they needn't bother learning English as one day all the world will speak Thai.
  17. If you're going to criticise others you might like to find out how to spell Finland correctly. There, I've saved you the trouble.
  18. Visions of grandeur. Sounds better than pathetic small-time hoodlums, which in most cases is what they really are.
  19. My post was to say that having photos on your phone of your passport page and your visa stamp proves nothing at all, as there is no evidence that both were photographed in the same passport. So, although I appreciate your post, it does not relate directly to what I wrote.
  20. How does a photo of your visa stamp on your phone marry up to your passport? It's just a photo and the stamp could be from any passport. But as the police and immigration are in effect one and the same I would expect that the police could check your status by your passport number via an app. Not sure though if Thailand is that advanced, IT-wise.
  21. The police are actually applying the law, so I guess you're in shock over that. Because can you name me any country that allows unlicensed drivers to transport paying passengers in unregistered vehicles?
  22. As they are citing the risk of more road accidents I guess that 'pushing people to drinking behind closed doors' is exactly what they are aiming for.
  23. ...but there are no indications that the dose he received nearly a year ago contributed in any way to his death.
  24. Maybe I should get a t-shirt printed - I Survived A Third Covid Dose
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