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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. But but but... The secretariat of the teachers’ council was seriously handling cases of abuse by teachers and already investigated 1,200 such cases including sexual abuse and violence against children, Asst Prof Amolwan said. (TNA) 1,200.
  2. Thailand, land of smiles, needs weapons-free zones? Great country. I can't think of any western country where they have such things. It's just a given that people don't carry weapons, especially to the pub. TAT could advertise it - Come to the land where weapons-free zones ensure your safety when you pop out for a beer. Except when they don't.
  3. I thought that sex trafficking was selling someone for sex, usually girls imported by criminal gangs from one country to another. Maybe, like so many words these day, the meaning has changed. What this actually is, is a man with money exploiting a young girl for his own pleasure. A different thing entirely. No selling involved. Meanwhile, what does her father say? No mention of him.
  4. I didn't realise that you know the dog, that it's feral and might attack people. Most of the homeless dogs I see sit around food stalls hoping for something being tossed their way. Similar to homeless people, actually.
  5. I'm flying to Dubai from Bangkok in December and the fares are 50% higher than before Covid.
  6. A place I stay at has tripled its prices since August.
  7. Just this morning I saw someone on UK news lamenting that no-one was buying from her clothes store now as people simply don't want to spend in uncertain financial times. Yet Thailand keeps burying its head in the sand, believing that millions upon millions are queuing up to jump on planes to fly across the world to visit paradise. They aren't coming, this year or next. Live with it.
  8. It is not the duty of government to dictate what hours private businesses can operate. Market forces should dictate that, nothing and no-one else. And I wonder how those employed in such places feel about working an extra three hours a night? More pay? I doubt it. Also, many employed in the entertainment business like to go out and party with their friends after work in Thai places that, somehow, are not subject to closing time rules. Later closing would not allow them to do that.
  9. Although I haven't experienced night venue noise, I do know that people adapt very quickly to noise. I once stayed in an apartment in New York City with an overhead 'subway' line outside the window. The trains screeched round a bend, but I soon found I could sleep through it.
  10. A number of drugs were found. You okay with places where drugs are found being left alone?
  11. Perhaps someone can remind Prayut that the APEC meeting isn't about him.
  12. There aren't enough prisons. I suppose they could get around that problem by getting prisoners to build more prisons.
  13. no comment Thais are taught almost from birth not to question their 'betters'. Hardly good grounding for journalists. I worked with some here, and it was always I who had to ask the questions. They are utterly useless and wouldn't last a week in the real world. One that I worked with even made three factual errors in his opening paragraph, which is quite a feat,
  14. There is an average of two people an hour killed on Thai roads, with around 80% of Thai road deaths being motorcycle riders. So this was probably just one of 20 that day who died on his bike. Not sure why some make the news but most don't.
  15. Don't you just love the Land of Smiles. Just like the Wild West 200 years ago. No different at all.
  16. Try ordering from gillette.com. If you think they are expensive and you want cheaper, then you get what you pay for - fakes. Hardly rocket science. What else do you expect?
  17. In Thailand losing face trumps everything, Even money - and that's really saying something. People are killed over it. Where I come from we learn by the age we start school to admit if we are wrong. Thais never do, up to the day they die.
  18. These trips were going on at least a decade, maybe two decades, ago. Seen videos, read reports. But for the organisers, or whoever posted on social media, to publicise what they are doing is just plain stupid. Just shut the f up and pass the word around quietly unless you want the authorities to hear of it and step in. Jeez! Why does everything have to go on the internet now?
  19. I think you misunderstand me. I'm comparing the two and saying they are two peas from the same pod. As for the PM's popularity, it is probably at the same level as the UK's PM at best. Somehow, though, being almost universally disliked doesn't prevent you becoming PM. It's a strange world.
  20. As I said, he later held an election and was elected. Same as the recent referendum by Russia in which people 'democratically' agreed that the part of eastern Ukraine that they invaded some time ago should continue to be part of Russia.
  21. Strictly speaking, he was elected when he eventually got around to holding an election. After re-writing the constitution to ensure he couldn't lose. But there is democracy, and there is democracy in the Thai (and Russian) sense, and never the twain shall meet.
  22. The two - TWO - people found to have this strain suffered no symptoms or negative effects at all. None. So why, exactly, is this article published? I suppose a headline of Two People With XBB Strain Suffer No Ill Effects doesn't make interesting reading.
  23. You clearly have a problem comprehending what you read. If you read beyond the opening paragraph at all.
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